Raja montagui: Κατάλογος ερευνών συχνότητας μήκους

Περιοχή: Έτος:
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Φύλο: Εργαλείο: Τύπος συχνότητας:
Irish Sea and Bristol Channel, UK 1959 - 1959 females  other  absolute number measured 
Irish Sea and Bristol Channel, UK 1959 - 1959 females  other  absolute number measured 
Irish Sea and Bristol Channel, UK 1959 - 1959 males  other  absolute number measured 
Irish Sea and Bristol Channel, UK 1959 - 1959 males  other  absolute number measured 
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cfm script by eagbayani, 06/09/01 ,  php script by eagbayani, 01/27/06 ,  last modified by sortiz, 10/08/17