Videos for Aetobatus narinari
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Country: Fiji Islands
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Papua New Guinea PNG
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Mexico
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Australia
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Kingdom of Tonga
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: Ecuador
Uploader: Undersea Productions
Country: United States
Description: Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus Narinari)C/U, Blindly Approaches Camera, Passes Overhead.
Uploader: NatureFootage
Title: Aetobatus narinari (Whitespotted eagle ray)
Country: Brazil
Description: Laje santos, 90 cm, 04 2016
Uploader: Martin Vranken
Title: Aetobatus narinari (Whitespotted eagle ray)
Country: Bonaire
Description: Bonaire, 50 cm, 11 2015
Uploader: Martin Vranken

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