Remarks |
Abstract: The Humacao Natural Reserve (HNR) lagoon system, Puerto Rico has become an important fish source for eastern Puerto Rico. Principal fishes targeted are tarpon (Megalops atlanticus), snook (common snook Centropomus undecimalis and swordspine snook C. ensiferus), and tilapia (Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus and redbreast tilapia Tilapia rendalli). We conducted a roving creel survey April 2000–March 2001 using the non-uniform probability method to characterize the anglers that exploited the fishery resources at the HNR lagoon system. We evaluated the variability of responses to individual sociological and attitudinal questions across the angling groups interviewed. The overall goal of this study was to propose management actions for the fisheries of the HNR lagoon system. We interviewed 343 anglers (89% male; 11% female). Total estimated annual effort was 26,581 angler-hours, and we recorded 107 tilapia, 58 snook, and 16 tarpon accounting 107.4 kg. We identified three groups of anglers: (1) ‘recreational anglers’ (N = 219), for whom fishing was simply an outdoor activity; (2) ‘sport anglers’ (N = 42), who had greater expectations regarding fishing as an activity, requiring privacy; (3) ‘subsistence anglers’ (N = 82), for whom the HNR lagoon system represented a permanent and affordable source of fish protein. Based on these results, we concluded that the HNR fishery is clearly not just a recreational or sport fishery, as it is typically defined. Some anglers perceive the reserve as a natural environment for solitude and contemplation, and will regret any change intended to modify its current appearance. For others, the reserve is a natural place that should be used for material benefit (e.g., fishing). Management recommendations must take into consideration differences between groups, and protect characteristics of the reserve appealing to its main user groups, while not disenfranchising minority groups. |