Classification / Names
आम नाम | उपशब्द | Catalog of Fishes(वर्ग, प्रजाति) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
Siluriformes (Catfishes) >
Loricariidae (Armored catfishes) > Hypostominae
Etymology: Paulasquama: Name from the Latin ‘paulus’ for small, and ‘squama’ for scale armor, referring to the small plates located in the dorsal series just below the dorsal fin; callis: Name from Latin 'Callis' (masculine or feminine) for a stony, uneven, narrow footway, referring to the plates like cobblestones along the narrow mesethmoid with naked areas to either side; noun in apposition.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
; स्वच्छ जल, अलवण जल बेनथोपिलाजिक. Tropical
South America: NW Guyana (Waruma River, tributary of the Mazaruni River).
Length at first maturity / आकार / वज़न / Age
Maturity: Lm ?, range 4 - ? cm
Max length : 4.7 cm SL पुल्लिंग / अलिंग; (Ref. 86603)
Short description
पहचान कुंजी | आकृति विज्ञान | मौरफोमैटरिक्स
पृष्ठीय रीढ़ (सम्पूर्ण) : 2; पृष्ठीय सौफट रेज़ (सम्पूर्ण) : 7; ऐनल सौफट रेज़: 5. This species is distinguished from all other hypostomines by three unique autapomorphies: large, oval area lateral to the mesethmoid that is devoid of plates; plates in the dorsal series lateral to dorsal fin reduced to less than half what would be expected for a loricariid of its size; and, a fleshy keel along and slightly anterior to the preadipose plate and extending to dorsal caudal-fin simple ray along dorsal procurrent rays (Ref. 86603).
The collection area Waruma is a largely clearwater river with a slight black tint. Specimens
collected in a riffle, in a shallow side channel over polished cobble and gravel with some larger rocks covered in a grasslike vegetation. The watershed is forested (Ref. 86603).
Life cycle and mating behavior
परिपक्व अवधि | पुनरुत्पत्ति | मछलीऔ का अंडे देना | अंडे | Fecundity | लार्वा
Armbruster, J.W. and D.C. Taphor, 2011. A new genus and species of weakly armored catfish from the Upper Mazaruni River, Guyana (Siluriformes: Loricariidae). Copeia 2011(1):46-52. (Ref. 86603)
IUCN Red List Status (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
Threat to humans
Human uses
Special reports
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इंटरनेट स्रोत
Estimates based on models
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 1.0000 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.01549 (0.00719 - 0.03336), b=2.98 (2.81 - 3.15), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this (Sub)family-body shape (Ref.
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): Low vulnerability (10 of 100).