Données morphologiques de Danakilia dinicolai
Clés d'identification
Réf. Princ. Stiassny, M.L.J., G. De Marchi and A. Lamboj, 2010
Ressemble à
Bones in OsteoBase

Attributs sexuels

Organes spécialisés
Apparence différente
Couleurs différentes

Caractéristiques descriptives des juvéniles et adultes

Éléments remarquables
Profil du corps fusiform / normal
Section transverse
Profil dorsal de la tête
Type d'yeux
Type de bouche/museau
Position de la bouche terminal
Type of scales

Diagnosis: Danakilia dinicolai differs from its congener, D. franchettii, in the possession of longer pectoral fins, 31.1-38.7% of standard length vs. 21.7-30.6%; outer row teeth in both oral jaws composed of stout tricuspids, considerably more robust and fewer in number than those of D. franchettii; lower pharyngeal bone relatively massive, longer than wide, length 30-32% of head length, vs. small, only slightly longer than wide, length 25-27% of head length in D. franchettii, with 40-48 teeth in posterior row, vs. 26-36 in D. franchettii (Ref. 85754).

Description: Snout acute, mouth terminal, lips thickened but not fleshy; head large, snout conical with straight profile, head smoothly convex behind nape to dorsal fin, except in largest males with a bulbous frontal gibbosity, particularly evident in life; greatest body depth between insertion of dorsal and pelvic fins; caudal peduncle always longer than deep (Ref. 85754). Caudal fin truncate; dorsal XIII-XIV 9-11; anal III 7-8; pectoral fin long, reaching to anal fin origin or beyond; first pelvic ray longer in males than females but pelvic fin always reaching anus, and often beyond anal origin (Ref. 85754). Jaws isognathous, both with 2-4 rows of tricuspid teeth; outer row teeth in both jaws stout tricuspids with small, symmetrically rounded lateral cusps and larger medial cusp, considerably more robust and fewer in number than in Danakilia franchettii; lower pharyngeal bone relatively massive, longer than wide, length 30-32% of head length; pharyngeal teeth in anterior field of jaw, robust unicuspids, sparsely implanted, becoming increasingly elongate, recurved and spatulate posteriorly, densely implanted over posterior field of jaw, 40-48 teeth in posterior row; pharyngeal teeth in D. franchettii are similarly arrayed, but coarser and less densely implanted in posterior field of jaw, 26-36 teeth in posterior row (Ref. 85754). Eleven to 14 small, moderately tuberculate gill rakers along lower limb of first arch, including raker at angle, 2 or 3 pointed epibranchial rakers; microbranchiospines absent (Ref. 85754). Scales cycloid, 2 or 3 rows on cheek, 2-4 horizontal rows on opercle; dark scaleless spot on outer edge of opercle; chest and belly scales deeply embedded, markedly smaller than on flank, 4 or 5 scales between pectoral and pelvic fins; upper lateral line separated from dorsal fin anteriorly by 3 or 4 scale rows, at 8th pored scale by 2 scale rows, at last pored scale by 1-1.5 scale rows; end of upper lateral line separated from lower lateral line by 1 or 2 scale rows; basal 1/3 of caudal fin covered with scales; other fins unscaled (Ref. 85754). Infraorbital series complete, with lachrymal (first infraorbital) and four tubular infraorbitals, lachrymal with five openings of laterosensory system; total of 25 or 26 vertebrae, 11-13 precaudal and 12-14 caudal; inferior vertebral apophysis supporting anterior end of gas bladder composed of elongate ventro-posteriorly directed process on 3rd vertebral centrum which abuts a stout ventro-posteriorly directed process on 4th centrum (Ref. 85754).

Colouration: Females and non-dominant males in life: opercule and body pale silvery-grey, snout and nape dark brownish-black; dark scaleless spot on outer edge of opercle variously intense, but always present; upper lip with bluish cast, lower lip grey; throat and branchiostegal membranes pale silver-grey; two dark longitudinal stripes sometimes visible on flanks, upper stripe at level of upper lateral line, passing to end of dorsal-fin base, lower stripe from edge of opercle to caudal base, not extending into caudal fin; sometimes 5-7 dark vertical bars on body from dorsal-fin base to ventrum; eye golden-yellow to brownish-black (Ref. 85754). Dominant males in life: dorsal, caudal and anal fins pale blue, with numerous paler blue dots; white margin of dorsal fin flushed pale red-orange distally; thin white margin on upper caudal lobe; pelvic blue, paler distally; body scales with iridescent, pale blue posterior margins, centrally grey to greyish-black; scales on chest and belly silvery grey, with darker grey margins; prominent frontal gibbosity blackish-blue to greyish-blue; snout and lips pale blue (Ref. 85754). Colouration in preservation: both sexes with head and body brown, darker dorsally, with dark lines or bars often visible as described in living specimens; dorsal, anal and caudal fins heavily spotted in males, less so in females (Ref. 85754).

Facilité d'identification

Caractéristiques méristiques de Danakilia dinicolai

Lignes latérales 2 Interrompu(e)(s): No
Écailles sur la ligne latérale 27 - 29
Écailles perforées de la ligne latérale
Écailles en série latérale
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Rangées d'écailles au-dessus de la ligne latérale
Écailles autour du pédoncule caudal 16 - 16
Fentes branchiales (requins et raies uniquement)
sur le membre inférieur 11 - 14
sur le membre supérieur
Total 13 - 17
Total 25 - 26


Nageoire(s) dorsale(s)

Attributs no striking attributes
Nombre de nageoires 1
Nombre de pinnules Dorsal   
Total d'épines 13 - 14
Total de rayons mous 9 - 11
Nageoire adipeuse absent

Nageoire caudale

Attributs more or less truncate; more or less normal

Nageoire(s) anale(s)

Nombre de nageoires 1
Total d'épines 3 - 3
Total de rayons mous 7 - 8

Nageoires paires

Pectorale(s) Attributs  more or less normal
Épines     0
Rayons mous   11 - 13
Pelvienne(s) Attributs  more or less normal
position    thoracic  behind origin of D1
Rayons mous   
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.10.00, php script by rolavides, 13/03/08 ,  Dernière modification par sortiz, 06.27.17