Referências Utilizadas para Myzopsetta proboscidea
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27836 Wells, R. and J. Kelly, 1890. English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English vocabularies. Bureau of Education, Circular of Information, Washington (2):1-72. 1890 Limanda proboscidea -->
11366 Evermann, B.W. and E.L. Goldsborough, 1907. The fishes of Alaska. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 26: 219-360. 1907 Limanda proboscidea 355
27843 Dunbar, M.J. and H.H. Hildebrand, 1952. Contribution to the study of fishes of Ungava Bay. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 9(2):83-128. 1952 Limanda proboscidea -->
75190 Mikulich, L.V., 1954. Feeding of flatfishes off the southern Sakhalin coast and southern Kuril Islands. Izv. TINRO 39:135-224. 1954 Limanda proboscidea 135-224
205 Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen, 1966. Modes of reproduction in fishes. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey. 941 p. 1966 Limanda proboscidea 672-673
27844 Schneider, L., 1970. Dictionnaire esquimau-français du parler de l'Ungava et contrées limitrophes. Travaux et documents du Centre d'Études nordiques 3. Presses de l'Université Laval, Québec. 439 pp. 1970 Limanda proboscidea -->
6876 Quast, J.C. and E.L. Hall, 1972. List of fishes of Alaska and adjacent waters with a guide to some of their literature. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS SSRF-658, 47 p. 1972 Limanda proboscidea 38
105472 Pihu, E., 1979. Loomade elu 4. köide. Kalad. Pihu, E. 1979. Loomade Elu, 4. Köide, Kalad. Valgus, Tallinn. 1979 Limanda proboscidea -->
276 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott, 1980. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (12)1-174. 1980 Limanda proboscidea 65
559 Masuda, H., K. Amaoka, C. Araga, T. Uyeno and T. Yoshino, 1984. The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Vol. 1. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, Japan. 437 p. (text). 1984 Limanda proboscidea 352;pl.316
118005 Fechhelm, R.G., P.C. Craig, J.S. Baker and B.J. Gallaway, 1985. Fish distribution and use of nearshore waters in the northeastern Chukchi Sea. US Department of Commerce, NOAA, and US Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program Final Report 32:121-298. 1985 Limanda proboscidea 98
27545 McAllister, D.E., V. Legendre and J.G. Hunter, 1987. Liste de noms inuktitut (esquimaux), français, anglais et scientifiques des poissons marins du Canada arctique. Rapp. Manus. Can. Sci. Halieut. Aquat, 1932,106 p. 1987 Limanda proboscidea 82
6793 Allen, M.J. and G.B. Smith, 1988. Atlas and zoogeography of common fishes in the Bering Sea and northeastern Pacific. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 66, 151 p. 1988 Pleuronectes proboscideus 129
37756 Brodeur, R.D. and P.A. Livingston, 1988. Food habits and diet overlap of various eastern Bering Sea fishes. NOAA Tech. Memo NMFS F/NWC 127:76 p. 1988 Limanda proboscidea -->
265 Matarese, A.C., A.W. Kendall, D.M. Blood and M.V. Vinter, 1989. Laboratory guide to early life history stages of Northeast Pacific fishes. NOAA Tech. Rep. NMFS 80:1-652. 1989 Limanda proboscidea -->
3814 Robins, C.R., R.M. Bailey, C.E. Bond, J.R. Brooker, E.A. Lachner, R.N. Lea and W.B. Scott, 1991. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. Am. Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. (20):183 p. 1991 Pleuronectes proboscideus 68,95
9024 Tokranov, A.M., 1992. Features of feeding of benthic predatory fishes of the West Kamchatka Shelf. J. Ichthyol. 32(7):45-55. 1992 Limanda proboscidea 49
122396 Sample, T.M. and D.G. Nichol, 1994. Results of the 1990 U.S.-U.S.S.R. cooperative bottom trawl survey of the eastern and northwestern Bering Sea continental shelf. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-34, 183 p. 1994 Pleuronectes proboscidea 24
12204 Coad, B.W., 1995. Encyclopedia of Canadian fishes. Canadian Museum of Nature and Canadian Sportfishing Productions Inc. Singapore. 1995 Pleuronectes proboscidea -->
12967 Dyakov, Y.P., 1995. Reproduction of some flounder species from the West Kamchatka Shelf. p.17-33. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on North Pacific Flatfish. Alaska Sea Grant College Program. AK-SG-95-04. 1995 Limanda proboscidea -->
43202 Andriyashev, A.P. and N.V. Chernova, 1995. Annotated list of fishlike vertebrates and fish of the Arctic seas and adjacent waters. J. Ichthyol. 35(1):81-123. 1995 Limanda proboscidea 121
10937 Anonymous, 1996. Fish collection database of the University of British Columbia Fish Museum Fish Museum. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 1996 Limanda proboscidea -->
30193 Cooper, J.A. and F. Chapleau, 1998. Monophyly and intrarelationships of the family Pleuronectidae (Pleuronectiformes), with a revised classification. Fish. Bull. 96(4):686-726. 1998 Limanda proboscidea 718
31402 Swedish Museum of Natural History, 1999. Fish collection database of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Swedish Museum of Natural History). Ichthyology Section, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999 Limanda proboscidea -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Limanda proboscidea -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Pleuronectes proboscideus -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Limanda proboscidea -->
50284 Livingston, P.A., L.-L. Low and R.J. Marasco, 1999. Eastern bering sea ecosystem trends. p. 140-162. In Q. Tang and K. Sherman (eds.), Large marine ecosystems of the world. Blackwell Science, Inc., Malden, MA. 1999 Pleuronectes proboscidea 143
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Limanda proboscidea -->
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Pleuronectes proboscideus -->
43239 Nakabo, T., 2002. Fishes of Japan with pictorial keys to the species, English edition II. Tokai University Press, Japan, pp 867-1749. 2002 Pleuronectes proboscideus 1378
50550 Fedorov, V.V., I.A. Chereshnev, M.V. Nazarkin, A.V. Shestakov and V.V. Volobuev, 2003. Catalog of marine and freswater fishes of the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2003. 204 p. 2003 Myzopsetta proboscidea 140
51471 Carl, H., 2003. Danish fish names. Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. Unpublished. 2003 Limanda proboscidea -->
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Limanda proboscidea -->
51668 Evseenko, S.A., 2004. Family Pleuronectidae Cuvier 1816. Righteye flounders. Calif. Acad. Sci. Annotated Checklists of Fishes (37):37. 2004 Limanda proboscidea 9
52299 Nelson, J.S., E.J. Crossman, H. Espinosa-Pérez, L.T. Findley, C.R. Gilbert, R.N. Lea and J.D. Williams, 2004. Common and scientific names of fishes from the United States, Canada, and Mexico. American Fisheries Society, Special Publication 29, Bethesda, Maryland. ix, 386 p. + 1 CD. 2004 Limanda proboscidea 181
58426 Coad, B.W. and J.D. Reist, 2004. Annotated list of the arctic marine fishes of Canada. Can. MS Rep. Fish Aquat. Sci. 2674:iv:+112 p. 2004 Limanda proboscidea 61
56527 Fadeev, N.S., 2005. Guide to biology and fisheries of fishes of the North Pacific Ocean. Vladivostok, TINRO-Center. 366 p. 2005 Limanda proboscidea 303-304
125579 Johnson, S.W., J.F. Thedinga, A.D. Neff and C.A. Hoffman, 2010. Fish fauna in nearshore waters of a Barrier Island in the western Beaufort Sea, Alaska. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-210, 28p. 2010 Limanda proboscidea Tab1
86838 Mecklenburg, K.C., P.R. Møller and D. Steinke, 2011. Biodiversity oif the Arctic marine fishes: taxonomy and zoogeography. Marine Biodiversity 41(1):109-140. 2011 Limanda proboscidea 130
120666 Mecklenburg, C.W., I. Byrkjedal, J.S. Christiansen, O.V. Karamushko, A. Lynghammar and P.R. Møller, 2013. List of marine fishes of the Arctic region annotated with common names and zoogeographic characterizations. Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, Akureyri, Iceland. 2013 Limanda proboscidea 31
118001 Logerwell, E., M. Busby, C. Carothers, S. Cotton, J. Duffy-Anderson, E. Farley, P. Goddard, R. Heintz, B. Holladay, J. Horne, S. Johnson, B. Lauth, L. Moulton, Neff. D., B. Norcross, S. Parker-Stetter, J. Seigle and T. Sformo, 2015. Fish communities across a spectrum of habitats in the western Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea. Progress in Oceanography 136:115-132. 2015 Limanda proboscidea 123
121277 Thorsteinson, L.K. and M.S. Love, 2016. Alaska Arctic marine fish ecology catalog. Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5038. 2016 Limanda proboscidea 577
117975 Whitehouse, G.A., T.W. Buckley and S.L. Danielson, 2017. Diet compositions and trophic guild structure of the eastern Chukchi Sea demersal fish community. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 135:95-110. 2017 Limanda proboscidea Tab6
117245 Coad, B.W. and J.D. Reist, 2018. Marine fishes of Arctic Canada. Toronto (ON, Canada): University of Toronto Press. xiii+618 p. 2018 Limanda proboscidea 559-560;DrawBW;PointMap;Photo
122998 Vinnikov, K.A., R.C. Thomson and T.A. Munroe, 2018. Revised classification of the righteye flounders (Teleostei: Pleuronectidae) based on multilocus phylogeny with complete taxon sampling. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 125:147-162. 2018 Myzopsetta proboscidea 160
75549 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, 29 April 2008. 2022 Limanda proboscidea -->
83882 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2010. 2022 Limanda proboscidea -->
90062 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2012. 2022 Limanda proboscidea -->
95632 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, April 2014. 2022 Limanda proboscidea -->
101110 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 13/04/2015]. 2022 Limanda proboscidea -->
115257 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). 2022 Limanda proboscidea -->
118272 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from htttps:// [accessed May, 2018] 2022 Limanda proboscidea -->
123477 ECoF, Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes, 2023. Catalog of Fishes. 1985 - onwards. CITATION NOT TO BE USED OUTSIDE FISHBASE. SEE REMARKS. Authorship varies in time: Eschmeyer, W.N.; Fricke, R.; Van der Laan, R. Web database. 2023 Pleuronectes proboscideus v. Apr. 2022
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