References Used for Oneirodes notius
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Reference no. Description Year Name Used Page
5137 Pietsch, T.W., 1974. Osteology and relationships of ceratioid anglerfishes of the family Oneirodidae, with a review of the genus Oneirodes Lütken. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County, Sci. Bull. 18:1-113. 1974 Oneirodes notius -->
5755 Paulin, C., A. Stewart, C. Roberts and P. McMillan, 1989. New Zealand fish: a complete guide. National Museum of New Zealand Miscellaneous Series No. 19. 279 p. 1989 Oneirodes notius 139,256
5186 Pietsch, T.W., 1990. Oneirodidae. p. 212-213. In O. Gon and P.C. Heemstra (eds.) Fishes of the Southern Ocean. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology, Grahamstown, South Africa. 1990 Oneirodes notius -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Oneirodes notius -->
35509 Anonymous, 2000. Fish collection database of the Intitut fur Seefischerei (ISH). BIOLAB Forschungsinstitut, Hohenwestedt, Germany. 2000 Oneirodes notius -->
47377 Figueiredo, J.L. de, A.P. dos Santos, N. Yamaguti, R.A. Bernardes and C.L. Del Bianco Rossi-Wongtschowski, 2002. Peixes da zona econômica exclusiva da Região Sudeste-Sul do Brasil: Levantamento com Rede de Meia-Água. São-Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo; Imprensa Oficial do Estado, 242 p. 2002 Oneirodes notius 145
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Oneirodes notius -->
58018 Bogutskaya, N.G., 2007. Preliminary assignment of coordinates to type localities in the Catalog of Fishes. Unpublished dbf file. 2007 Oneirodes notius -->
86949 Pietsch, T.W., 2009. Oceanic anglerfishes. Extraordinary diversity in the deep sea. Oceanic Anglerfishes, i-xii; 1-557pp. 2009 Oneirodes notius 412
83882 FAO-FIES, 2010. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2010. 2010 Oneirodes notius -->
90062 FAO-FIES, 2012. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2012. 2012 Oneirodes notius -->
95632 FAO-FIES, 2014. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, April 2014. 2014 Oneirodes notius -->
101110 FAO-FIES, 2015. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 13/04/2015]. 2015 Oneirodes notius -->
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