Locality: |
Year: from - to |
Sex: | Gear: | Frequency type: |
Cochin (central area), India | 1974 - 1975 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Cochin (northern area), India | 1974 - 1975 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Cochin (southern area), India | 1974 - 1975 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Java Sea (Central Java), Indonesia | 1979 - 1979 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Java Sea (South Kalimantan), Indonesia | 1977 - 1978 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Mandapam (Palk bay), India | 1964 - 1966 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | % of sample |
Manila Bay, Philippines | 1957 - 1958 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Manila Bay, Philippines | 1958 - 1958 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Manila Bay, Philippines | 1959 - 1960 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
off Porto Novo Coast, India | 1976 - 1977 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | % of sample |
Rameswaram (Palk bay), India | 1964 - 1964 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | % of sample |
Riau Waters (Bintan), Indonesia | 1982 - 1983 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Samar Sea, Philippines | 1979 - 1980 | unsexed/mixed | trawls | absolute number measured |
Thangachimadam (Palk bay), India | 1966 - 1967 | unsexed/mixed | other | % of sample |