Classification / Names
Noms communs | Synonymes | Catalog of Fishes(Genre, Espèce) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
Anabantiformes (Gouramies, snakeheads) >
Badidae (Chameleonfishes)
Etymology: Badis: 'badis' is presumably a Bengali local name, possibly derived from 'bhedo' or 'bheda', but it lacks a proper reference. Probably incorrect etymology (J. Müller, pers. comm., April 2021, after information from native speakers); britzi: Named for Ralf Britz, Natural History Museum, London, for his contributions to the understanding of the systematics and evolution of badid fishes.
Eponymy: Dr Ralf Britz is a German zoologist and ichthyologist whose research foci are the anatomy, ontogeny and systematics of fish. [...] (Ref. 128868), visit book page.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
; eau douce benthopélagique. Tropical
Asia: Nagodi tributary of the west-flowing Sharavati River in Karnataka, India.
Taille / Poids / Âge
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 3.3 cm SL mâle / non sexé; (Ref. 101085)
Description synthétique
Clés d'identification | Morphologie | Morphométrie
Épines dorsales (Total) : 17; Rayons mous dorsaux (Total) : 9; Épines anales: 3; Rayons mous anaux: 7; Vertèbres: 28. Badis britzi can be diagnosed from all congeners by its color pattern. It differs from all members of the B. ruber group (that includes B. ruber, B. khwae and B. siamensis) by absence of cleithral and caudal-peduncular blotches, from all members of the B. assamensis group (that includes B. assamensis and B. blosyrus) by absence of an opercular blotch and of two parallel rows of dark blotches and alternating dark and light stripes along the body, from all members of the B. corycaeus group (that includes B. corycaeus, B pyema and B. kyar) by the absence of an ocellus on the caudal-fin base, from all members of the extended B. badis group (that includes B. badis, B. chittagongis, B. ferrarisi, B. dibruensis, B. tuivaiei and B. kanabos) by the absence of a cleithral blotch, and from B. singenensis by the absence of a conspicuous black blotch posterodorsally on the opercle, three distinct dark blotches on dorsal fin base and another distinct black blotch on the base of anal fin. It can be further distinguished by having a slender body (body depth less than 30% SL), which distinguishes it from all other congeners except B. pyema and B. kyar. Its color pattern is composed of 11 dark, clearly-defined bars, most closely resembles that of B. kyar and B. juergenschmidti, from which it is distinguished by a greater head length (32.3-35.0% SL vs. 26.8-31.4% in B. kyar and 28.8-29.6% in B. juergenschmidti), a longer snout (6.8-8.3% SL vs. 5.0-6.4% in B. kyar) and shorter dorsal-fin base (54.6-56.6% SL vs. 62.3-63.7% in B. juergenschmidti) (Ref. 101085).
Inhabits slow-moving clear stream with riparian cover and substrate composed mainly of gravel and pebbles. Found associated with marginal vegetation and submerged roots. Occurs syntopically with other fishes including Barilius sp., Devario malabaricus, Danio rerio, Schistura nagodiensis, Haludaria fasciata, Dawkinsia arulius, Pethia sp., Channa gachua and Mastacembelus armatus (Ref. 101085).
Life cycle and mating behavior
Maturité | Reproduction | Frai | Œufs | Fécondité | Larves
Dahanukar, N., P. Kumkar, U. Katwate and R. Raghavan, 2015. Badis britzi, a new percomorph fish (Teleostei: Badidae) from the Western Ghats of India. Zootaxa 3941(3):429-436. (Ref. 101085)
Statut dans la liste rouge de l'IUCN (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
Menace pour l'homme
Utilisations par l'homme
Articles particuliers
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Sources Internet
Estimates based on models
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.5000 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.01175 (0.00501 - 0.02757), b=2.92 (2.72 - 3.12), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this (Sub)family-body shape (Ref.
Niveau trophique (Ref.
69278): 3.2 ±0.4 se; based on size and trophs of closest relatives
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): Low vulnerability (10 of 100).