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FAO Capture Production in Venezuela (t)     n = 93
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Scientific name Fishing Area Unit 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Acanthocybium solandri
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 160 303 331 513 538 445 479 498 360 467
Arca spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 27,894 15,649 15,793 28,581 31,193 33,987 31,925 39,128 27,981 38,646
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 5,629 6,092 7,892 11,227 12,436 21,548 17,041 8,963 10,098 11,100
Auxis thazard, A. rochei
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,969 2,880 327 881 2,597 2,161 2,758 2,525 2,164 1,631
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 812 761 502 650 197 1 1 289 224 196
Caiman crocodilus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
3 - America, South - Inland waters (n) 91,861 100,996 104,935 78,972 54,038 55,195 29,996 33,528 35,579 24,640
Callinectes sapidus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 3,189 2,580 2,243 3,940 6,072 5,551 4,591 5,340 4,180 4,041
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 27 48 37 41 32 25 6 23 31 11
Caranx spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 5,141 4,051 5,247 5,136 4,271 3,439 3,732 2,823 2,898 2,642
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 5,466 5,076 6,103 6,101 6,656 7,468 6,979 6,000 4,597 2,973
Caretta caretta
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Centropomus undecimalis
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,246 1,354 2,593 4,783 4,569 3,023 2,177 1,560 2,022 1,704
Cetengraulis edentulus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 23 6 10 33 35 41 8 0 119 0
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
3 - America, South - Inland waters (t) 3,672 4,160 3,811 4,878 5,827 8,778 8,050 6,029 6,921 4,817
Chelonia mydas
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
3 - America, South - Inland waters (t) 80 88 72 155 160 345 552 355 467 403
Coryphaena hippurus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 50 191 208 244 274 447 0 0 0 290
Coryphaena hippurus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
87 - Pacific, Southeast (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0
Crassostrea rhizophorae
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 4,705 1,061 1,931 2,465 3,144 3,775 2,695 1,705 2,594 2,037
Cynoscion spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 12,701 13,327 14,086 18,541 19,078 20,045 13,879 10,503 13,481 6,303
Cyprinus carpio
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
3 - America, South - Inland waters (t) 20 1 0 0 4 544 218 1 3 5
Epinephelus spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 5,971 4,466 1,680 1,772 1,930 2,040 2,185 2,235 1,990 1,591
Eretmochelys imbricata
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Euthynnus alletteratus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,294 1,600 1,409 1,889 2,115 1,627 1,840 2,064 2,815 2,247
Euthynnus lineatus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
77 - Pacific, Eastern Central (t) 0 70 0 10 0 0 50 35 10 0
Euthynnus lineatus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
87 - Pacific, Southeast (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 40
Gadus morhua
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
21 - Atlantic, Northwest (t) 0 1,196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Haemulidae (=Pomadasyidae)
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 4,752 6,321 5,305 5,693 5,387 6,310 5,466 6,336 7,685 4,108
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Istiophorus albicans
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 24 65 71 206 162 103 165 185 258 179
Isurus oxyrinchus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Katsuwonus pelamis
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 2,527 4,208 7,834 11,172 6,697 2,387 3,574 3,834 4,114 2,981
Katsuwonus pelamis
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
77 - Pacific, Eastern Central (t) 4,440 1,860 1,010 750 510 3,530 2,800 5,990 2,940 2,970
Katsuwonus pelamis
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
87 - Pacific, Southeast (t) 5,330 2,540 7,720 5,410 4,910 1,080 620 1,290 3,170 11,080
Loligo spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,944 2,174 946 1,384 1,633 756 771 719 787 102
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 14,323 10,182 4,989 8,094 6,028 7,745 8,205 9,273 8,652 3,511
Makaira nigricans
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 70 49 66 74 122 106 137 130 205 220
Micropogonias furnieri
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 4,722 7,465 5,387 6,697 6,058 7,043 6,065 3,694 4,871 1,900
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 879 20 477 993 744 1,098 425 600 1,005 5,808
Mugil cephalus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 8,237 8,431 8,244 9,103 10,678 9,363 8,839 6,465 6,284 5,151
Mugil liza
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 2,686 3,784 4,070 4,402 3,644 3,228 3,248 1,550 2,874 2,855
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,133 1,784 693 901 1,196 724 1,548 1,917 6,507 526
Ocyurus chrysurus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 715 659 659 678 684 511 338 335 272 220
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
3 - America, South - Inland waters (t) 0 0 0 50 92 57 59 0 0 0
Opisthonema oglinum
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 367 947 455 206 269 307 294 5,564 10,619 14,789
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
3 - America, South - Inland waters (t) 1,297 2,022 1,933 2,185 2,532 4,524 4,149 8,321 8,141 13,204
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 35,659 31,528 29,573 32,324 33,095 39,814 40,352 40,449 19,246 4,130
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
77 - Pacific, Eastern Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Panulirus argus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,126 141 371 940 763 629 648 619 260 95
Penaeus spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 8,140 8,563 6,877 13,875 13,645 10,786 11,735 10,949 6,910 4,607
Peprilus spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 184 325 1,158 2,856 1,801 1,881 1,889 568 1,175 1,004
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 516 721 696 403 520 3,579 759 442 381 219
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 2,024 1,531 2,052 3,071 3,703 1,210 3,532 4,760 3,616 4,118
Perna perna
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 656 315 199 325 366 155 223 295 3,802 451
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51
Pomatomus saltatrix
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,186 1,531 975 987 1,130 1,024 651 825 581 542
Prionace glauca
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Prochilodus spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
3 - America, South - Inland waters (t) 4,364 4,822 5,023 9,767 16,907 20,430 18,740 10,927 15,670 9,320
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,296 1,735 1,867 1,748 1,994 2,450 1,812 1,896 2,111 2,287
Sarda chiliensis
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
87 - Pacific, Southeast (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sarda sarda
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,514 1,415 1,443 1,541 1,646 1,503 1,348 1,294 1,659 1,602
Sardinella aurita
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 56,949 75,182 80,079 85,751 112,540 153,037 153,782 140,571 186,060 126,468
Scomber japonicus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,092 380 285 431 401 377 416 549 753 631
Scomberomorus brasiliensis
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 2,460 4,670 2,772 5,077 3,882 4,725 3,609 3,670 3,651 1,766
Scomberomorus cavalla
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,069 1,804 1,307 800 2,484 2,555 2,140 3,530 340 2,424
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 111 0 862 0 0 0 0 0
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
77 - Pacific, Eastern Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Selar crumenophthalmus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 2,730 2,762 2,091 2,801 2,531 2,836 2,353 2,425 2,653 3,765
Selene setapinnis
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 2,346 2,158 2,266 2,467 2,603 2,544 1,766 2,110 2,338 1,529
Seriola spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 382 322 430 286 380 288 338 355 336 450
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 151 113 101 133 264 279 265 322 384 328
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
3 - America, South - Inland waters (t) 9,194 10,002 9,275 11,216 9,890 19,497 18,143 15,248 14,833 7,470
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sphyraena spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 983 832 666 1,039 998 923 899 998 1,123 881
Sphyrna lewini
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Strombus spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 35 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
3 - America, South - Inland waters (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tetrapturus albidus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 79 47 187 226 148 171 164 90 80 61
Tetrapturus pfluegeri
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0
Thunnus alalunga
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 95 319 205 246 282 279 315 49 107 91
Thunnus albacares
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 10,556 16,503 13,773 16,663 24,789 9,714 13,772 14,671 13,995 11,187
Thunnus albacares
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
77 - Pacific, Eastern Central (t) 38,340 38,180 36,230 31,940 26,350 41,500 55,750 43,320 42,350 46,430
Thunnus albacares
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
87 - Pacific, Southeast (t) 11,150 8,140 9,660 12,770 16,210 7,170 7,930 16,010 20,260 11,310
Thunnus atlanticus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 1,150 1,598 2,148 1,224 21 624 758 498 1,034 1,192
Thunnus obesus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 161 476 270 809 457 457 189 274 222 140
Thunnus obesus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
77 - Pacific, Eastern Central (t) 20 0 0 0 10 0 0 75 0 0
Thunnus obesus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
87 - Pacific, Southeast (t) 990 420 130 180 450 470 430 170 240 10
Trachinotus spp
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 192 208 128 140 122 244 307 285 435 146
Trichiurus lepturus
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 4,662 4,274 3,907 3,560 3,944 4,933 4,609 5,050 5,408 4,017
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 696 444 472 354 487 517 536 533 295 378
Xiphias gladius
Venezuela, Boliv Rep of
31 - Atlantic, Western Central (t) 9 75 103 73 69 54 85 20 37 30
Total: 335,651 339,034 330,964 395,862 438,218 500,817 496,115 470,126 503,755 399,878

Note: If marine mammals and crocodiles are included in this list they are not accounted for in the Totals because they are reported in numbers and not in tonnes.

Disclaimer: This service is offered by FishBase and may not be compliant with FAO INFORMATION DISSEMINATION quality assurance rules. FAO statistics can be downloaded or queried online at the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Statistics page.

cfm script by eagbayani, 23.09.02 ,  php script by cmilitante, 23.11.09 ,  last modified by mortiz, 10:41 AM 09/06/10