分類 / Names
共通名の | 類義語 | Catalog of Fishes(部類, 種) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
Siluriformes (Catfishes) >
Ariidae (Sea catfishes) > Ariinae
Etymology: Cathorops: Greek, kathorao = to observe, to watch + Greek, ops = appearance (Ref. 45335); kailolae: Named for Dr. Patricia J. Kailola of the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji, for her enormous contribution to the systematics of the Ariidae.
Eponymy: Dr Patricia ‘Tricia’ J Kailola is an Australian biologist, fish taxonomist and fisheries scientist consultant, and honorary fellow at the University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. [...] (Ref. 128868), visit book page.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
; 新鮮な水; 汽水性の 底生の. Tropical
Central America: Lago Izabal basin in Guatemala and rio Usumacinta basin in Mexico and Guatemala. Since the main arm of the río Usumacinta flows into the río Grijalva near its mouth, the population reported by Miller et al., 2005 from the río Grijalva is probably conspecific with Cathorops kailolae, but this needs verification.
サイズ / 重さ / 年齢
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 25.4 cm SL オス/雌雄の選別がない; (Ref. 102977)
検索表 | 形態学 | 形態計測学
背鰭 (合計) : 7; 臀鰭: 20 - 24. Can be differentiated from all members of the genus, except Cathorops aguadulce, by having fleshy papillae intercalated with gill rakers on first two gill arches; 14-16 gill rakers on first arch, and body width 17.7-19.7% SL. Additional diagnostic characters include snout length 6.0-8.6% SL; distance from tip of snout to dorsal-fin origin 33.1-38.0% SL; distance from tip of snout to pelvic-fin origin 50.4-52.6% SL; distance between anterior nostrils 3.2-4.5% SL; distance between posterior nostrils 4.1-5.3% SL; orbital diameter 4.6-6.6% SL; interorbital distance 8.9-12.3% SL; dorsal-fin spine length 19.3-24.9% SL; mouth width 8.1-10.0% SL; premaxilla width 4.3-5.4% SL: caudal-fin lower lobe length 29.2-34.3% SL; supraoccipital process width at posterior portion 1.9-2.6%SL; length of accessory tooth plates 1.3-2.5% SL; width of cephalic shield at supracleithrum area 15.3-17.3% SL; and caudal peduncle height 6.6-8.0% SL (Ref. 75004).
Occurs mainly in freshwaters, but also present in areas with high salinity (Ref. 75004).
Life cycle and mating behavior
成熟 | 繁殖 | 放精 | 卵 | 生産力 | 幼生
Marceniuk, A.P. and R. Betancur-R, 2008. Revision of the species of the genus Cathorops (Siluriformes: Ariidae) from Mesoamerica and the Central American Caribbean, with description of three new species. Neotrop. Ichthyol. 6(1):25-44. (Ref. 75004)
IUCNのレッドリストの状況は (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
Traumatogenic (Ref. 58010)
Human uses
水産業: 商業
Estimates based on models
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.5000 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00832 (0.00504 - 0.01373), b=3.16 (3.01 - 3.31), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this species & (Sub)family-body (Ref.
栄養段階 (Ref.
69278): 4.3 ±0.8 se; based on size and trophs of closest relatives
回復力 (Ref.
120179): 高い, 15か月以下の倍増期間の最小個体群 (Preliminary K or Fecundity.).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): Low vulnerability (21 of 100).