References Used for Leucoraja naevus
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41311 Desbrosses, P., 1931. Note sur l'oeuf de la raie chardon Raja fullonica L. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 1931:15-18. 1931 Leucoraja naevus -->
28679 Went, A.E.J., 1957. List of Irish fishes. Department of Lands, Fisheries Division, Dublin. 31 p. 1957 Raja naevus 8
9488 Bruce, J.R., J.S. Colman and N.S. Jones, 1963. Marine fauna of the Isle of Man. Memoir No. 36. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. 1963 Raja naevus 252
41333 Postel, E. and M.-H. Du Buit, 1964. Liste des poissons observés à la criée de Concarneau en fin Juillet-début Août 1964. Tailles maximales enregistrées. Bulletin de la Société Scientifique de Bretagne 39:113-117. 1964 Raja naevus 115
205 Breder, C.M. and D.E. Rosen, 1966. Modes of reproduction in fishes. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey. 941 p. 1966 Raja naevus 50-52,624-625
9057 Economidis, P.S., 1973. Catalogue of the fishes of Greece. Reprinted from Hellenic Oceanology and Limnology, Praktika of the Inst. of Ocean. and Fishing Research, vol. 11 (1972). 1973 Raja naevus -->
9057 Economidis, P.S., 1973. Catalogue of the fishes of Greece. Reprinted from Hellenic Oceanology and Limnology, Praktika of the Inst. of Ocean. and Fishing Research, vol. 11 (1972). 1973 Leucoraja naevus -->
1756 Nijssen, H. and S.J. de Groot, 1974. Catalogue of fish species of the Netherlands. Beaufortia 21(285):173-207. 1974 Raja naevus -->
41849 Holden, M.J. and R.N. Tucker, 1974. The food of Raja clavata Linnaeus 1758, Raja montagui Fowler 1910, Raja naevus Müller and Henle 1841 and Raja brachyura Lafont 1873 in British waters. J. Cons. Int. Explor. Mer. 35(2):189-193. 1974 Raja naevus 191;tab.4
41304 Lythgoe, J. and G. Lythgoe, 1976. Vissen van de Europese kutswateren en de Middlellandse Zee. 335 p. 1976 Leucoraja naevus -->
4483 Du Buit, M.H., 1977. Âge et croissance de Raja batis et de Raja naevus en Mer Celtique. J. Cons. CIEM 37(3):261-265. 1977 Raja naevus -->
9995 Stehmann, M., 1979. Rajidae. p. 58-69. In J.C. Hureau and Th. Monod (eds.) Checklist of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean (CLOFNAM), UNESCO, Paris, Vol. 1. 1979 Raja naevus 65
29443 Stingo, V., 1979. New developments in vertebrate cytotaxonomy. II. The chromosomes of the cartilaginous fishes. Genetica 50(3):227-239. 1979 Raja naevus -->
41251 Lacourt, A.W., 1979. Eikapsels van de kraakbeenvissen, roggen, haaien, draakvissen (Chondrichthyes) van Noord-en West Europa. Wetenschap. Meded. (135):1-27 p. 1979 Leucoraja naevus -->
51024 Hureau, J.-C. and T. Monod (eds.), 1979. Supplement. Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean. p.339-394. In J.-C. Hureau and Th. Monod (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and of the Mediterranean.United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France. Vols 1-2. 683 p. 1979 Raja naevus 341
4883 Bykov, V.P., 1983. Marine Fishes: Chemical composition and processing properties. New Delhi: Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 322 p. 1983 Raja naevus -->
3167 Stehmann, M. and D.L. Bürkel, 1984. Rajidae. p. 163-196. In P.J.P. Whitehead, M.-L. Bauchot, J.-C. Hureau, J. Nielsen and E. Tortonese (eds.) Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean. UNESCO, Paris. vol. 1. 1984 Raja naevus 181
5969 Kotlyar, A.N., 1984. Dictionary of names of marine fishes on the six languages. All Union Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, Moscow. 288 p. 1984 Raja naevus 21
95727 Lloris, D., J. Rucabado, Ll. del Cerro, F. Portas, M. Demestre and A. Roig, 1984. Tots els peixos del Mar Català. I: Llistat de cites I referències. Treballs Soc. Cat. Ict. Herp. 1:1-208. 1984 Raja naevus -->
6014 Dorel, D., 1986. Poissons de l'Atlantique nord-est relations taille-poids. Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer. Nantes, France. 165 p. 1986 Raja naevus -->
54271 Bedford, B.C., L.E. Woolner and B.W. Jones, 1986. Length-weight relationships for commercial fish species and conversion factors for various presentations. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Directorate of Fisheries Research. Fisheries Research Data Report No. 10. 1986 Raja naevus 14
3261 Bauchot, M.-L., 1987. Raies et autres batoides. p. 845-886. In W. Fischer, M.L. Bauchot and M. Schneider (eds.) Fiches FAO d'identificationpour les besoins de la pêche. (rev. 1). Mèditerranée et mer Noire. Zone de pêche 37. Vol. II. Commission des Communautés Européennes and FAO, Rome. 1987 Raja naevus -->
48657 Papaconstantinou, C., 1988. Check-list of marine fishes of Greece. Fauna Graeciae IV, 257 p. 1988 Raja naevus 37
268 Coull, K.A., A.S. Jermyn, A.W. Newton, G.I. Henderson and W.B. Hall, 1989. Length/weight relationships for 88 species of fish encountered in the North Atlantic. Scottish Fish. Res. Rep. (43):80 p. 1989 Raja naevus -->
6302 Muus, B.J. and P. Dahlstrøm, 1989. Havfisk og Fiskeri i Nordvesteuropa. GEC Gads Forlag, København, 244 p. (in Danish). 1989 Raja naevus 21
26388 Sanches, J.G., 1989. Nomenclatura Portuguesa de organismos aquáticos (proposta para normalização estatística). Publ. Avuls. Inst. Nac. Invest. Pescas 14:322 p. 1989 Raja naevus 99
3383 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1990. Multilingual dictionary of fish and fish products. Fishing News Books, Oxford. 1990 Raja naevus -->
4426 Stehmann, M., 1990. Rajidae. p. 29-50. In J.C. Quero, J.C. Hureau, C. Karrer, A. Post and L. Saldanha (eds.) Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic. Junta Nacional de Investigaçao Cientifica e Tecnológica, Lisbon, Portugal. Vol. 1. 1990 Raja naevus 36
41249 Ishihara, H., 1990. Study on the systematics and fishery resources of the North Pacific skates (Pisces: Chondrichthyes: Rajidae). Tokyo University. 186 p. Ph.D. dissertation. 1990 Leucoraja naevus -->
4517 Hureau, J.-C., 1991. La base de données GICIM: Gestion informatisée des collections ichthyologiques du Muséum. p. 225-227. In Atlas Préliminaire des Poissons d'Eau Douce de France. Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche, Ministère de l'Environnement, CEMAGREF et Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris. 1991 Raja naevus -->
6313 Grabda, E. and T. Heese, 1991. Polskie nazewnictwo popularne kraglouste i ryby. Cyclostomata et Pisces. Wyzsza Szkola Inzynierska w Koszalinie. Koszalin, Poland. 171 p. (in Polish). 1991 Raja naevus -->
26335 Costa, F., 1991. Atlante dei pesci dei mari italiani. Gruppo Ugo Mursia Editore S.p.A. Milano, Italy. 438 p. 1991 Raja naevus 255
4760 Abdel-Aziz, S.H., 1992. The use of vertebral rings of the brown ray Raja miraletus (Linnaeus, 1758) off Egyptian Mediterranean coast for estimation of age and growth. Cybium 16(2):121-132. 1992 Raja naevus -->
4931 FAO, 1992. FAO yearbook. Fishery statistics: catches and landings. Vol. 70: 1990. FAO Fish. Ser. 38:647 p. 1992 Raja naevus -->
5204 Wheeler, A., 1992. A list of the common and scientific names of fishes of the British Isles. J. Fish Biol. 41(suppl.A):1-37. 1992 Raja naevus -->
35117 Alegre, M., J. Lleonart and J. Veny, 1992. Espècies pesqueres d'interès comercial. Nomenclatura oficial catalana. Departament de Cultura, Generalitat Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. 1992 Raja naevus 14
13729 Amori, G., F.M. Angelici, S. Frugis, G. Gandolfi, R. Groppali, B. Lanza, G. Relini and G. Vicini, 1993. Vertebrata. In A. Minelli, S. Ruffo and S. La Posta (eds.) Checklist delle specie della fauna Italiana, 110. Calderini, Bologna, 83 p. 1993 Raja naevus -->
37666 Daan, N., B. Johnson, J.R. Larsen and H. Sparholt, 1993. Analysis of the ray (Raja spec.) samples collected during the 1991 International Stomach Sampling Project. ICES C.M. 1993/G:15. 17 p. 1993 Leucoraja naevus 15;tab.4c
8984 FAO, 1994. FAO Yearbook. Fishery statistics: catches and landings. Vol. 74: 1992. FAO Fish. Ser. 43:677 p. 1994 Raja naevus -->
50359 Anonymous, 1994. Welsh names of animals and plants: I Vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. p.17-26. In W.B.L. Evans (ed.) Cyfres enwan (creaduriaid a phlauhigion: I creaduriaid asgwrn-cefn pysgod, amffibiaid, ymlusgiaid, adar a mamaliaid. Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd. 1994 Raja naevus 20
10311 Fritzsch, B. and P. Moller, 1995. A history of electroreception. p. 39-55. In P. Moller (ed.) Electric fishes:history and behavior. Fish and Fisheries Series 17. Chapman & Hall, London. 1995 Raja naevus 55
11284 Stehmann, M., 1995. First and new records of skates (Chondrichthyes, Rajiformes, Rajidae) from the West African continental slope (Morocco to South Africa), with descriptions of two new species. Arch. Fish. Mar. Res. 43(1):1-119. 1995 Raja naevus 39-43
34370 Klinkhardt, M, M. Tesche and H. Greven, 1995. Database of fish chromosomes. Westarp Wissenschaften. 1995 Raja naevus 30
12223 Greenstreet, S.P.R., 1996. Estimation of the daily consumption of food by fish in the North Sea in each quarter of the year. Scottish Fish. Res. Rep. No. 55. 1996 Raja naevus i
28070 Ellis, J.R., M.G. Pawson and S.E. Shackley, 1996. The comparative feeding ecology of six species of shark and four species of ray (Elasmobranchii) in the north-east Atlantic. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 76(1):89-106. 1996 Raja naevus 100
80786 Rogers, S.I. and R.S. Millner, 1996. Factors affecting the annual abundance and regional distribution of English inshore demersal fish populations: 1973 to 1995. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 53:1094-1112. 1996 Raja naevus 1100
12818 Anonymous, 1997. Fish registrations within the museum database of the Vertebrate Section of the Royal Museum for Central Africa. MRAC, Tervuren, Belgium. 1997 Raja naevus -->
13389 Anonymous, 1997. Species kept in the Kiel Aquarium in August 1997. Unpublished. 4 p. 1997 Raja naevus 3
27347 ICES Demersal Fish Committee, 1997. Report of the Study Group on Elasmobranchs. ICES CM /G:2, 123 p. 1997 Raja naevus 41
50449 Dulvy, N.K. and J.D. Reynolds, 1997. Evolutionary transitions among egg-laying, live-bearing and maternal inputs in sharks and rays. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., Ser. B: Biol. Sci. 264:1309-1315. 1997 Leucoraja naevus 1311
27314 McEachran, J.D. and K.A. Dunn, 1998. Phylogenetic analysis of skates, a morphologically conservative clade of elasmobranchs (Chondrichthyes: Rajidae). Copeia 1998(2):271-290. 1998 Leucoraja naevus 286
41303 Bor, P.H.F., 1998. Eikapsels van haaien en roggen. Wetenschap. Med. (223):1-48. 1998 Leucoraja naevus -->
41305 Walker, P.A., 1998. Fleeting images. Dynamics of North Sea ray populations. University of Amsterdam. 145 p. Ph.D. dissertation. 1998 Leucoraja naevus -->
95765 Moranta, J., C. Stefanescu, E. Massutí, B. Morales-Nin and D. Lloris, 1998. Fish community structure and depth-related trends on the continental slope of the Balearic Islands (Algerian basin, western Mediterranean). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 171:247-259. 1998 Raja naevus 250
27372 Jennings, S., S.P.R. Greenstreet and J.D. Reynolds, 1999. Structural change in an exploited fish community: a consequence of differential fishing effects on species with contrasting life histories. J. Animal Ecol. 68:617-627. 1999 Raja naevus -->
30402 Kullander, S.O., 1999. Swedish fishes: checklist of Swedish fishes. Swedish Museum of Natural History., 25 May 1999. 1999 Raja naevus -->
31402 Swedish Museum of Natural History, 1999. Fish collection database of the Naturhistoriska riksmuseet (Swedish Museum of Natural History). Ichthyology Section, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. 1999 Raja naevus -->
31517 Wu, H.L., K.-T. Shao and C.F. Lai (eds.), 1999. Latin-Chinese dictionary of fishes names. The Sueichan Press, Taiwan. 1028 p. 1999 Raja naevus -->
31982 Anonymous, 1999. Fish collection database of the Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). Natural History Museum, London (formerly British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)). 1999 Raja naevus -->
35388 Muus, B.J. and J.G. Nielsen, 1999. Sea fish. Scandinavian Fishing Year Book, Hedehusene, Denmark. 340 p. 1999 Raja naevus 72
35766 Compagno, L.J.V., 1999. Checklist of living elasmobranchs. p. 471-498. In W.C. Hamlett (ed.) Sharks, skates, and rays: the biology of elasmobranch fishes. Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland. 1999 Leucoraja naevus 491
82397 Rogers, S.I., D. Maxwell, A.D. Rijnsdorp, U. Damm and W. Vanheed, 1999. Fishing effects in northeast Atlantic shelf seas: patterns in fishing effort, diversity and community structure. IV. Can comparisons of species diversity be used to assess human impacts on demersal fish faunas?. Fish. Res. 40(2):135-152. 1999 Raja naevus 141
27365 Walker, P.A., J.I.J. Witte and H. van Steenbergen, 2000. Growth and maturation of ray species in the North Sea: a comparative study. (in prep.). 2000 Raja naevus -->
35509 Anonymous, 2000. Fish collection database of the Intitut fur Seefischerei (ISH). BIOLAB Forschungsinstitut, Hohenwestedt, Germany. 2000 Raja naevus -->
49586 Labropoulou, M. and C. Papaconstantinou, 2000. Community structure of deep-sea demersal fish in the North Aegean Sea (northeastern Mediterranean). Hydrobiologia 440:281-296. 2000 Raja naevus 281-296
50345 Quignard, J.P. and J.A. Tomasini, 2000. Mediterranean fish biodiversity. Biol. Mar. Mediterr. 7(3):1-66. 2000 Raja naevus 35
38732 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution). Smithsonian Institution-Division of Fishes. 2001 Raja naevus -->
39328 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of CSIC. CSIC, Spain. 2001 Raja naevus -->
39531 Crespo, J., J. Gajate and R. Ponce, 2001. Clasificación científica e identificación de nombres vernáculos existentes en la base de datos de seguimiento informático de recursos naturales oceánicos. Instituto Español de Oceanografia, Madrid, Spain. 414 p. 2001 Raja naevus 20
39963 Frisk, M.G., T.J. Miller and M.J. Fogarty, 2001. Estimation and analysis of biological parameters in elasmobranch fishes: a comparative life history study. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58:969-981. 2001 Leucoraja naevus 977
40919 Anonymous, 2001. Fish collection database of the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. 2001 Raja naevus -->
41474 Economidis, P.S., 2001. Common names of Hellenic marine fishes. Aristotle University, Unpublished Technical Report. 2001 Raja naevus -->
41475 Economidis, P.S. and E. Koutrakis, 2001. Common names of comercially important Hellenic marine organisms. Aristotle University, Unpublished Technical Report. 2001 Raja naevus -->
41475 Economidis, P.S. and E. Koutrakis, 2001. Common names of comercially important Hellenic marine organisms. Aristotle University, Unpublished Technical Report. 2001 Leucoraja naevus -->
50675 Louisy, P., 2001. Guide d'identification des poissons marins. Europe et Méditerranée. Paris: Eds. Eugène Ulmer. 2001 Leucoraja naevus 405
41250 Bor, P., 2002. Egg-capsules of sharks and skates. 2002 Leucoraja naevus -->
43454 Bor, P.H.F., 2002. Nederlandse naamlijst van de recente haaien en roggen (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii) van de wereld. World Wide Web electronic publication, version (05/2002). 2002 Leucoraja naevus 25
57855 Bilecenoğlu, M., Taskavak E., S. Mater and M. Kaya, 2002. Checklist of the marine fishes of Turkey. Zootaxa 113(1):1-194. 2002 Leucoraja naevus 22
47438 Anonymous, 2003. Fish collection of the Royal Ontario Museum. Royal Ontario Museum. 2003 Raja naevus -->
58108 Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, 2003. Chinese aquatic germplasm resources database. 2003 Leucoraja naevus -->
52268 George, M., 2004. Haie, Rochen und Chimären in der Nord- und Ostsee. Elasmoskop 8(1):10-16. 2004 Raja naevus 11
82320 Machado, P.B., L.S. Gordo and I. Figueiredo, 2004. Skate and ray species composition in mainland Portugal from the commercial landings. Aquat. Living Resour. 17:231-234. 2004 Leucoraja naevus 233
55783 Mohamed Fall, K.O., 2005. Fishes of Mauritania. Unpublished compilation of K.O. Mohamed Fall. 2005 Leucoraja naevus -->
82399 Ellis, J.R., A. Cruz-Martinez, B.D. Rackham and S.I. Rodgers, 2005. The distribution of Chondrichthyan fishes around the British Isles and implications for conservation. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., Vol. 35:195-213. 2005 Leucoraja naevus 200
57747 Ecomarg Project, 2006. Biodiversity: Cantabrian Sea, Galician Shelf and Le Danois Bank. Ecomarg Project ( 2006 Glossogobius giurus 210-211
74429 George, M.R. and H. Zidowitz, 2006. Checkliste der europäischen Knorpelfischarten mit wissenschaftlichen und deutschen Namen. Z. Fischk. Bd. 8 Heft 1/2:71-81. 2006 Leucoraja naevus 78
95738 Trenkel, V.M., O. Berthelé, P. Lorance, J. Bertrand, A. BrindÁmour, M.-L. Cochard, F. Coppin, J.-P. Leauté, J.-C. Mahé, J. Morin, M.-J. Rochet, M. Salaun, A. Souplet and Y. Vérin, 2009. Atlas des grands invertébrés et poissons observés par less campagnes scientifiques. Bilan 2008. Ifremer, Nantes, EMH:09-003. 100 p. 2009 Leucoraja naevus 9
86578 Bañon, R., D. Villegas-Ríos, A. Serrano, G. Mucientes and J.C. Arronte, 2010. Marine fishes from Galicia (NW Spain): an updated checklist. Zootaxa 2667:1-27. 2010 Leucoraja naevus 5
96325 Miniconi, R., 2011. Complément à l'inventaire des poissons des eaux de Corse (1994-2011). Biologie - Pȇche - Localisation. Edition A Barcella Ajaccio, 50 p. 2011 Raja naevus 45
91095 Torres, M.A., F. Ramos and I. Sobrino, 2012. Length-weight relationships of 76 fish species from the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain). Fish. Res. 127-128:171-175. 2012 Leucoraja naevus 173
92354 ICES, 2012. Stomach Dataset. ICES-CIEM Stomach Data (1981-2010). Copenhagen. Available online at Consulted on 2012-10-22. 2012 Leucoraja naevus -->
95871 Psomadakis, P.N., S. Giustino and M. Vacchi, 2012. Mediterranean fish biodiversity: an updated inventory with focus on the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas. Zootaxa 3263:1-46. 2012 Leucoraja naevus 29
108942 McCully, S.R., F. Scott and J.R. Ellis, 2012. Lengths at maturity and conversion factors for skates (Rajidae) around the British Isles, with an analysis of data in the literature. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 69(10):1812-1822. 2012 Leucoraja naevus 1812-1822
109028 Maia, C., K. Erzini, B. Serra-Pereira and I. Figueiredo, 2012. Reproductive biology of cuckoo ray Leucoraja naevus. J. Fish Biol. 81(4):1285-1296. 2012 Leucoraja naevus 1285-1296
106276 Wilhelms, I., 2013. Atlas of length-weight relationships of 93 fish and crustacean species from the North Sea and the North-East Atlantic (No. 12). Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, 552 p. 2013 Raja naevus 362
107945 Cheung, W.L., R. Watson and D. Pauly, 2013. Signature of ocean warming in global fisheries catch. Nature 497:365-368. 2013 Leucoraja naevus -->
95489 Goren, M., 2014. The fishes of the Mediterranean: a biota under siege. pp. 385-400. In Goffredo, S. and Z. Dubinsky. 2014. The Mediterranean Sea: its history and present challenges. Springer Netherlands. 655 pp. 2014 Leucoraja naevus 393
113897 Papaconstantinou, C., 2014. Fauna Graeciae. An updated checklist of the fishes in the Hellenic seas. Monagraphs on Marine Sciences 7 2014 Leucoraja naevus 43
100834 Barría, C., J. Navarro, M. Coll, U. Fernancez-Arcaya and R. Sáez-Liante, 2015. Morphological parameters of abundant and threatened chondrichthyans of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 31(1):114-119. 2015 Leucoraja naevus 116
105471 eElurikkus, 2015. eElurikkus koondab ühte portaali Eesti eluslooduse andmed. 2015 Leucoraja naevus -->
106518 Barria, C., M. Coll and J. Navarro, 2015. Unravelling the ecological role and trophic relationships of uncommon and threatened elasmobranchs in the western Mediterranean Sea (Supplement). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 539:225-240. 2015 Leucoraja naevus Table S3
127921 Ellis, J., N. Dulvy and R. Walls, 2015. Leucoraja naevus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T161626A48949434. Accessed on 28 October 2022. 2015 Leucoraja naevus -->
106604 Weigmann, S., 2016. Annotated checklist of the living sharks, batoids and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes) of the world, with a focus on biogeographical diversity. J. Fish Biol. 88(1):1-201. 2016 Leucoraja naevus 113;tab.II
115039 ICES, 2016. Report of the Working Group on Elasmobranch Fishes (WGEF), 15-24 June 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. ICES CM/ACOM:20. 26 pp. 2016 Leucoraja naevus -->
118749 Last, P.R., S. Weigmann and L. Yang, 2016. Changes to the nomenclature of the skates (Chondrichthyes: Rajiformes). In: Last and Yearsley (eds.). Rays of the World: Supplementary Information. CSIRO Special Publication. 11-34. 2016 Leucoraja naevus 19tab.1
116450 Béarez, P., P. Pruvost, É. Feunteun, S. Iglésias, P. Francour, R. Causse, J. De Mazières, S. Tercerie and N. Bailly, 2017. Checklist of the marine fishes from metropolitan France. Cybium 41(4):351-371. 2017 Leucoraja naevus -->
118592 Froese, R., 2018. Personal communication. (Table sent by the author). 2018 Leucoraja naevus -->
118717 Tsuboi, M., W. van der Bijl, B.T. Kopperud, J. Erritzoe, K.L. Voje, A. Kotrschal, K.E. Yopak, S.P. Collin, A.N. Iwaniuk and N. Kolm, 2018. Breakdown of brain-body allometry and the encephalization of birds and mammals. Nat. Ecol. Evol. 2:1495-1500. 2018 Leucoraja naevus -->
124786 Tsikliras, A.C. and D. Dimarchopoulou, 2021. Filling in knowledge gaps: Length-weight relations of 46 uncommon sharks and rays (Elasmobranchii) in the Mediterranean Sea. Acta Ichthyol. et Pisc. 51(3):249-255. 2021 Leucoraja naevus 3
75549 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, 29 April 2008. 2022 Raja naevus -->
83882 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2010. 2022 Raja naevus -->
90062 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, March 2012. 2022 Raja naevus -->
95632 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, April 2014. 2022 Raja naevus -->
101110 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from, [accessed 13/04/2015]. 2022 Raja naevus -->
115257 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). 2022 Raja circularis -->
115257 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from (accessed 08/06/2017). 2022 Raja naevus -->
118272 FAO-FIES, 2022. Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS) species list. Retrieved from htttps:// [accessed May, 2018] 2022 Raja naevus -->
128520 Marčeta, B. and K. Pliberšek (eds), 2023. BiosWeb. Biological database of the Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia. Ljubljana, Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia, 2014. ( updated 13/04/2023). 2023 Leucoraja naevus -->
108991 Despoti, S., A.C. Tsikliras and K.I. Stergiou, 2050. Fecundity of marine fishes: technical aspects of fecundity studies and relationships of fecundity with body size, gonad weight and age. in press 2050 Leucoraja naevus -->
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