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Cobitis taurica Vasil'eva, Vasil'ev, Janko, Ráb & Rábová, 2005

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Classificação / Names Nomes comuns | Sinónimos | Catalog of Fishes(Género, Espécies) | ITIS | CoL | WoRMS | Cloffa

> Cypriniformes (Carps) > Cobitidae (Spined loaches)
Etymology: Cobitis: Greek, kobitis, -idos = a kind of sardine; also related with the voice Greek, kobios, Latin gobius = gudgeon (Ref. 45335)taurica: The specific epithet comes from Tauris-Taurida, the ancient Greek and Latin name of the Crimean Peninsula.

Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range Ecologia

; Água doce bentopelágico. Temperate

Distribuição Países | Áreas FAO | Ecossistemas | Ocorrências | Point map | Introduções | Faunafri

Europe: Chornaya River in Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine. A population known from lower South Bug with similar chromosome characters might represent an unnamed species (Ref. 59043).

Tamanho / Peso / Idade

Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm
Max length : 9.7 cm SL macho/indeterminado; (Ref. 75104); 9.2 cm SL (female)

Descrição breve Chaves de identificação | Morfologia | Morfometria

Espinhos dorsais (total) : 2 - 3; Raios dorsais moles (total) : 6 - 8; Espinhos anais: 2 - 3; Raios anais moles: 5 - 6. Distinguished from other species by possessing the following characters: upper part of caudal-fin base with elongated narrow dark spot; males with one lamina Canestrini in the pectoral fin, usually broad, axe-shaped; more or less rounded scales with a relatively small central part devoid of cross furrows; Gambetta’s zones of pigmentation are well developed, the fourth zone with relatively small and low 15-28, usually more than 18 spots whose depth is about two times smaller than the horizontal eye diameter (the largest spots on the caudal peduncle are also noticeably smaller than the horizontal eye diameter); the suborbital spine always reaches the posterior edge of the pupil and usually goes further and in small specimens (with TL less than 6.5 cm), usually reaches the posterior edge of the eye; the outer branch of this spine usually (95.5 %) goes as far as centre of eye and often further; head moderately long and deep with a more or less straight profile; 2n=50 (5 pairs of meta-, 15 pairs of submeta-, 4 pairs of subtelo- and 1 pair of acrocentrics), NF=90 (Ref. 78640).

Biologia     Glossário (ex. epibenthic)

Found in streams with still to moderately flowing clear water, on sand to silt bottom or in dense vegetation (Ref. 59043). Oviparous, possibly with distinct pairing during breeding similar to congeners (Ref. 205). Population is threatened due to a concentrated distribution in a very limited stretch of stream which might dry up in summer (Ref. 59043). Females grow up to a maximum length of 9.1 SL (Ref. 78640).

Life cycle and mating behavior Maturidade | Reprodução | Desova | Ovos | Fecundidade | Larvas

During courtship, 'the male follows the female and, after both enter dense vegetation (e.g. filamentous algae), the male forms a complete ring around the female's body behind the dorsal as the female releases the eggs' (Ref. 59043).

Referência principal Upload your references | Referências | Coordenador | Colaboradores

Janko, K., V.P. Vasil'ev, P. Ráb, M. Rábová, V. Slechtová and E.D. Vasil'eva, 2005. Genetic and morphological analyses of 50-chromosome spined loaches (Cobitis, Cobitidae, Pisces) from the Black Sea basin that are morphologically similar to C. taenia, with the description of a new species. Folia Zool. 54(4):405-420. (Ref. 78640)

Categoria na Lista Vermelha da IUCN (Ref. 130435: Version 2024-2)

  Ameaçada (EN) (B1ab(iii)); Date assessed: 16 May 2023


Not Evaluated

CMS (Ref. 116361)

Not Evaluated

Ameaça para o homem


Utilização humana

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Mais informação

Trophic ecology
Itens alimentares
Composição da dieta
Consumo alimentar
Food rations
Population dynamics
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Max. ages / sizes
Length-weight rel.
Length-length rel.
Frequência de comprimento
Mass conversion
Life cycle
Maturity/Gills rel.
Spawning aggregations
Desenvolvimento dos ovos
Dinâmica larvar
Áreas FAO
BRUVS - Videos
Área branquial
Body composition
Consumo de oxigénio
Tipo de natação
Velocidade de natação
Visual pigments
Fish sound
Diseases & Parasites
Toxicity (LC50s)
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Aquaculture systems
Perfis para aquacultura
Ciguatera cases
Stamps, coins, misc.


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Fontes da internet

AFORO (otoliths) | Aquatic Commons | BHL | Cloffa | BOLDSystems | Websites from users | Consultar FishWatcher | CISTI | Catalog of Fishes: Género, Espécies | DiscoverLife | ECOTOX | FAO - Publication: search | Faunafri | Fishipedia | Fishtrace | GenBank: genoma, nucleotídeo | GloBI | Google Books | Google Scholar | Google | IGFA World Record | MitoFish | Otolith Atlas of Taiwan Fishes | PubMed | Reef Life Survey | Socotra Atlas | Árvore da vida | Wikipedia: ir para, procurar | World Records Freshwater Fishing | Zoobank | Registo zoológico

Estimates based on models

Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref. 82804):  PD50 = 0.5000   [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00513 (0.00234 - 0.01125), b=3.09 (2.92 - 3.26), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this Genus-body shape (Ref. 93245).
Nível Trófico (Ref. 69278):  3.2   ±0.4 se; based on size and trophs of closest relatives
Resiliência (Ref. 120179):  Médio, tempo mínimo de duplicação da população 1,4 - 4,4 anos (Assumed Fec<1,000).
Fishing Vulnerability (Ref. 59153):  Low vulnerability (10 of 100).