Diagnosis |
Can be easily diagnosed from all lebiasinins, except for Lebiasina minuta, by the following characters: absence of the primary and secondary stripes, and the caudal blotch; the presence of three longitudinal series of dark blotches at the base of the scales; the pair of foramina on the vomer through which the ramus palatinus of the facial nerve runs; the large laminar extrascapular bone in contact with the fifth infraorbital, and overlaying the anterodorsal portion of the opercle; and nearly equal caudal-fin lobes. Can be separated from Lebiasina minuta by the absence of a dark blotch at the base of the median rays of the dorsalfin, the presence of conical teeth on the second infrapharyngobranchial, the reddish overall coloration of the eye and fins, and the dark blotches of longitudinal series 3 and 4 which never coalesce (vs. a dark blotch present at the base of the median rays of the dorsal-fin; the second infrapharyngobranchial being edentulous; a yellowish overall color of body, and the dark, olive green eyes; and the dark blotches of longitudinal series 3 and 4 coalescing where scales of adjacent longitudinal series overlap) (Ref. 91748). |