分类 / Names
俗名 | 同种异名 | Catalog of Fishes(属, 种) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
Teleostei >
Cichliformes (Cichlids, convict blennies)
鱸形目 (Cichlids, convict blennies) >
Cichlidae (Cichlids)
麗魚科 (Cichlids) > Pseudocrenilabrinae
Etymology: Oreochromis: Latin, aurum = gold + Greek, chromis = a fish, perhaps a perch (Ref. 45335).
More on author: Trewavas.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
; 淡水 底中水层性; 深度上下限 30 - 100 m (Ref. 4967). 熱帶; 8°S - 15°S
Africa: Lake Malawi (Ref. 2, 5166, 118630). Reports from Lake Chungruru (Ref. 2, 54852) and Lake Kingiri (Ref. 2, 54852) are misidentifications of Oreochromis chungruruensis and juvenile Oreochromis squamipinnis respectively (Ref. 118638).
非洲: 馬拉威湖, Kingiri 與 Chungruru。
Length at first maturity / 大小 / 重量 / 年龄
Maturity: Lm 29.9, range 24 - 37 cm
Max length : 38.0 cm SL 雄鱼/尚未辨别雌雄; (Ref. 4967)
背棘 (总数) : 14 - 17; 背的软条 (总数) : 10 - 11; 臀棘: 3; 臀鳍软条: 8 - 10; 脊椎骨: 30 - 32. Diagnosis: breeding male black; length of head 34.4-42.4% SL; length of lower jaw 31.3-40.0% head length (Ref. 2). Teeth of jaw in 3-4, rarely 5 rows (Ref. 2,6150). Lower pharyngeal bone with restricted toothed area; median length of bone 33.0-40.7 % length of head and 1.3-1.5 times its own width; blade 1.9-3.9 times median length of toothed area (Ref. 2).
鉴别: 繁殖期的雄鱼黑色; 头长 34.4-42.4% SL; 下颌 31.3-40.0% 头长的长度.(参考文献 2) 颌的齿 3-4, 很少地 5 列.(参考文献 2,6150) 低咽骨有限制有齿的区域; 硬骨 33.0-40.7% 头长的平均长度与 1.3-1.5 倍于它的自己宽度; 倍有齿区域的平均长度的叶片 1.9-3.9.(参考文献 2)
描述: 身体的低轮廓平坦的.(参考文献 2781) 身体的深部份通常在背鳍的前端之前.(参考文献 2781,52161,55427) 头部大的.(參考文獻 2781,4967,6150,55079) 頭部的相關大小隨著成長增加。 (參考文獻 2) 顎大的.(參考文獻 2781,55079) 在狹帶狀中的小頜齒 (參考文獻 2).(參考文獻 2,2781,4967) 縮小的生齒,齒的 3-5個整齊的列了。 (參考文獻 55079) 第 4個列的在頰又偶然一些小鱗片上的 2-3個成列的鱗片.(參考文獻 54852) 低的咽骨長的-葉片 (參考文獻 55079), 細長的 (參考文獻 6150), 有凹的被支撐一個小的有齒區域 (參考文獻 2781,6150,54852,55079) 的側邊 (參考文獻 2781,52161,55427) 具有非常細齒.(參考文獻 54852) 尾鰭的有鱗塗料很少地使鰭條的輪廓陰暗.(參考文獻 55427)
體色 成熟的雄魚黑色 (參考文獻 2,2781,4967,6150,40193) 有白色的邊緣到背部的 (參考文獻 2,2781) 與時常也尾鰭與臀鰭.(參考文獻 2) 雄性在幾個第二個之內關於被警報, 在側面或頭部上轉一個白灰色, 通常有彩虹色的呈綠色或黃銅色的區域失去他們的黑色顏色。 (參考文獻 40193) 非繁殖魚是銀灰色到黃褐色-灰色的, 比較深色的在背面上, 有黑色的對側面中央的不平坦長度從背面的縱帶, 但是這些可能是暗淡.(參考文獻 2) 小的標本而雌魚有 5個黑色斑塊, 垂直地畫出, 沿著側邊而且一些具有 2 比較模糊的在尾梗上; 在比較背部的列中 vaguer 斑紋; 雌性沒有邊緣的背部條紋; 尾鰭清澈的在小的標本中.(參考文獻 54852) 稚魚是具有一個平坦的腹面的淺的身體, 持有一個 吳郭魚 -標誌時常是 dumbell-形狀的與通常包圍有黃色的有顏色, 而且有一個藍色的光輝與非常在身體上的明確垂直的黑色斑紋.(參考文獻 2781)
Occurs in all kinds of habitats but is mainly found in open water away from the coast (Ref. 5595). The most pelagic of the Lake Malawi Oreochromis species (Ref. 2, 87, 4364, 4916, 4967). Forms schools (Ref. 2, 2781). Feeds on phytoplankton (Ref. 2, 87, 5595, 10402, 42295, 52161). Female mouthbrooder (Ref. 2). It is suspected that Oreochromis lidole is now globally extinct, as it has not been positively recorded since 2007 (Ref. 118638).
出现于各种的栖息地但是是发现于主要的开放水域远离海岸.(参考文献 5595) 最大洋性的马拉威湖 Oreochromis 种.(参考文献 2,4364,4916,4967) 形成鱼群。 (参考文献 2,2781) 吃浮游植物。 (参考文献 2,5595,10402,42295,52161) 雌性的口孵者.(参考文献 2)
Life cycle and mating behavior
成熟度 | 繁殖 | 产卵场 | 卵 | 孕卵数 | 仔鱼
Seems to be sexually mature at a smaller size in Lakes Chungruru and Kingiri than in Lake Malawi (Ref. 2, 54852). Spawns off clean sandy or rocky shores (Ref. 2, 87, 2781) in deeper water (Ref. 2, 87, 2781, 5595, 6150, 40193). Territorial males build a large (Ref. 5595, 40193, 55079) sand-castle nest, with a characteristic spawning cone in its center (Ref. 2, 5595). Females congregate in schools that may number hundreds of individuals (Ref. 2, 2781, 5595). The male genital tassel, which develops together with the breeding dress and imitates a clutch of eggs, is dragged through the nest after the females has deposited some eggs, which are picked up immediately; the female probably mistakes the tassel for eggs that have been forgotten and tries to collect them as well, which results in the eggs being fertilized (Ref. 5595). Females carrying eggs in the mouth move into open, more eutrophic waters, and stay there until the young have almost lost the yolk sac; they feed little during this time (Ref. 2781). Females brood eggs/young, guarding their fry until about 52(-58)mm (Ref. 2, 2781). Females move inshore with their young for at least part of the day; the young are spat out to feed, and food (small phytoplankton) is found in the foregut before the involuted yolk-sac is fully absorbed (Ref. 2781).非洲: 馬拉威湖, Kingiri 與 Chungruru。
Trewavas, E. and G.G. Teugels, 1991. Oreochromis. p. 307-346. In J. Daget, J.-P. Gosse, G.G. Teugels and D.F.E. Thys van den Audenaerde (eds.) Checklist of the freshwater fishes of Africa (CLOFFA). ISNB, Brussels; MRAC, Tervuren; and ORSTOM, Paris. Vol. 4. (Ref. 5166)
世界自然保护联盟红皮书 (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
渔业: 商业性; 水族馆: 商业性
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Estimates based on models
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.5000 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.01318 (0.00667 - 0.02606), b=2.98 (2.82 - 3.14), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this species & Genus-body shape (Ref.
营养阶层 (Ref.
69278): 2.3 ±0.22 se; based on food items.
回复力 (Ref.
120179): 中等的, 族群倍增时间最少 1.4 - 4.4年 (K=0.18-0.52; tm=3).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): Moderate to high vulnerability (46 of 100).
Nutrients (Ref.
124155): Calcium = 13.5 [5.8, 74.3] mg/100g; Iron = 1.2 [0.5, 2.9] mg/100g; Protein = 17.9 [16.2, 19.7] %; Omega3 = 0.432 [0.150, 1.200] g/100g; Selenium = 95.6 [35.2, 222.7] μg/100g; VitaminA = 21.7 [4.8, 87.9] μg/100g; Zinc = 1.99 [1.08, 4.62] mg/100g (wet weight); based on
nutrient studies.