Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Teleostei
Order: Cyprinodontiformes
Family: Nothobranchiidae African rivulines

Genus: Nothobranchius

(See list of species below)

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97 species
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Max. Length 5.0 cm SL

Nothobranchius albertinensis

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 3.3 cm SL
Nothobranchius albimarginatus Watters, Wildekamp & Cooper, 1998

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius albimarginatus
No picture found

Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Nothobranchius angelae

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 3.3 cm SL
Nothobranchius annectens Watters, Wildekamp & Cooper, 1998

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius annectens
No picture found

Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Nothobranchius attenboroughi
No picture found

Max. Length 3.0 cm SL

Nothobranchius balamaensis
No picture found

Max. Length 4.6 cm SL

Nothobranchius bellemansi

Photo by Nagy, B.

Max. Length 4.8 cm SL
Nothobranchius bojiensis Wildekamp & Haas, 1992

Photo by Photo by Nagy, B.
Nothobranchius bojiensis
[Boji Plains nothobranch]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Nothobranchius boklundi
No picture found

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Nothobranchius brieni
No picture found

Max. Length 5.0 cm SL

Nothobranchius capriviensis
[Caprivi Nothobranchius]

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 2.7 cm SL
Nothobranchius cardinalis Watters, Cooper & Wildekamp, 2008

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius cardinalis
[Cardinal Nothobranchius]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.5 cm SL

Nothobranchius chochamandai
No picture found

Max. Length 2.6 cm SL

Nothobranchius cooperi
No picture found

Max. Length 3.8 cm SL

Nothobranchius derhami
No picture found

Nothobranchius ditte

Photo by Dorn, A.

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius eggersi Seegers, 1982

Photo by Photo by Dorn, A.
Nothobranchius eggersi

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 6 cm TL
Nothobranchius elongatus Wildekamp, 1982

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius elongatus
[Elongate nothobranch]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL

Nothobranchius elucens

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 7 cm TL
Nothobranchius fasciatus Wildekamp & Haas, 1992

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius fasciatus
No picture found

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL

Nothobranchius flagrans

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 4.7 cm SL
Nothobranchius flammicomantis Wildekamp, Watters & Sainthouse, 1998

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius flammicomantis

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/D. Terver

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius foerschi Wildekamp & Berkenkamp, 1979

Photo by Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/D. Terver
Nothobranchius foerschi

Photo by Dorn, A.

Max. Length 6.5 cm TL
Nothobranchius furzeri Jubb, 1971

Photo by Photo by Dorn, A.
Nothobranchius furzeri
[Turquoise killifish]

Photo by Schmaus, G.

Max. Length 3.3 cm SL
Nothobranchius fuscotaeniatus Seegers, 1997

Photo by Photo by Schmaus, G.
Nothobranchius fuscotaeniatus

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 3.2 cm SL
Nothobranchius geminus Wildekamp, Watters & Sainthouse, 2002

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius geminus

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 3.5 cm SL
Nothobranchius guentheri (Pfeffer, 1893)

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Nothobranchius guentheri
[Redtail notho]

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 4.2 cm SL
Nothobranchius hassoni Valdesalici & Wildekamp, 2004

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Nothobranchius hassoni

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 4.1 cm SL
Nothobranchius hengstleri Valdesalici, 2007

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius hengstleri
No picture found

Max. Length 5.1 cm SL

Nothobranchius hoermanni
No picture found

Max. Length 5.3 cm SL

Nothobranchius insularis

Photo by Nagy, B.

Max. Length 6.5 cm TL
Nothobranchius interruptus Wildekamp & Berkenkamp, 1979

Photo by Photo by Nagy, B.
Nothobranchius interruptus
[Kikambala nothobranch]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Nothobranchius itigiensis
No picture found

Max. Length 4.5 cm SL

Nothobranchius ivanovae

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 4.5 cm TL
Nothobranchius janpapi Wildekamp, 1977

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius janpapi

Photo by Nagy, B.

Max. Length 6 cm TL
Nothobranchius jubbi Wildekamp & Berkenkamp, 1979

Photo by Photo by Nagy, B.
Nothobranchius jubbi

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL
Nothobranchius kadleci Reichard, 2010

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius kadleci

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 6 cm TL
Nothobranchius kafuensis Wildekamp & Rosenstock, 1989

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius kafuensis
[Kafue killifish]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.8 cm SL

Nothobranchius kardashevi

Photo by Casado Pasamontes, F.

Max. Length 4.1 cm SL
Nothobranchius kilomberoensis Wildekamp, Watters & Sainthouse, 2002

Photo by Photo by Casado Pasamontes, F.
Nothobranchius kilomberoensis

Photo by Brill, J.

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius kirki Jubb, 1969

Photo by Photo by Brill, J.
Nothobranchius kirki
[Redfin notho]

Photo by Nilsson, K.

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius korthausae Meinken, 1973

Photo by Photo by Nilsson, K.
Nothobranchius korthausae

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 3.3 cm SL
Nothobranchius krammeri Valdesalici & Hengstler, 2008

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius krammeri
No picture found

Max. Length 3.1 cm SL

Nothobranchius krysanovi
No picture found

Max. Length 4.2 cm SL

Nothobranchius kwalensis

Photo by RMCA

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius lourensi Wildekamp, 1977

Photo by Photo by RMCA
Nothobranchius lourensi

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 5.4 cm SL
Nothobranchius lucius Wildekamp, Shidlovskiy & Watters, 2009

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius lucius

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 4.5 cm TL
Nothobranchius luekei Seegers, 1984

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius luekei

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 6.1 cm SL
Nothobranchius makondorum Wildekamp, Shidlovskiy & Watters, 2009

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius makondorum

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL
Nothobranchius malaissei Wildekamp, 1978

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Nothobranchius malaissei
No picture found

Max. Length 9.5 cm SL

Nothobranchius matanduensis

Photo by R A Hill ARPS

Max. Length 5.3 cm SL
Nothobranchius melanospilus (Pfeffer, 1896)

Photo by Photo by R A Hill ARPS
Nothobranchius melanospilus
[Blackspotted nothobranch]

Photo by Nagy, B.

Max. Length 8 cm TL
Nothobranchius microlepis (Vinciguerra, 1897)

Photo by Photo by Nagy, B.
Nothobranchius microlepis
[Small scaled nothobranch]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.7 cm SL

Nothobranchius milvertzi
No picture found

Max. Length 3.4 cm SL

Nothobranchius mkuziensis
No picture found

Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Nothobranchius moameensis

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 6.5 cm SL
Nothobranchius neumanni (Hilgendorf, 1905)

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius neumanni
No picture found

Max. Length 2.9 cm SL

Nothobranchius niassa
No picture found

Max. Length 3 cm SL

Nothobranchius nikiforovi

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 5.0 cm SL
Nothobranchius nubaensis Valdesalici, Bellemans, Kardashev & Golubtsov, 2009

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius nubaensis
No picture found

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL

Nothobranchius occultus

Photo by RMCA

Max. Length 10 cm TL
Nothobranchius ocellatus (Seegers, 1985)

Photo by Photo by RMCA
Nothobranchius ocellatus

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 3.2 cm SL
Nothobranchius oestergaardi Valdesalici & Amato, 2011

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius oestergaardi

Photo by Casado Pasamontes, F.

Max. Length 10 cm TL
Nothobranchius orthonotus (Peters, 1844)

Photo by Photo by Casado Pasamontes, F.
Nothobranchius orthonotus
[Spotted killifish]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.5 cm SL

Nothobranchius ottoschmidti

Photo by Nagy, B.

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius palmqvisti (Lönnberg, 1907)

Photo by Photo by Nagy, B.
Nothobranchius palmqvisti

Photo by Slaboch, R.

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius patrizii (Vinciguerra, 1927)

Photo by Photo by Slaboch, R.
Nothobranchius patrizii
[Blue notho]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL

Nothobranchius pienaari

Photo by RMCA

Max. Length 6 cm TL
Nothobranchius polli Wildekamp, 1978

Photo by Photo by RMCA
Nothobranchius polli
No picture found

Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Nothobranchius prognathus

Photo by Plistil, J.

Max. Length 6 cm TL
Nothobranchius rachovii Ahl, 1926

Photo by Photo by Plistil, J.
Nothobranchius rachovii
[Bluefin notho]

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL
Nothobranchius robustus Ahl, 1935

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius robustus
[Red Victoria nothobranch]

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 4.5 cm TL
Nothobranchius rosenstocki Valdesalici & Wildekamp, 2005

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Nothobranchius rosenstocki

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 3.6 cm SL
Nothobranchius rubripinnis Seegers, 1986

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius rubripinnis

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius rubroreticulatus Blache & Miton, 1960

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius rubroreticulatus
No picture found

Max. Length 4.2 cm SL

Nothobranchius rungwaensis

Photo by Van der Zee, J.R.

Max. Length 2.5 cm SL
Nothobranchius ruudwildekampi Costa, 2009

Photo by Photo by Van der Zee, J.R.
Nothobranchius ruudwildekampi
No picture found

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL

Nothobranchius sagittae
No picture found

Max. Length 4.1 cm SL

Nothobranchius sainthousei

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 6.2 cm SL
Nothobranchius seegersi Valdesalici & Kardashev, 2011

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius seegersi
No picture found

Max. Length 4.8 cm SL

Nothobranchius serengetiensis
No picture found

Max. Length 5.3 cm SL

Nothobranchius skeltoni
No picture found

Max. Length 4.4 cm SL

Nothobranchius sonjae

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius steinforti Wildekamp, 1977

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius steinforti
No picture found

Max. Length 5.1 cm SL

Nothobranchius streltsovi

Photo by Terceira, A.C.

Max. Length 5 cm TL
Nothobranchius symoensi Wildekamp, 1978

Photo by Photo by Terceira, A.C.
Nothobranchius symoensi

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 3.6 cm SL
Nothobranchius taeniopygus Hilgendorf, 1891

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Nothobranchius taeniopygus
[Striped nothobranch]
No picture found

Nothobranchius taiti

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 3.6 cm TL
Nothobranchius thierryi (Ahl, 1924)

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius thierryi
[Togo Killifish]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.3 cm SL

Nothobranchius torgashevi

Photo by Nagy, B.

Max. Length 5 cm SL
Nothobranchius ugandensis Wildekamp, 1994

Photo by Photo by Nagy, B.
Nothobranchius ugandensis
[Uganda nothobranch]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.1 cm SL

Nothobranchius usanguensis
No picture found

Max. Length 3.6 cm SL

Nothobranchius venustus

Photo by Valdesalici, S.

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL
Nothobranchius virgatus Chambers, 1984

Photo by Photo by Valdesalici, S.
Nothobranchius virgatus

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 4.5 cm SL
Nothobranchius vosseleri Ahl, 1924

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Nothobranchius vosseleri
[Pangani nothobranch]
No picture found

Max. Length 5.3 cm SL

Nothobranchius wattersi
No picture found

Max. Length 4 cm TL

Nothobranchius willerti
[Mnanzini nothobranch]

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n = 97

Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Nothobranchius albertinensis Africa 5.0 SL 2020
Nothobranchius albimarginatus Africa 3.3 SL 1998
Nothobranchius angelae Africa 4.4 SL 2019
Nothobranchius annectens Africa 3.3 SL 1998
Nothobranchius attenboroughi Africa 4.4 SL 2020
Nothobranchius balamaensis Africa 3.0 SL 2022
Nothobranchius bellemansi Africa 4.6 SL 2014
Nothobranchius bojiensis Boji Plains nothobranch Africa 4.8 SL 1992
Nothobranchius boklundi Africa 4.4 SL 2010
Nothobranchius brieni Africa 6 TL 1938
Nothobranchius capriviensis Caprivi Nothobranchius Africa 5.0 SL 2015
Nothobranchius cardinalis Cardinal Nothobranchius Africa 2.7 SL 2008
Nothobranchius chochamandai Africa 3.5 SL 2014
Nothobranchius cooperi Africa 2.6 SL 2017
Nothobranchius derhami Africa 3.8 SL 2019
Nothobranchius ditte Africa 2018
Nothobranchius eggersi Africa 5 TL 1982
Nothobranchius elongatus Elongate nothobranch Africa 6 TL 1982
Nothobranchius elucens Africa 3.9 SL 2021
Nothobranchius fasciatus Africa 7 TL 1992
Nothobranchius flagrans Africa 3.9 SL 2014
Nothobranchius flammicomantis Africa 4.7 SL 1998
Nothobranchius foerschi Africa 5 TL 1979
Nothobranchius furzeri Turquoise killifish Africa 6.5 TL 1971
Nothobranchius fuscotaeniatus Africa 3.3 SL 1997
Nothobranchius geminus Africa 3.2 SL 2002
Nothobranchius guentheri Redtail notho Africa 3.5 SL 1893
Nothobranchius hassoni Africa 4.2 SL 2004
Nothobranchius hengstleri Africa 4.1 SL 2007
Nothobranchius hoermanni Africa 5.1 SL 2020
Nothobranchius insularis Africa 5.3 SL 2017
Nothobranchius interruptus Kikambala nothobranch Africa 6.5 TL 1979
Nothobranchius itigiensis Africa 4.3 SL 2020
Nothobranchius ivanovae Africa 4.5 SL 2012
Nothobranchius janpapi Africa 4.5 TL 1977
Nothobranchius jubbi Africa 6 TL 1979
Nothobranchius kadleci Africa 3.9 SL 2010
Nothobranchius kafuensis Kafue killifish Africa 6 TL 1989
Nothobranchius kardashevi Africa 3.8 SL 2012
Nothobranchius kilomberoensis Africa 4.1 SL 2002
Nothobranchius kirki Redfin notho Africa 5 TL 1969
Nothobranchius korthausae Africa 5 TL 1973
Nothobranchius krammeri Africa 3.3 SL 2008
Nothobranchius krysanovi Africa 3.1 SL 2010
Nothobranchius kwalensis Africa 4.2 SL 2019
Nothobranchius lourensi Africa 5 TL 1977
Nothobranchius lucius Africa 5.4 SL 2009
Nothobranchius luekei Africa 4.5 TL 1984
Nothobranchius makondorum Africa 6.1 SL 2009
Nothobranchius malaissei Africa 5.5 TL 1978
Nothobranchius matanduensis Africa 9.5 SL 2020
Nothobranchius melanospilus Blackspotted nothobranch Africa 5.3 SL 1896
Nothobranchius microlepis Small scaled nothobranch Africa 8 TL 1897
Nothobranchius milvertzi Africa 3.7 SL 2014
Nothobranchius mkuziensis Africa 3.4 SL 1934
Nothobranchius moameensis Africa 4.3 SL 2020
Nothobranchius neumanni Africa 6.5 SL 1905
Nothobranchius niassa Africa 2.9 SL 2012
Nothobranchius nikiforovi Africa 3 SL 2021
Nothobranchius nubaensis Africa 5.0 SL 2009
Nothobranchius occultus Africa 3.9 SL 2014
Nothobranchius ocellatus Africa 10 TL 1985
Nothobranchius oestergaardi Africa 3.2 SL 2011
Nothobranchius orthonotus Spotted killifish Africa 10 TL 1844
Nothobranchius ottoschmidti Africa 5.5 SL 2019
Nothobranchius palmqvisti Africa 5 TL 1907
Nothobranchius patrizii Blue notho Africa 5 TL 1927
Nothobranchius pienaari Africa 3.9 SL 2010
Nothobranchius polli Africa 6 TL 1978
Nothobranchius prognathus Africa 4.4 SL 2019
Nothobranchius rachovii Bluefin notho Africa 6 TL 1926
Nothobranchius robustus Red Victoria nothobranch Africa 5.5 TL 1935
Nothobranchius rosenstocki Africa 4.5 TL 2005
Nothobranchius rubripinnis Africa 3.6 SL 1986
Nothobranchius rubroreticulatus Africa 5 TL 1960
Nothobranchius rungwaensis Africa 4.2 SL 2019
Nothobranchius ruudwildekampi Africa 2.5 SL 2009
Nothobranchius sagittae Africa 3.9 SL 2013
Nothobranchius sainthousei Africa 4.1 SL 2016
Nothobranchius seegersi Africa 6.2 SL 2011
Nothobranchius serengetiensis Africa 4.8 SL 2013
Nothobranchius skeltoni Africa 5.3 SL 2019
Nothobranchius sonjae Africa 4.4 SL 2019
Nothobranchius steinforti Africa 5 TL 1977
Nothobranchius streltsovi Africa 5.1 SL 2016
Nothobranchius symoensi Africa 5 TL 1978
Nothobranchius taeniopygus Striped nothobranch Africa 3.6 SL 1891
Nothobranchius taiti Africa 2019
Nothobranchius thierryi Togo Killifish Africa 3.6 TL 1924
Nothobranchius torgashevi Africa 4.3 SL 2015
Nothobranchius ugandensis Uganda nothobranch Africa 5 SL 1994
Nothobranchius usanguensis Africa 5.1 SL 2013
Nothobranchius venustus Africa 3.6 SL 2020
Nothobranchius virgatus Africa 5.5 TL 1984
Nothobranchius vosseleri Pangani nothobranch Africa 4.5 SL 1924
Nothobranchius wattersi Africa 5.3 SL 2013
Nothobranchius willerti Mnanzini nothobranch Africa 4 TL 1992

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013