Fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Achiridae American soles

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35 species
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Photo by Krumme, U.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 37 cm TL
Achirus achirus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by Krumme, U.
Achirus achirus
[Drab sole]

Photo by Macieira, R.M.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 18.7 cm TL
Achirus declivis Chabanaud, 1940

Photo by Photo by Macieira, R.M.
Achirus declivis
[Plainfin sole]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 23 cm TL
Achirus klunzingeri (Steindachner, 1880)

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Achirus klunzingeri
[Brown sole]

Photo by Sazima, I.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 33.1 cm TL
Achirus lineatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by Sazima, I.
Achirus lineatus
[Lined sole]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 22.5 cm TL
Achirus mazatlanus (Steindachner, 1869)

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Achirus mazatlanus
[Mazatlan sole]
No picture found

Max. Length 9.0 cm SL

Achirus mucuri
[American sole]

Photo by Böttner, M.

South America
Max. Length 16.8 cm TL
Achirus novoae Cervigón, 1982

Photo by Photo by Böttner, M.
Achirus novoae

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 28 cm TL
Achirus scutum (Günther, 1862)

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Achirus scutum
[Network sole]
No picture found

Achirus zebrinus

Photo by Vaske Jr., T.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 13.1 cm TL
Apionichthys dumerili Kaup, 1858

Photo by Photo by Vaske Jr., T.
Apionichthys dumerili
[Longtail sole]

Photo by Holm, E.

South America
Max. Length 8.8 cm SL
Apionichthys finis (Eigenmann, 1912)

Photo by Photo by Holm, E.
Apionichthys finis
No picture found

Max. Length 6 cm SL

Apionichthys menezesi

Photo by Petersen, P.

South America
Max. Length 23.4 cm SL
Apionichthys nattereri (Steindachner, 1876)

Photo by Photo by Petersen, P.
Apionichthys nattereri
No picture found

Max. Length 3.5 cm SL

Apionichthys rosai
No picture found

Max. Length 7.0 cm SL

Apionichthys sauli
No picture found

Max. Length 8.8 cm SL

Apionichthys seripierriae

Photo by Figueiredo, J.L./Menezes, N.A.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 17 cm
Catathyridium garmani (Jordan, 1889)

Photo by Photo by Figueiredo, J.L./Menezes, N.A.
Catathyridium garmani

Photo by MNHN

South America
Max. Length 11.5 cm SL
Catathyridium grandirivi (Chabanaud, 1928)

Photo by Photo by MNHN
Catathyridium grandirivi

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

South America
Max. Length 23.7 cm
Catathyridium jenynsii (Günther, 1862)

Photo by Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Catathyridium jenynsii
No picture found

Max. Length 5.4 cm

Catathyridium lorentzii

Photo by Flescher, D.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 22 cm TL
Gymnachirus melas Nichols, 1916

Photo by Photo by Flescher, D.
Gymnachirus melas
[North American naked sole]

Photo by Sampaio, C.L.S.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 17.5 cm TL
Gymnachirus nudus Kaup, 1858

Photo by Photo by Sampaio, C.L.S.
Gymnachirus nudus
[Naked sole]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 14 cm TL
Gymnachirus texae (Gunter, 1936)

Photo by Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Gymnachirus texae
[Gulf of Mexico fringed sole]

Photo by Sneegas, G.W.

South America
Max. Length 21.6 cm SL
Hypoclinemus mentalis (Günther, 1862)

Photo by Photo by Sneegas, G.W.
Hypoclinemus mentalis
No picture found

Max. Length 9.6 cm SL

Pnictes asphyxiatus

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 13.5 cm TL
Trinectes fimbriatus (Günther, 1862)

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Trinectes fimbriatus
[Fringed sole]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm
Trinectes fluviatilis (Meek & Hildebrand, 1928)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Trinectes fluviatilis

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Trinectes fonsecensis (Günther, 1862)

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Trinectes fonsecensis
[Spottedfin sole]
No picture found

Max. Length 7.0 cm SL

Trinectes hubbsbollinger

Photo by FAO

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Trinectes inscriptus (Gosse, 1851)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Trinectes inscriptus
[Scrawled sole]

Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Trinectes maculatus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Photo by Photo by Sandra J. Raredon / Smithsonian Institution, NMNH, Div. of Fishes
Trinectes maculatus

Photo by Figueiredo, J.L./Menezes, N.A.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 9.4 cm TL
Trinectes microphthalmus (Chabanaud, 1928)

Photo by Photo by Figueiredo, J.L./Menezes, N.A.
Trinectes microphthalmus

Photo by FAO

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 15 cm TL
Trinectes opercularis (Nichols & Murphy, 1944)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Trinectes opercularis
[Spottedcheek sole]

Photo by Macieira, R.M.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 20.5 cm TL
Trinectes paulistanus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1915)

Photo by Photo by Macieira, R.M.
Trinectes paulistanus
[Slipper sole]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific

Trinectes xanthurus Walker & Bollinger, 2001

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Trinectes xanthurus

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Achirus achirus Drab sole Western Central Atlantic 37 TL 1758
Achirus declivis Plainfin sole Western Atlantic 18.7 TL 1940
Achirus klunzingeri Brown sole Eastern Central Pacific 23 TL 1880
Achirus lineatus Lined sole Western Atlantic 33.1 TL 1758
Achirus mazatlanus Mazatlan sole Eastern Pacific 22.5 TL 1869
Achirus mucuri American sole South America 9.0 SL 2009
Achirus novoae South America 16.8 TL 1982
Achirus scutum Network sole Eastern Central Pacific 28 TL 1862
Achirus zebrinus Southeast Pacific 1936
Apionichthys dumerili Longtail sole Western Atlantic 13.1 TL 1858
Apionichthys finis South America 8.8 SL 1912
Apionichthys menezesi South America 6 SL 2003
Apionichthys nattereri South America 23.4 SL 1876
Apionichthys rosai South America 3.5 SL 2003
Apionichthys sauli South America 7.0 SL 2003
Apionichthys seripierriae South America 8.8 SL 2003
Catathyridium garmani Southwest Atlantic 17 1889
Catathyridium grandirivi South America 11.5 SL 1928
Catathyridium jenynsii South America 23.7 1862
Catathyridium lorentzii South America 5.4 1877
Gymnachirus melas North American naked sole Western Atlantic 22 TL 1916
Gymnachirus nudus Naked sole Western Atlantic 17.5 TL 1858
Gymnachirus texae Gulf of Mexico fringed sole Western Atlantic 14 TL 1936
Hypoclinemus mentalis South America 21.6 SL 1862
Pnictes asphyxiatus South America 9.6 SL 1889
Trinectes fimbriatus Fringed sole Eastern Central Pacific 13.5 TL 1862
Trinectes fluviatilis Eastern Pacific 5 1928
Trinectes fonsecensis Spottedfin sole Eastern Central Pacific 25 TL 1862
Trinectes hubbsbollinger South America 7.0 SL 2012
Trinectes inscriptus Scrawled sole Western Atlantic 15 TL 1851
Trinectes maculatus Hogchoker Western Central Atlantic 20 TL 1801
Trinectes microphthalmus Western Atlantic 9.4 TL 1928
Trinectes opercularis Spottedcheek sole Eastern Central Pacific 15 TL 1944
Trinectes paulistanus Slipper sole Western Atlantic 20.5 TL 1915
Trinectes xanthurus Eastern Central Pacific 2001

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013