分类 / Names
俗名 | 同种异名 | Catalog of Fishes(属, 种) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa
This species is synonym of Makaira nigricans Lacepède, 1802 in Eschmeyer (CofF ver. Jan. 2012: Ref. 89336) following Collette et al. (2006) and Bray et al. (2006). The species page will be removed.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
海洋; 海洋洄游的 (Ref. 51243); 深度上下限 0 - 200 m (Ref. 43), usually 100 - ? m (Ref. 6390). 亞熱帶的; 21°C - ? (Ref. 30368); 44°N - 40°S, 30°E - 74°W (Ref. 43)
Indo-Pacific: in tropical, subtropical and sometimes temperate waters (Ref. 9692). It is the most tropical billfish species and is common in equatorial waters. However, many scientists do not view Makaira mazara and Makaira nigricans as distinct species, and that the latter species has been considered as a single pantropical species occurring in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Highly migratory species.
印度-太平洋: 在熱帶的, 亞熱帶的與有時溫帶的水域.(參考文獻 9692) 它是最熱帶的青旗魚種而且是常見於近赤道的水域。 然而,許多科學家不視 黑皮旗魚〔Makaira mazara〕 與 大西洋藍槍魚〔Makaira nigricans〕 為不同的種, 而且後者種已經被認為是一個出現在大西洋,太平洋與印度洋的單一全熱帶的魚種。 高度遷移的種,1982年海事法會議的附件一.(參考文獻 26139)
Length at first maturity / 大小 / 重量 / 年龄
Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 500 cm TL 雄鱼/尚未辨别雌雄; (Ref. 30874); common length : 350 cm TL 雄鱼/尚未辨别雌雄; (Ref. 9308); 最大体重: 170.0 kg (Ref. 6390); 最大体重: 170.0 kg; 最大年龄: 28 年 (Ref. 30371)
背的软条 (总数) : 40 - 45; 臀鳍软条: 18 - 24; 脊椎骨: 24. Body elongated and not very compressed; upper jaw produced into a robust but not very long beak; two dorsal fins, the height of the first less then the greatest body depth, short anteriorly, taller in the middle, then becoming shorter posteriorly; pectoral fins falcate and flexible, with 21 to 23 rays; body densely covered with small, embedded scales with 1 or 2 sharp points; back dark blue, with 15 bluish bars across the flanks; belly pale silver; membrane of first dorsal fin blue black, with dark spots (Ref. 55763). Dark blue above, silvery white below; sometimes with light blue vertical stripes; 1st dorsal fin blackish to dark blue, other fins dark brown with tinges of dark blue in some specimens. Body blue-black dorsally and silvery white ventrally, with about 25 pale, cobalt-colored stripes, each consisting of round dots or narrow bars (may not always be visible especially in preserved specimens). Bill long, extremely stout and round in cross section. Nape conspicuously elevated. Right and left branchiostegal membranes completely united together, but free from isthmus. No gill rakers. Body densely covered with elongate, thick, bony scales, each often with 1 or 2, sometimes 3, posterior points. Caudal peduncle with strong double keels on each side and a shallow notch on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces.
身体延长而不是非常扁长形的; 上颌伸展到结实但不伸展到非常长的喙了; 二个背鳍, 第一个的高度比较少量然后最大的体高, 短前面地, 比较高的在中央中, 然后在后部地变得比较短的; 胸鳍镰刀状而柔韧有弹性的, 藉由 21 到 23个鳍条; 身体浓密地覆盖着了小的, 埋入鳞片有 1 或 2 点尖; 背面深蓝色, 藉由 15条蓝色的横带越过侧面; 腹面灰白的银色; 第一背鳍蓝色的黑色的薄膜, 有深色的斑点。 (参考文献 55763) 背面深蓝色的, 下面银白色的; 有时有浅蓝色垂直的斑纹; 第一背鳍黑色的对深藍色, 其他的鰭深褐色的在一些標本中有深藍色的淡色。 身體藍黑色的背面與腹面銀白色的, 有大約 25 灰白又深藍色的斑紋,每個被包含的圓點或狹窄的橫帶.(可能無法一直看得見尤其在保存的標本中) 比爾長的﹐非常矮胖與圓的橫切面。 後頸顯著升高。 左右方的鰓蓋薄膜完全地一起聯合了, 但是與峽部分離。 沒有鰓耙。 身體濃密地覆蓋著細長又厚的, 骨鱗, 每個通常有 1 或 2了, 有時 3, 在後部的點。 在兩邊上尾梗有強的雙脊與淺的凹槽在背面與腹面。
Epipelagic and oceanic species mostly confined to the waters on the warmer side of the 24°C surface isotherm and known to effect seasonal north-south migrations. Not usually seen close to land masses or islands, unless there is a deep drop-off of the shelf. Remain mostly within the upper 37 m. Believed to form small-scale schools of at most 10 individuals. Larger fish tend to swim solitarily (Ref. 43) but smaller ones form schools of about 10 individuals (Ref. 9987). Feed on squids, tuna-like fishes, crustaceans and cephalopods (Ref. 9308). Also caught with troll lines (Ref. 9308). The flesh is of good quality and is marketed frozen and prepared as sashimi and sausages in Japan (Ref. 9308); also utilized fresh (Ref. 9987). Also Ref. 9692.
表层带与大洋性鱼种大部份在 24 °C 表面等温线的较热的侧边上局限于水域了而且知道产生季节性的南北回游。 不常见到接近大陆区块或者岛, 除非有一个大陆架的深急下降。 大部份保持在上面的 37 公尺里面。 相信形成最多10个个体的小规模鱼群。 较大的鱼倾向单独游泳 (参考文献 43) ,但是较小的一些大约 10个个体形成鱼群。 (参考文献 9987) 捕食乌贼,像鲔鱼一样的鱼,甲壳动物与头足类动物。 (参考文献 9308) 也用延绳钓捕获。 (参考文献 9308) 肉是有好品质的而且在日本被在市场上冷冻销售而且作为生鱼片与香肠;(参考文献 9308) 也生鲜利用.(参考文献 9987) 也参考文献 9692.
Life cycle and mating behavior
成熟度 | 繁殖 | 产卵场 | 卵 | 孕卵数 | 仔鱼
Spawning probably takes place year-round in equatorial waters to 10° latitude (although 1 study has suggested this needs verification) and during summer periods in both hemispheres to 30° latitude, in both the Indian and Pacific oceans (Ref. 6390).
In the southern hemisphere, concentrations of spawning fish probably occur around French Polynesia (Ref. 30354).印度-太平洋: 在熱帶的, 亞熱帶的與有時溫帶的水域.(參考文獻 9692) 它是最熱帶的青旗魚種而且是常見於近赤道的水域。 然而,許多科學家不視 黑皮旗魚〔Makaira mazara〕 與 大西洋藍槍魚〔Makaira nigricans〕 為不同的種, 而且後者種已經被認為是一個出現在大西洋,太平洋與印度洋的單一全熱帶的魚種。 高度遷移的種,1982年海事法會議的附件一.(參考文獻 26139)
Nakamura, I., 1985. FAO species catalogue. Vol. 5. Billfishes of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of marlins, sailfishes, spearfishes and swordfishes known to date. FAO Fish. Synop. 125(5):65p. Rome: FAO. (Ref. 43)
世界自然保护联盟红皮书 (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)
渔业: 商业性; 游钓鱼种: 是的
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Estimates based on models
Preferred temperature (Ref.
123201): 13.6 - 25.2, mean 19.3 °C (based on 408 cells).
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref.
82804): PD
50 = 0.7505 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00447 (0.00195 - 0.01025), b=3.14 (2.94 - 3.34), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this (Sub)family-body shape (Ref.
营养阶层 (Ref.
69278): 4.5 ±0.89 se; based on food items.
Generation time: 9.5 ( na - na) years. Estimated as median ln(3)/K based on 1
growth studies.
回复力 (Ref.
120179): 低的, 最小族群倍增时间4.5 - 14 年 (rm=0.104; K=0.12-0.29; tm=4; tmax=28; Fec=31 million).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref.
59153): High to very high vulnerability (70 of 100).
Climate Vulnerability (Ref.
125649): Very high vulnerability (84 of 100).
Nutrients (Ref.
124155): Calcium = 21.5 [10.2, 35.8] mg/100g; Iron = 0.804 [0.465, 1.353] mg/100g; Protein = 19.6 [18.5, 20.7] %; Omega3 = 0.197 [0.102, 0.367] g/100g; Selenium = 49.6 [25.5, 95.2] μg/100g; VitaminA = 5.18 [1.68, 16.00] μg/100g; Zinc = 0.331 [0.229, 0.481] mg/100g (wet weight);