Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Teleostei
Order: Kurtiformes
Family: Apogonidae Cardinalfishes
Subfamily: Apogoninae
Genus: Apogon

(See list of species below)

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54 species
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Photo by Guimarães, R. Z. P.

Southwest Atlantic and Ea
Max. Length 10.1 cm SL
Apogon americanus Castelnau, 1855

Photo by Photo by Guimarães, R. Z. P.
Apogon americanus
[Brazilian flamefish]

Photo by Wirtz, P.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 8.9 cm SL
Apogon atradorsatus Heller & Snodgrass, 1903

Photo by Photo by Wirtz, P.
Apogon atradorsatus
[Blacktip cardinalfish]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Apogon atricaudus Jordan & McGregor, 1898

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Apogon atricaudus
[Plain cardinalfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.5 cm TL

Apogon aurolineatus
[Bridle cardinalfish]

Photo by Wirtz, P.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Apogon axillaris Valenciennes, 1832

Photo by Photo by Wirtz, P.
Apogon axillaris
[Axillary-spot cardinalfish]

Photo by Steele, M.A.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 13 cm SL
Apogon binotatus (Poey, 1867)

Photo by Photo by Steele, M.A.
Apogon binotatus
[Barred cardinalfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.9 cm SL

Apogon campbelli

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 12 cm SL
Apogon caudicinctus Randall & Smith, 1988

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon caudicinctus
[Little tailband cardinalfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 8 cm TL
Apogon ceramensis Bleeker, 1852

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Apogon ceramensis
[Mangrove cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 6 cm TL
Apogon coccineus Rüppell, 1838

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon coccineus
[Ruby cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-Pacific. Replaced b
Max. Length 5 cm TL
Apogon crassiceps Garman, 1903

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon crassiceps
[Transparent cardinalfish]

Photo by Winterbottom, R.

Western Central Pacific

Apogon dammermani Weber & de Beaufort, 1929

Photo by Photo by Winterbottom, R.
Apogon dammermani

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 12 cm SL
Apogon deetsie Randall, 1998

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon deetsie
[Deetsie's cardinalfish]

Photo by Field, R.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 14 cm TL
Apogon dhofar Mee, 1995

Photo by Photo by Field, R.
Apogon dhofar
[Dhofar cardinalfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.8 cm SL

Apogon dianthus

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 8 cm TL
Apogon doryssa (Jordan & Seale, 1906)

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon doryssa
[Longspine cardinalfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 7.5 cm TL
Apogon dovii Günther, 1862

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Apogon dovii
[Tailspot cardinalfish]

Photo by Cook, D.C.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 4.0 cm SL
Apogon erythrinus Snyder, 1904

Photo by Photo by Cook, D.C.
Apogon erythrinus
[Hawaiian ruby cardinalfish]

Photo by De Vroe, J.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 3.8 cm SL
Apogon erythrosoma Gon & Randall, 2003

Photo by Photo by De Vroe, J.
Apogon erythrosoma
No picture found

Max. Length 6.0 cm SL

Apogon fugax
[elusive cardinalfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.6 cm SL

Apogon gouldi
[Deepwater cardinalfish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 13 cm TL
Apogon guadalupensis (Osburn & Nichols, 1916)

Photo by Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Apogon guadalupensis
[Guadalupe cardinalfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.5 cm SL

Apogon hypselonotus
[Long-spine cardinalfish]

Photo by Patzner, R.

Eastern Atlantic and Medi
Max. Length 15 cm SL
Apogon imberbis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by Patzner, R.
Apogon imberbis
[Cardinal fish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 3.8 cm SL
Apogon indicus Greenfield, 2001

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon indicus
[Indian cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 7.3 cm NG
Apogon kautamea Greenfield & Randall, 2004

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon kautamea
[Rapanui cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 6.5 cm TL
Apogon lachneri Böhlke, 1959

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon lachneri
[Whitestar cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 5.8 cm SL
Apogon lativittatus Randall, 2001

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon lativittatus
No picture found

Apogon latus
No picture found

Max. Length 6 cm TL

Apogon leptocaulus
[Slendertail cardinalfish]

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 11.1 cm TL
Apogon maculatus (Poey, 1860)

Photo by Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda
Apogon maculatus
No picture found

Max. Length 4.6 cm SL

Apogon marquesensis

Photo by Baldwin, C.C.

Western Central Atlantic

Apogon mosavi Dale, 1977

Photo by Photo by Baldwin, C.C.
Apogon mosavi
[Dwarf cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 8 cm TL
Apogon nitidus (Smith, 1961)

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon nitidus
[Bluespot cardinalfish]

Photo by Lavan, J.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 10 cm TL
Apogon pacificus (Herre, 1935)

Photo by Photo by Lavan, J.
Apogon pacificus
[Pink cardinalfish]

Photo by Cox, C.D.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 7.5 cm TL
Apogon phenax Böhlke & Randall, 1968

Photo by Photo by Cox, C.D.
Apogon phenax
[Mimic cardinalfish]

Photo by Williams, J.T.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 6.5 cm TL
Apogon pillionatus Böhlke & Randall, 1968

Photo by Photo by Williams, J.T.
Apogon pillionatus
[Broadsaddle cardinalfish]

Photo by Smith, D.G.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 10.5 cm SL
Apogon planifrons Longley & Hildebrand, 1940

Photo by Photo by Smith, D.G.
Apogon planifrons
[Pale cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Central Pacific.
Max. Length 6 cm TL
Apogon posterofasciatus Allen & Randall, 2002

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon posterofasciatus
[Rearbar cardinalfish]

Photo by Luiz, Jr., O.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 11 cm TL
Apogon pseudomaculatus Longley, 1932

Photo by Photo by Luiz, Jr., O.
Apogon pseudomaculatus
[Twospot cardinalfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 7 cm TL
Apogon quadrisquamatus Longley, 1934

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon quadrisquamatus
[Sawcheek cardinalfish]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 10 cm TL
Apogon retrosella (Gill, 1862)

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Apogon retrosella
[Barspot cardinalfish]

Photo by Carvalho Filho, A.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 3.6 cm SL
Apogon robbyi Gilbert & Tyler, 1997

Photo by Photo by Carvalho Filho, A.
Apogon robbyi
[Striped cardinalfish]

Photo by Schulke, J.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 10.1 cm SL
Apogon robinsi Böhlke & Randall, 1968

Photo by Photo by Schulke, J.
Apogon robinsi
[Roughlip cardinalfish]
No picture found

Apogon rubellus

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 13.2 cm NG
Apogon rubrifuscus Greenfield & Randall, 2004

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon rubrifuscus
[Flathead cardinalfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm TL
Apogon seminigracaudus Greenfield, 2007

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Apogon seminigracaudus
[Darktail cardinalfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 7.5 cm TL
Apogon semiornatus Peters, 1876

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Apogon semiornatus
[Oblique-banded cardinalfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 3.1 cm SL

Apogon soloriens
[Rising-sun cardinalfish]
No picture found

Max. Length 4.0 cm SL

Apogon susanae

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 14 cm TL
Apogon talboti Smith, 1961

Photo by Photo by Randall, J.E.
Apogon talboti
[Flame cardinalfish]

Photo by Johnson, L.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 6.5 cm SL
Apogon townsendi (Breder, 1927)

Photo by Photo by Johnson, L.
Apogon townsendi
[Belted cardinalfish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 5.7 cm SL
Apogon tricinctus (Allen & Erdmann, 2012)

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Apogon tricinctus
[Threeband cardinalfish]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Western Pacific
Max. Length 14 cm TL
Apogon unicolor Steindachner & Döderlein, 1883

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Apogon unicolor
[Big red cardinalfish]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Apogon americanus Brazilian flamefish Southwest Atlantic and Ea 10.1 SL 1855
Apogon atradorsatus Blacktip cardinalfish Southeast Pacific 8.9 SL 1903
Apogon atricaudus Plain cardinalfish Eastern Central Pacific 8 TL 1898
Apogon aurolineatus Bridle cardinalfish Western Atlantic 6.5 TL 1927
Apogon axillaris Axillary-spot cardinalfish Eastern Atlantic 15 TL 1832
Apogon binotatus Barred cardinalfish Western Central Atlantic 13 SL 1867
Apogon campbelli Western Indian Ocean 3.9 SL 1949
Apogon caudicinctus Little tailband cardinalfish Indo-Pacific 12 SL 1988
Apogon ceramensis Mangrove cardinalfish Western Pacific 8 TL 1852
Apogon coccineus Ruby cardinalfish Indo-Pacific 6 TL 1838
Apogon crassiceps Transparent cardinalfish Indo-Pacific. Replaced b 5 TL 1903
Apogon dammermani Western Central Pacific 1929
Apogon deetsie Deetsie's cardinalfish Eastern Central Pacific 12 SL 1998
Apogon dhofar Dhofar cardinalfish Western Indian Ocean 14 TL 1995
Apogon dianthus Indo-West Pacific 4.8 SL 2002
Apogon doryssa Longspine cardinalfish Indo-Pacific 8 TL 1906
Apogon dovii Tailspot cardinalfish Eastern Pacific 7.5 TL 1862
Apogon erythrinus Hawaiian ruby cardinalfish Eastern Central Pacific 4.0 SL 1904
Apogon erythrosoma Western Indian Ocean 3.8 SL 2003
Apogon fugax elusive cardinalfish Indian Ocean 6.0 SL 2020
Apogon gouldi Deepwater cardinalfish Western Central Atlantic 6.6 SL 1977
Apogon guadalupensis Guadalupe cardinalfish Eastern Pacific 13 TL 1916
Apogon hypselonotus Long-spine cardinalfish Pacific Ocean 4.5 SL 1855
Apogon imberbis Cardinal fish Eastern Atlantic and Medi 15 SL 1758
Apogon indicus Indian cardinalfish Indo-Pacific 3.8 SL 2001
Apogon kautamea Rapanui cardinalfish Southeast Pacific 7.3 NG 2004
Apogon lachneri Whitestar cardinalfish Western Atlantic 6.5 TL 1959
Apogon lativittatus Eastern Central Pacific 5.8 SL 2001
Apogon latus Western Indian Ocean 1828
Apogon leptocaulus Slendertail cardinalfish Western Atlantic 6 TL 1972
Apogon maculatus Flamefish Western Atlantic 11.1 TL 1860
Apogon marquesensis Eastern Central Pacific 4.6 SL 2001
Apogon mosavi Dwarf cardinalfish Western Central Atlantic 1977
Apogon nitidus Bluespot cardinalfish Indo-Pacific 8 TL 1961
Apogon pacificus Pink cardinalfish Eastern Pacific 10 TL 1935
Apogon phenax Mimic cardinalfish Western Atlantic 7.5 TL 1968
Apogon pillionatus Broadsaddle cardinalfish Western Atlantic 6.5 TL 1968
Apogon planifrons Pale cardinalfish Western Atlantic 10.5 SL 1940
Apogon posterofasciatus Rearbar cardinalfish Western Central Pacific. 6 TL 2002
Apogon pseudomaculatus Twospot cardinalfish Western Atlantic 11 TL 1932
Apogon quadrisquamatus Sawcheek cardinalfish Western Atlantic 7 TL 1934
Apogon retrosella Barspot cardinalfish Eastern Central Pacific 10 TL 1862
Apogon robbyi Striped cardinalfish Western Central Atlantic 3.6 SL 1997
Apogon robinsi Roughlip cardinalfish Western Central Atlantic 10.1 SL 1968
Apogon rubellus Western Indian Ocean 1961
Apogon rubrifuscus Flathead cardinalfish Southeast Pacific 13.2 NG 2004
Apogon seminigracaudus Darktail cardinalfish Western Pacific 5 TL 2007
Apogon semiornatus Oblique-banded cardinalfish Indo-West Pacific 7.5 TL 1876
Apogon soloriens Rising-sun cardinalfish Northwest Pacific 3.1 SL 2020
Apogon susanae Western Pacific 4.0 SL 2001
Apogon talboti Flame cardinalfish Indo-Pacific. 14 TL 1961
Apogon townsendi Belted cardinalfish Western Central Atlantic 6.5 SL 1927
Apogon tricinctus Threeband cardinalfish Western Pacific 5.7 SL 2012
Apogon unicolor Big red cardinalfish Western Pacific 14 TL 1883

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013