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Alosa maeotica (Grimm, 1901)

Black sea shad
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Image of Alosa maeotica (Black sea shad)
Alosa maeotica
Picture by FAO

klasifikasi / Names Nama-nama umum | Sinonim (persamaan) | Catalog of Fishes(Marga, Jenis) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa

> Clupeiformes (Herrings) > Alosidae (Shads and Sardines)
Etymology: Alosa: Latin, alausa = a fish cited by Ausonius and Latin, halec = pickle, dealing with the Greek word hals = salt; it is also the old Saxon name for shad = "alli" ; 1591 (Ref. 45335).
Eponymy: This is a toponym referring to Maeotis, the ancient name for the Sea of Azov, where these species occur. (Ref. 128868), visit book page.

Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range Ekologi

laut; air tawar; payau. Temperate; 48°N - 40°N, 27°E - 43°E (Ref. 188)

Penyebaran Negara-negara | Daerah-daerah FAO | Ecosystems | Kemunculan | Point map | Introduksi | Faunafri

Eurasia: Black Sea and Sea of Azov.

Length at first maturity / Size / Weight / umur

Maturity: Lm 14.0, range 13 - 15 cm
Max length : 33.2 cm TL jantan/; (Ref. 96734); 33.8 cm TL (female); common length : 18.0 cm SL jantan/; (Ref. 188); Berat maksimum terpublikasi: 331.70 g (Ref. 96734); Berat maksimum terpublikasi: 331.70 g; Umur maksimum dilaporkan: 6 Tahun (Ref. 10547)

deskripsi pendek Kunci identifiaksi (pengenalan) | Morfologi | Morfometrik

Duri punggung (Keseluruhan (total)) : 0; Duri dubur: 0. Body fairly elongate, more `herring-like' than `shad-like'. Gill rakers thin and straight, often closely packed and pointed, usually shorter than gill filaments. Teeth well developed in both jaws. Other Black Sea Alosa have more gill rakers (A. caspia 50 to 80 and A. pontica 47 to 66). Sardinella aurita is more slender, has many more gill rakers and i 8 pelvic fin rays.

Biologi     Daftar kata (contoh epibenthic)

Non-anadromous, entering limans and lower parts of river deltas, but only occasionally in freshwater. They are more or less abundant in lower reaches of rivers and coastal lagoons. A cold-loving species, tolerating 3 or 4°C.(Ref. 188). At sea, pelagic in deep water and enters brackish lagoons to spawn. Mature adults spawn first at 2 years and many individuals spawn for 2-4 seasons. Eggs sink to bottom. Spent individuals return to the sea to feed. In autumn, they migrate to southern Black Sea to overwinter. Juveniles migrate to the sea or estuaries during the first summer (Ref. 59043). Adults feed mainly on small fishes (mainly sprats and anchovies) also on shrimps, gammarids and other large crustaceans (Ref. 188). In northern Black Sea, the decline in habitat quality in suitable estuarine ecosystems is expected to have an impact in the immediate future (Ref. 59043).

Life cycle and mating behavior Kematangan | Reproduksi, perkembang biakan | Pemijahan | telur-telur | Fecundity | Larva

Juveniles migrate to sea or remain in estuaries during their first summer (Ref. 59043). In autumn, they migrate to southern Black Sea to overwinter. As spring approaches, they start to move into brackish lagoons to spawn until early summer. After spawning, spent fish return to sea to feed. Many individuals spawn for 2-4 seasons (Ref. 59043).

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Whitehead, P.J.P., 1985. FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 7. Clupeoid fishes of the world (suborder Clupeoidei). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the herrings, sardines, pilchards, sprats, shads, anchovies and wolf-herrings. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(7/1):1-303. Rome: FAO. (Ref. 188)

Status IUCN Red List (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)

  kurang bimbang (LC) ; Date assessed: 26 June 2022


Not Evaluated

CMS (Ref. 116361)

Not Evaluated

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penggunaan manusia

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FAO - Publication: search | FishSource |

informasi lanjut

Trophic ecology
Bahan makanan
Komposisi makanan
Konsumsi makanan
Food rations
Population dynamics
Growth parameters
Max. ages / sizes
Length-weight rel.
Length-length rel.
ukuran frekuensi
Mass conversion
Life cycle
Reproduksi, perkembang biakan
Maturity/Gills rel.
Spawning aggregations
pekembangan telor
Dinamika larva
Daerah-daerah FAO
BRUVS - Videos
Area insang
Body composition
Oxygen consumption
Swimming type
Swimming speed
Visual pigments
Fish sound
Diseases & Parasites
Toxicity (LC50s)
Human related
Aquaculture systems
profil budidaya air
Ciguatera cases
Stamps, coins, misc.

Alat, peralatan

laporan khas

muat turun XML

Sumber internet

AFORO (otoliths) | Aquatic Commons | BHL | Cloffa | BOLDSystems | Websites from users | semak peneliti ikan | CISTI | Catalog of Fishes: Marga, Jenis | DiscoverLife | ECOTOX | FAO - Publication: search | Faunafri | Fishipedia | Fishtrace | GenBank: genom, Nukleotida | GloBI | Google Books | Google Scholar | Google | IGFA World Record | MitoFish | Pangkalan data nasional | Otolith Atlas of Taiwan Fishes | PubMed | Reef Life Survey | Socotra Atlas | Tree of Life | Wikipedia: pergi, Cari | World Records Freshwater Fishing | Zoological Record

Estimates based on models

Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref. 82804):  PD50 = 0.5000   [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00631 (0.00422 - 0.00942), b=3.09 (2.97 - 3.21), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this species & Genus-body shape (Ref. 93245).
Trophic level (Ref. 69278):  4.4   ±0.8 se; based on diet studies.
Daya lenting (Ref. 120179):  sedang, Waktu penggandaan populasi minimum 1.4 - 4.4 tahun (tmax=6).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref. 59153):  Low vulnerability (24 of 100).
kategori harga (Ref. 80766):   Low.