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Enteromius perince : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 68   (FB = 68)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Source: AMNH
Source: AMNH
no yearHeckel 1851 ZMH 14812Nil Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
1888Stuhlmann III. 1888 ZMH 14814Niltal Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Source: AMNH
1911Schubotz leg. 12.II.1911 ZMH 14819Archambault Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Cameroonno yearLouette & PuylaertThys van den Audenaerde D. P 76014.0557Koum Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearLouette & PuylaertThys van den Audenaerde D. P 76014.037176014.0374Touroua, riv. Faro Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearHulselmans, Louette & SelensThys van den Audenaerde D. P 75003.006675003.0074Koza Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearHulselmans, Louette & SelensThys van den Audenaerde D. P 75003.006475003.0065Koza Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearHulselmans, Louette & SelensThys van den Audenaerde D. P 75003.0062Koza Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearDe Kimpe P.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 74033.0042Yagoua en omgeving, Logone bekken Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearDe Kimpe P.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 74033.001974033.0025Yagoua en omgeving, Logone bekken Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearPuylaert & ElsenThys van den Audenaerde D. P 73016.4190Yagoua Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearVerheyen, De Vree & SelensThys van den Audenaerde D. P 73015.075973015.0763Garoua, riv. Benoué Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearVerheyen, De Vree & SelensThys van den Audenaerde D. P 73015.0758Guémé, riv. Logone Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearVerheyen, De Vree & SelensThys van den Audenaerde D. P 73015.071873015.0721Garoua, riv. Benoué Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearVerheyen, De Vree & SelensThys van den Audenaerde D. P 73015.071673015.0717Guémé, riv. Logone Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearVerheyen, De Vree & SelensThys van den Audenaerde D. P 73015.071373015.0715Guémé, riv. Logone Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearVerheyen, De Vree & SelensThys van den Audenaerde D. P 73015.069773015.0699Guémé, riv. Logone Portal: FB.
Source: P
Central African no yearLambert J.Lambert J. P 79009.0510Fort-Crampel, riv. Gribingui Portal: FB.
Source: P
Chadno yearWildekamp, Watters, Malumbres & alWildekamp R. P A6020.0007A6020.0009Tiole Kabu Portal: FB.
Source: P
Chadno yearWildekamp, Watters, Malumbres & alWildekamp R. P A6020.0010A6020.0013Kilim Portal: FB.
Source: P
Chadno yearBrandily M.Y.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73026.052573026.0529région au sud de Hollom Portal: FB.
Source: P
Chadno yearBrandily M.Y.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73026.022673026.0236région au sud de Hollom Portal: FB.
Source: P
Chadno yearBrandily M.Y.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73026.0225région au sud de Hollom Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearDe Vos L.De Vos L. P 86009.007086009.0071Vitshumbi, lac Idi Amin Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearDe Vos L.De Vos L. P 86001.047986001.0500Vitshumbi, lac Idi Amin Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearDamas H.Poll M. P - 65631-65632méandres de la riv. Semliki, Ishango Portal: FB.
Source: P
Egyptno yearVan Neer W.Van Neer W. P A1025.0293A1025.0334Luxor (markt) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Egyptno yearVan Neer W.Teugels G. 12/ P A0065.0025Luxor, markt Portal: FB.
Source: P
Egyptno yearVan Neer W.Teugels G. 12/ P A0065.0024Luxor, markt Portal: FB.
Source: P
Egyptno yearVan Neer W.Teugels G. 12/ P A0065.0023Luxor, markt Portal: FB.
Source: P
Egyptno yearVan Neer W.Teugels G. 12/ P A0065.0022Luxor, markt Portal: FB.
Source: P
Egyptno yearVan Neer W.Teugels G. 12/ P A0065.0021Luxor, markt Portal: FB.
Source: P
Egyptno yearStuhlmann ZMH 14813Alexandria, Ägypten Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Egyptno yearR.E. Kuntz FMNH 59613Cairo Fish Market. Portal: FB.
Source: FMNH
Egyptno yearR.E. Kuntz & B.H. Randall FMNH 45889Abu Rauwash, Giza, secondary drainage canal Portal: FB.
Source: FMNH
Egyptno yearR.E. Kuntz & B.H. Randall FMNH 45891Qalyub, Qalyubia: Drainage canal. Portal: FB.
Source: FMNH
Egyptno yearR.E. Kuntz & B.H. Randall FMNH 45890Qalyub, Qalyubia: Drainage canal. Portal: FB.
Source: FMNH
Egyptno yearR.E. Kuntz & B.H. Randall FMNH 45892El Mansuriya, Giza; secondary drainage canal Portal: FB.
Source: FMNH
Egypt1890Michaelsen ded. 10.V.1890 ZMH 14815Kairo, Ägypten Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Egypt1913Bannwarth vend. 7.VII.1913 ZMH 14816Nil, bei Kairo, Ägypten Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Egypt1914Bannwarth vend. 18.IV.1914 ZMH 14818Nil, bei Assuan, Ägypten Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Egypt1914Bannwarth vend. 13.VII.1914 ZMH 14817Nil-Kanäle, Ägypten Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Ghanano yearHopson A.J.Hopson A.J. P -153536Lissa dam on the Kamba river Portal: FB.
Source: P
Ghanano yearHopson A.J.Hopson A.J. P -153536Lissa dam on the Kamba river Portal: FB.
Source: P
Ghanano year FB 2736851Lissa Dam on the Kamba R., a trib. of the Black Volta, 15 mi northeast of Lawra, 10°40'N, 2°50'W, nw. Ghana. Portal: FB.
Source: FB
Malino yearCoenen E.Coenen E. P 85018.001085018.0013Gao, au bord du fleuve Portal: FB.
Source: P
Malino yearMatthes H.Matthes H. P 73012.0340Mopti Sud, aval grille Portal: FB.
Source: P
Malino yearMatthes H.Matthes H. P 73012.0339Kona, zone inondée Portal: FB.
Source: P
Malino yearMatthes H.Matthes H. P 73012.0338Mopti Sud, chenal Portal: FB.
Source: P
Malino yearMatthes H.Matthes H. P 73012.0337Mopti Sud, aval grille Portal: FB.
Source: P
Malino yearMatthes H.Matthes H. P 73012.0336Mopti Sud, aval grille Portal: FB.
Source: P
Malino yearMatthes H.Matthes H. P 73012.0335Mopti, fl. Niger (prise d'eau) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Malino yearMatthes H.Matthes H. P 73012.033173012.0334Mopti, fl. Niger (prise d'eau) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Malino yearMatthes H.Matthes H. P 73012.032773012.0330Mopti Sud, aval grille Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearClausen H.S.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 76032.488976032.4895lille vandlob naer Jos-plateauets overste rand mod S Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearClausen H.S.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 76032.479376032.4888between Kano and Jos-plateau (4) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearClausen H.S.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 76032.479076032.4792between Kano and Jos-plateau (3) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearClausen H.S.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 76032.478176032.4789between Kano and Jos-plateau (2) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearSydenham H.Sydenham H. P 76006.020276006.0204swift clear stream, mile 69 Yola-Gombe road, Benue system Portal: FB.
Source: P
Sudanno yearBianco P.G.Bianco P.G. P 82017.000182017.0005Abu Satta hills, Sudan southern region Portal: FB.
Source: P
Tanzania (Unitedno yearWildekamp R.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 79007.008379007.0103Seronera river, ± 3 km W van Seronera Lodge, langs weg richting Mwanza, Serengeti National Park Portal: FB.
Source: P
Ugandano yearWildekamp R.Wildekamp R. P 91050.0001Kazinga channel Portal: FB.
Source: P
Ugandano yearVan Neer W.Teugels G. P 89059.024889059.0257riv. Hokwa, loc. 1 Portal: FB.
Source: P
Ugandano yearVan Neer W.Teugels G. P 89059.024589059.0247Nyawiega, lac Albert Portal: FB.
Source: P
Ugandano yearWildekamp R.Wildekamp R. P 88032.002788032.0028Bundibugyo (heetwaterbronnen), 15 km NW van Bundibugyo, riv. Mwomelow Portal: FB.
Source: P
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011
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