Diagnosis: body elongate; only 1 row of teeth in each jaw; only anterior portion of lateral line pored (Ref. 81638).
Description: body depth 0.19-0.21 SL, slightly laterally compressed; mouth terminal with 1 row of bicuspid teeth in each jaw; maxilla edentulous, premaxilla and dentary each with 6 outer row teeth; tip of pelvic fin reaching ¾ of distance to vent; caudal fin lobes pointed and without scale covering; body scales ctenoid and moderately sized; lateral line with pores only on anterior 5-6 scales even in largest examined individuals; 46-48 scales in longitudinal series (including pored scales); D: II-III,10-11; A: II-III,10-12 (Ref. 81638).
Coloration: preserved specimens yellow to light brown; dark chromatophores on dorsal portion of head, lateral surfaces of snout, lateral surface of lower lip and mid-portion of opercle; large, dark spot on lateral surface of posterior portion of caudal peduncle and mid-basal portions of the caudal rays; largest specimen with irregular band of dark chromatophores that extends from supraleithrum to dark spot beginning on rear of caudal peduncle (Ref. 81638). |