分類 / Names
俗名 | 同種異名 | Catalog of Fishes(屬, 種) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
Teleostei >
Blenniiformes (Blennies)
鱸形目 (Blennies) >
Blenniidae (Combtooth blennies)
鳚科 (Combtooth blennies) > Blenniinae
Etymology: Petroscirtes: Latin, petra, -ae = stone + Greek, skirteo = to jump.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
海洋 礁區魚類; 深度上下限 1 - 10 m (Ref. 86942). 熱帶; 25°N - 24°S
Indo-West Pacific: Sri Lanka to Fiji, north to southern Taiwan and the Yaeyama Islands, south to the southern Great Barrier Reef.
印度-西太平洋: 斯里蘭卡到斐濟; 北至台灣南部與八重山群島, 南至大堡礁的南方; 在密克羅尼西亞的帛琉。
大小 / 重量 / 年齡
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 15.0 cm TL 雄魚/尚未辨別雌雄; (Ref. 9710)
背棘 (總數) : 10 - 11; 背的軟條 (總數) : 16 - 19; 臀棘: 2; 臀鰭軟條: 16 - 19. Sexually dimorphic: males are orange-brown while females are sea-green dorsally and lighter below. Similar to P. breviceps in shape but has a blotched, rather than lined pattern on the body. Some color form are probably habitat related. The plain form is mainly green and has numerous tiny pearly spots and occurs in seagrass beds (Ref. 48636).
性別雙型性: 雄性是橘褐色,雌性是海綠色的背面與腹面顏色較淡。 在外形上類似 P. breviceps 但是有一個大斑點, 而不是在身體上線了圖案。 一些彩色形式可能與棲地有關。 單色的形式主要綠色而且有很多的極小淺藍灰色斑點而且出現於海草床中。 (參考文獻 48636)
Adults occur in seagrass beds of shallow lagoons. Also in Sargassum rafts during or immediately after wet season (Ref. 48636). Replaced by P. thepassi at Solomon Islands (Ref. 90102). They feed primarily on small crustaceans and occasionally on scales from fishes. Oviparous. Eggs are demersal and adhesive (Ref. 205), and are attached to the substrate via a filamentous, adhesive pad or pedestal (Ref. 94114). Larvae are planktonic, often found in shallow, coastal waters (Ref. 94114). This form was named by Bleeker (1852) as Petroscirtes bankanensis.
出現在潟湖淺灘的海草床。 也在 馬尾藻 筏中在濕季期間或緊接濕季之後.(參考文獻 48636) 主要捕食小型甲殼動物與偶然地在來自魚的鱗片上。 卵生的.(參考文獻 205) 這一個形式由 Bleeker 命名 (一 852) 如 Petroscirtes bankanensis 。
Life cycle and mating behavior
成熟度 | 繁殖 | 產卵場 | 卵 | 孕卵數 | 仔魚
Oviparous, distinct pairing (Ref. 205).印度-西太平洋: 斯里蘭卡到斐濟; 北至台灣南部與八重山群島, 南至大堡礁的南方; 在密克羅尼西亞的帛琉。
Myers, R.F., 1991. Micronesian reef fishes. Second Ed. Coral Graphics, Barrigada, Guam. 298 p. (Ref. 1602)
IUCN 瀕危狀態 (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
無危 (LC) ; Date assessed: 25 March 2009
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Estimates based on models
Preferred temperature (Ref.
123201): 26 - 29.3, mean 28.6 °C (based on 2654 cells).
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.5005 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00575 (0.00253 - 0.01308), b=3.06 (2.86 - 3.26), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this (Sub)family-body shape (Ref.
營養階層 (Ref.
69278): 3.1 ±0.43 se; based on food items.
回復力 (Ref.
120179): 高度, 族群倍增時間少於 15個月 (Preliminary K or Fecundity.).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): Low vulnerability (10 of 100).
Nutrients (Ref.
124155): Calcium = 113 [58, 171] mg/100g; Iron = 0.683 [0.413, 1.114] mg/100g; Protein = 18.4 [17.3, 19.4] %; Omega3 = 0.085 [0.048, 0.146] g/100g; Selenium = 21.3 [10.7, 42.6] μg/100g; VitaminA = 124 [40, 369] μg/100g; Zinc = 1.83 [1.25, 2.56] mg/100g (wet weight);