Photo(s) contributed by Francesco Costa

Scientific Name FishBase Name Country Locality Date taken Photo
Aphanius fasciatus Mediterranean banded killifish Italy Strait of Messina Apfas_f0.jpg
Aphanius fasciatus Mediterranean banded killifish Italy Strait of Messina Apfas_m0.jpg
Argyropelecus hemigymnus Half-naked hatchetfish Italy Strait of Messina Arhem_u2.jpg
Argyropelecus hemigymnus Half-naked hatchetfish Italy Strait of Messina Arhem_u1.jpg
Bathophilus nigerrimus Scaleless dragonfish Italy Strait of Messina Banig_u1.jpg
Benthosema glaciale Glacier lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Begla_j0.jpg
Callanthias ruber Parrot seaperch Italy Strait of Messina Carub_u2.jpg
Centrolophus niger Rudderfish Italy Strait of Messina Cenig_j0.jpg
Ceratoscopelus maderensis Madeira lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Cemad_u0.jpg
Chauliodus sloani Sloane's viperfish Italy Chslo_u9.jpg
Chauliodus sloani Sloane's viperfish Italy Strait of Messina Chslo_u3.jpg
Chauliodus sloani Sloane's viperfish Italy Strait of Messina Chslo_u4.jpg
Chlopsis bicolor Bicolor eel Italy Strait of Messina Chbic_u0.jpg
Cyclothone braueri Garrick Italy Strait of Messina Cybra_u0.jpg
Cyclothone pygmaea Italy Strait of Messina Cypyg_u0.jpg
Diaphus holti Small lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Dihol_uc.jpg
Diaphus metopoclampus Spothead lantern fish Italy Dimet_u1.jpg
Diaphus metopoclampus Spothead lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Dimet_u0.jpg
Diaphus rafinesquii White-spotted lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Diraf_j0.jpg
Dysomma brevirostre Pignosed arrowtooth eel Italy Strait of Messina Dybre_u1.jpg
Dysomma brevirostre Pignosed arrowtooth eel Italy Strait of Messina Dybre_u0.jpg
Electrona risso Electric lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Elris_u1.jpg
Epigonus constanciae Italy Strait of Messina Epcon_u0.jpg
Evermannella balbo Balbo sabretooth Italy Strait of Messina Evbal_u0.jpg
Gonichthys cocco Cocco's lanternfish Italy Strait of Messina Gococ_u0.jpg
Gonostoma denudatum Italy Strait of Messina Goden_u0.jpg
Hoplostethus mediterraneus Mediterranean slimehead Italy Strait of Messina Homed_u0.jpg
Hygophum benoiti Benoit's lanternfish Italy Strait of Messina Hyben_m0.jpg
Hygophum hygomii Bermuda lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Hyhyg_u0.jpg
Ichthyococcus ovatus Lightfish Italy Strait of Messina Icova_u0.jpg
Knipowitschia panizzae Adriatic dwarf goby Italy Strait of Messina Knpan_f0.jpg
Lampanyctus crocodilus Jewel lanternfish Italy Strait of Messina Lacro_u0.jpg
Lampanyctus pusillus Pygmy lanternfish Italy Strait of Messina Lapus_u0.jpg
Lipophrys trigloides Italy Strait of Messina Patri_l0.jpg
Lobianchia dofleini Dofleini's lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Lodof_u0.jpg
Lobianchia dofleini Dofleini's lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Lodof_u1.jpg
Lobianchia gemellarii Cocco's lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Logem_u0.jpg
Maurolicus muelleri Silvery lightfish Italy Strait of Messina Mamue_u0.jpg
Microichthys coccoi Italy Strait of Messina Micoc_u0.jpg
Microstoma microstoma Slender argentine Italy Strait of Messina Mimic_u1.jpg
Millerigobius macrocephalus Large-headed goby Italy Tindari Mimac_u1.jpg
Millerigobius macrocephalus Large-headed goby Italy Tindari Mimac_u2.jpg
Myctophum punctatum Spotted lanternfish Italy Strait of Messina Mypun_u1.jpg
Nemichthys scolopaceus Slender snipe eel Italy Strait of Messina Nesco_l1.jpg
Nemichthys scolopaceus Slender snipe eel Italy Strait of Messina Nesco_f0.jpg
Notacanthus bonaparte Shortfin spiny eel Italy Strait of Messina Nobon_u0.jpg
Notoscopelus elongatus Italy Strait of Messina Noelo_u0.jpg
Notoscopelus elongatus Italy Strait of Messina Noelo_j0.jpg
Oxynotus centrina Angular roughshark Italy Strait of Messina Oxcen_u0.jpg
Pomatoschistus microps Common goby Italy Strait of Messina Pomic_u2.jpg
Regalecus glesne King of herrings Italy Strait of Messina Regle_j0.jpg
Rhynchogadus hepaticus Italy Strait of Messina Rhhep_u0.jpg
Scorpaenodes arenai Messina rockfish Italy Strait of Messina Scare_u0.jpg
Seriola fasciata Lesser amberjack Italy Strait of Messina Sefas_u3.jpg
Stomias boa Boa dragonfish Italy Strait of Messina Stboa_u0.jpg
Sudis hyalina Italy Strait of Messina Suhya_u0.jpg
Symbolophorus veranyi Large-scale lantern fish Italy Strait of Messina Syver_ua.jpg
Symphurus ligulatus Elongate tonguesole Italy Strait of Messina Sylig_u0.jpg
Tetragonurus cuvieri Smalleye squaretail Italy Strait of Messina Tecuv_u2.jpg
Thalassoma pavo Ornate wrasse Italy Strait of Messina Thpav_m4.jpg
Trachipterus trachypterus Mediterranean dealfish Italy Strait of Messina Trtra_u5.jpg
Valenciennellus tripunctulatus Constellationfish Italy Strait of Messina Vatri_u0.jpg
Xiphias gladius Swordfish Italy Strait of Messina Xigla_j0.jpg
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