Details for Garces, L.R., Q.P. Sia, M.J.M. Vega, J. Cabansag and V. Hilomen, 1995
اقتباس Garces, L.R., Q.P. Sia, M.J.M. Vega, J. Cabansag and V. Hilomen, 1995. Species composition and abundance of reef fish communities. p. 000-000. In G. Silvestre, C. Luna and J. Padilla (eds.) Multidisciplinary assessment of the fisheries in San Miguel Bay, Philippines (1992-1993). ICLARM Technical Report 47. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Makati, Philippines.
DOI / ISBN 971-8709-68-1
Paper URL
Ref. No. 45334
اللغة English
استخدام used in part
ملاحظات NAEIS Ref. no. 224; Report extracted from PhilFIS: Document Database Subsystem. Vol 1.0. Fisheries Sector Program Reports: Resource and Ecological Assessment and Socio-Economic and Investment Opportunities
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