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Family: Gonostomatidae Bristlemouths

(See list of species below)

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32 species
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Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 6.5 cm SL
Cyclothone acclinidens Garman, 1899

Photo by Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.
Cyclothone acclinidens
[Benttooth bristlemouth]

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Circumglobal. Atlantic O
Max. Length 5.6 cm SL
Cyclothone alba Brauer, 1906

Photo by Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Cyclothone alba

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

North Pacific
Max. Length 6.2 cm SL
Cyclothone atraria Gilbert, 1905

Photo by Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Cyclothone atraria
[Deep-water bristlemouth]

Photo by Costa, F.

Atlantic, Indian and Sout
Max. Length 4.6 cm SL
Cyclothone braueri Jespersen & Tåning, 1926

Photo by Photo by Costa, F.
Cyclothone braueri
No picture found

Max. Length 4.2 cm SL

Cyclothone kobayashii
[Kobayashi's bristlemouth]

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 5 cm SL
Cyclothone livida Brauer, 1902

Photo by Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.
Cyclothone livida

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.

Widely distributed in all
Max. Length 7.6 cm TL
Cyclothone microdon (Günther, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.
Cyclothone microdon
[Veiled anglemouth]

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 6.6 cm SL
Cyclothone obscura Brauer, 1902

Photo by Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.
Cyclothone obscura
[Hidden bristlemouth]

Photo by SFSA

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 7.5 cm SL
Cyclothone pallida Brauer, 1902

Photo by Photo by SFSA
Cyclothone pallida
[Tan bristlemouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.7 cm SL

Cyclothone parapallida
[Shadow bristlemouth]

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 5.8 cm SL
Cyclothone pseudopallida Mukhacheva, 1964

Photo by Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Cyclothone pseudopallida
[Slender bristlemouth]

Photo by Costa, F.

Mediterranean Sea endemic
Max. Length 2.9 cm SL
Cyclothone pygmaea Jespersen & Tåning, 1926

Photo by Photo by Costa, F.
Cyclothone pygmaea

Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 3 cm TL
Cyclothone signata Garman, 1899

Photo by Photo by Welter-Schultes, F.
Cyclothone signata
[Showy bristlemouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 18 cm SL

Diplophos australis
No picture found

Max. Length 32 cm SL

Diplophos orientalis
No picture found

Diplophos pacificus

Photo by SFSA

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Diplophos rebainsi Krefft & Parin, 1972

Photo by Photo by SFSA
Diplophos rebainsi
[Rebains' portholefish]

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Cosmopolitan. Eastern At
Max. Length 27.6 cm SL
Diplophos taenia Günther, 1873

Photo by Photo by Dubosc, J.
Diplophos taenia
[Pacific portholefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 14.4 cm SL

Diplophos vicinia
[Neighbor portholefish]

Photo by SFSA

Worldwide. Eastern Atlan
Max. Length 6.6 cm SL
Gonostoma atlanticum Norman, 1930

Photo by Photo by SFSA
Gonostoma atlanticum
[Atlantic fangjaw]

Photo by Costa, F.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 14.4 cm SL
Gonostoma denudatum Rafinesque, 1810

Photo by Photo by Costa, F.
Gonostoma denudatum
No picture found

Manducus greyae

Photo by JAMARC

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 27.9 cm SL
Manducus maderensis (Johnson, 1890)

Photo by Photo by JAMARC
Manducus maderensis

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 8.3 cm SL
Margrethia obtusirostra Jespersen & Tåning, 1919

Photo by Photo by Dubosc, J.
Margrethia obtusirostra
[Bighead portholefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.2 cm TL

Margrethia valentinae

Photo by Orlov, A.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 20 cm SL
Sigmops bathyphilus (Vaillant, 1884)

Photo by Photo by Orlov, A.
Sigmops bathyphilus
[Spark anglemouth]
No picture found

Max. Length 9.7 cm SL

Sigmops ebelingi
[Ebeling's fangjaw]

Photo by Reyes, R.B.

Worldwide. Mediterranean
Max. Length 27.5 cm TL
Sigmops elongatus (Günther, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Reyes, R.B.
Sigmops elongatus
[Elongated bristlemouth fish]

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 13.3 cm SL
Sigmops gracilis (Günther, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Sigmops gracilis
[Slender fangjaw]
No picture found

Sigmops longipinnis

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Tropical waters of all oc
Max. Length 36 cm SL
Triplophos hemingi (McArdle, 1901)

Photo by Photo by Shao, K.T.
Triplophos hemingi

Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 7.5 cm SL
Zaphotias pedaliotus (Goode & Bean, 1896)

Photo by Photo by Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada
Zaphotias pedaliotus
[Longray fangjaw]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Cyclothone acclinidens Benttooth bristlemouth Atlantic, Indian and Paci 6.5 SL 1899
Cyclothone alba Bristlemouth Circumglobal. Atlantic O 5.6 SL 1906
Cyclothone atraria Deep-water bristlemouth North Pacific 6.2 SL 1905
Cyclothone braueri Garrick Atlantic, Indian and Sout 4.6 SL 1926
Cyclothone kobayashii Kobayashi's bristlemouth Southern Ocean 4.2 SL 1994
Cyclothone livida Eastern Atlantic 5 SL 1902
Cyclothone microdon Veiled anglemouth Widely distributed in all 7.6 TL 1878
Cyclothone obscura Hidden bristlemouth Atlantic, Indian and Paci 6.6 SL 1902
Cyclothone pallida Tan bristlemouth Atlantic, Indian and Paci 7.5 SL 1902
Cyclothone parapallida Shadow bristlemouth Atlantic Ocean 6.7 SL 1982
Cyclothone pseudopallida Slender bristlemouth Atlantic, Indian and Paci 5.8 SL 1964
Cyclothone pygmaea Mediterranean Sea endemic 2.9 SL 1926
Cyclothone signata Showy bristlemouth Eastern Pacific 3 TL 1899
Diplophos australis Southern Ocean 18 SL 1990
Diplophos orientalis Northwest Pacific 32 SL 1940
Diplophos pacificus North Pacific. 1889
Diplophos rebainsi Rebains' portholefish Southwest Pacific 25 TL 1972
Diplophos taenia Pacific portholefish Cosmopolitan. Eastern At 27.6 SL 1873
Diplophos vicinia Neighbor portholefish Western Pacific 14.4 SL 2019
Gonostoma atlanticum Atlantic fangjaw Worldwide. Eastern Atlan 6.6 SL 1930
Gonostoma denudatum Eastern Atlantic 14.4 SL 1810
Manducus greyae Indo-West Pacific 1970
Manducus maderensis Eastern Atlantic 27.9 SL 1890
Margrethia obtusirostra Bighead portholefish Eastern Atlantic 8.3 SL 1919
Margrethia valentinae Circumglobal 7.2 TL 1982
Sigmops bathyphilus Spark anglemouth Eastern Atlantic 20 SL 1884
Sigmops ebelingi Ebeling's fangjaw Western Pacific 9.7 SL 1960
Sigmops elongatus Elongated bristlemouth fish Worldwide. Mediterranean 27.5 TL 1878
Sigmops gracilis Slender fangjaw Pacific Ocean 13.3 SL 1878
Sigmops longipinnis Southeast Pacific 1972
Triplophos hemingi Tropical waters of all oc 36 SL 1901
Zaphotias pedaliotus Longray fangjaw Eastern Atlantic 7.5 SL 1896

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013