Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
ສັດທະເລ ກ່ຽວກັບ (ຢູ່) ຊັ້ນນ້ຳໃນທະເລເປີດທີ່ປອດແສງສ່ອງເຖິງ; ລະດັບຄວາມເລິກ 127 - 2307 m (Ref. 104125), usually 500 - 900 m (Ref. 57668). Deep-water; 44°N - 38°N, 1°W - 17°E
Mediterranean Sea: northwestern region.
Length at first maturity / ຂະໜາດ / ນ້ຳໜັກ / Age
Maturity: Lm 29.5, range 20 - ? cm
Max length : 88.9 cm TL ຕົວຜູ້/ບໍ່ມີເພດ; (Ref. 41039)
ຄີ (ໜາມ)ແຂງຢູ່ຫຼັງປາ (ທັງໝົດ) : 0; ຄີ(ໜາມ) ແຂງຢູ່ຄີກົ້ນປາ
ປາທີ່ມີການເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍຈາກທະເລໄປຫານ້ຳຈືດ ແລະນ້ຳຈືດຫາທະເລ
ການຖ່າຍທອດທາງກຳມະພັນຈາກພໍ່ແມ່ຫາລູກ: 0. Posterior nostril immediately anterior to eye. Lateral line system on head with pit but no pores. Pyloric caeca 8 to 10.
Most abundant in waters deeper than 750 m and feeds mainly on benthic organismsm crustaceans and also on polychaetes. Caught singly but also in aggregations of more than 100 individuals (Ref. 1371). Parasites of the species include trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, acanthocephalans and copepods; attached in the intestines, gills and fins (Ref. 5951). Minimum depth (Ref. 58426).
Life cycle and mating behavior
ການຈະເລີນເຕັມໄວ | ການສືບພັນ | ການວາງໄຂ່ | ໄຂ່ | ຄວາມດົກຂອງໄຂ່ປາ | ຕົວອ່ອນ
Barros-García, D., R. Bañón, J.-C. Arronte and A. de Carlos, 2016. New data reinforcing the taxonomic status of Lepidion eques as synonym of Lepidion lepidion (Teleostei, Gadiformes). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 68(2016):6-10. (Ref. 109127)
IUCN Red List Status (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
Threat to humans
Human uses
ການປະມົງ: ທີ່ເປັນການຄ້າໜ້ອຍ
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Estimates based on models
Preferred temperature (Ref.
123201): 13 - 13.7, mean 13.2 °C (based on 31 cells).
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.5020 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00288 (0.00180 - 0.00463), b=3.22 (3.08 - 3.36), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this species & (Sub)family-body (Ref.
ຊັ້ນເຂດຮ້ອນ (Ref.
69278): 3.6 ±0.5 se; based on diet studies.
ຄວາມຢືດຢຸ່ນ (Ref.
120179): ຕຳ່, ປະຊາກອນຕຳ່ສຸດທີ່ໃຊ້ເວລາສອງເທົ່າ 4.5 - 14 ປີ (Assuming tmax>10).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): High vulnerability (56 of 100).
Nutrients (Ref.
124155): Calcium = 28.6 [8.2, 76.2] mg/100g; Iron = 0.331 [0.144, 0.951] mg/100g; Protein = 18 [16, 20] %; Omega3 = 0.207 [0.075, 0.535] g/100g; Selenium = 17.1 [5.7, 44.6] μg/100g; VitaminA = 30 [4, 234] μg/100g; Zinc = 0.578 [0.318, 1.155] mg/100g (wet weight);