Family Rhombosoleidae - South Pacific flounders | ||||
Order | : | Pleuronectiformes |
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Class | : | Teleostei | ||
No. in FishBase | : | Genera : 8 | Species : 20 Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes | ||
Environment | : | Fresh : Yes | Brackish : Yes | Marine : Yes | ||
Division | : | |||
Aquarium | : | |||
First Fossil Record | : | |||
Remark | : | Valid family according to Chapleau, 1993 (Ref. 27317), Munroe, 2005. Munroe, T. A. 2005. Chapter 3: Distributions and Biogeography, p. 42-67. In: Flatfishes: Biology and Exploitation R. N. Gibson (ed.). Blackwell Science Ltd, Oxford. Species will be allocated for the next update. | ||
Etymology | : | |||
Reproductive guild | : | |||
Typical activity level | : | |||
Main Ref.![]() |
: | Betancur-R., Broughton, Wiley, Carpenter, López, Li, Holcroft, Arcila, Sanciangco, Cureton, Zhang, Buser, Campbell, Ballesteros, Roa-Varon, Willis, Borden, Rowley, Reneau, Hough, Lu, Grande, Arratia and Ortí 2013 | ||
Coordinator | : | |||
Deep Fin Classification
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: | Osteichthyes | Actinopterygii | Actinopteri | Neopterygii | Teleostei | Osteoglossocephalai | Clupeocephala | Euteleosteomorpha | Neoteleostei | Eurypterygia | Ctenosquamata | Acanthomorphata | Acanthopterygii | Percomorphaceae | Carangaria | | | Pleuronectiformes | Pleuronectoidei | | Rhombosoleidae |
Important recommendation:
The list below must not be used as an authority reference synonymy list like those found in scientific published revisions, which must be the source to be used and cited eventually when they exist.
Rather, it reflects the current content of FishBase, and the progress with respect to synchronization with the Catalog of Fishes. However, we think it can be useful for users to assess the quality of information in FishBase, to start new work on the family, or to cross-check with other lists.
But we appreciate to be cited in publications when this list has been of any working value. In particular, for published scientific, we suggest then to cite it in the Material and Method section as a useful tool to conduct the research, but again, not as a taxonomic or nomenclatural authority reference.
Unless it is explicitly precised, the list is not complete, please search all original names published for the family in the Catalog of Fishes (genera, species), including those with uncertain or unknown status, that are not included in FishBase when they are not attached to a valid species.
This list uses some data from Catalog of Fishes (not shown but used to sort names).
The list ordered as follows:
Please send comments and corrections if you detect errors or missing names.
Scientifc name | Status | Senior/Junior synonym | Combination |
Rhombosolea tapirina Günther, 1862 | accepted | senior | original |
Rhombosolea monopus Günther, 1862 | synonym | junior | original |
Rhombosolea flesoides Günther, 1863 | synonym | junior | original |
Pleuronectes victoriae Castelnau, 1872 | synonym | junior | original |
Rhombosolea plebeia (Richardson, 1843) | accepted | senior | new |
Rhombus plebeius Richardson, 1843 | synonym | senior | original |
Bowenia novaezealandiae Haast, 1873 | synonym | junior | original |
Apsetta thompsoni Kyle, 1901 | synonym | junior | original |
Rhombosolea thompsoni (Kyle, 1901) | synonym | junior | new |
Rhombosolea leporina Günther, 1862 | accepted | senior | original |
Rhombosolea millari Waite, 1911 | synonym | junior | original |
Rhombosolea retiaria Hutton, 1874 | accepted | senior | original |
Rhombosolea retiaria adamas Whitley & Phillipps, 1939 | synonym | junior | original |
Ammotretis rostratus Günther, 1862 | accepted | senior | original |
Ammotretis adspersus Kner, 1867 | synonym | junior | original |
Rhombosolea bassensis Castelnau, 1872 | synonym | junior | original |
Peltorhamphus bassensis (Castelnau, 1872) | synonym | junior | new |
Solea uncinata Klunzinger, 1879 | synonym | junior | original |
Ammotretis zonatus Macleay, 1882 | synonym | junior | original |
Ammotretis macleayi Ogilby, 1885 | synonym | junior | original |
Ammotretis ovalis Saville-Kent, 1893 | synonym | other | other |
Ammotretis lituratus (Richardson, 1844) | accepted | senior | new |
Solea liturata Richardson, 1844 | synonym | senior | original |
Ammotretis tudori McCulloch, 1914 | synonym | junior | original |
Ammotretis elongatus McCulloch, 1914 | accepted | senior | original |
Ammotretis macrolepis McCulloch, 1914 | accepted | senior | original |
Ammotretis brevipinnis Norman, 1926 | accepted | senior | original |
Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae Günther, 1862 | accepted | senior | original |
! Pelthorhambus noveazealandiae Günther, 1862 | synonym | senior | original |
! Peltorhamphus novaezelandiae Günther, 1862 | synonym | senior | original |
Peltorhamphus latus James, 1972 | accepted | senior | original |
Peltorhamphus tenuis James, 1972 | accepted | senior | original |
Peltorhamphus kryptostomus Munroe, 2021 | accepted | senior | original |
Psammodiscus ocellatus Günther, 1862 | accepted | senior | original |
Pelotretis flavilatus Waite, 1911 | accepted | senior | original |
Azygopus pinnifasciatus Norman, 1926 | accepted | senior | original |
Azygopus flemingi Nielsen, 1961 | accepted | senior | original |
Azygopus pinnifasciatus flemingi Nielsen, 1961 | synonym | junior | original |
Azygopus pinnifasciatus (non Norman, 1926) | misapplied | misapplied | new |
Colistium nudipinnis (Waite, 1911) | accepted | senior | new |
Ammotretis nudipinnis Waite, 1911 | synonym | senior | original |
Colistium guentheri (Hutton, 1873) | accepted | senior | new |
! Ammotretis guntheri Hutton, 1873 | synonym | senior | original |
Ammotretis guentheri Hutton, 1873 | synonym | senior | original |
! Colistium guntheri (Hutton, 1873) | synonym | senior | new |
Taratretis derwentensis Last, 1978 | accepted | senior | original |