Diagnosis |
Amblyceps waikhomi is diagnosed from all congeners in having a deeper body (depth at anus 17.0-20.3% SL vs. 7.6-16.9) and fewer total vertebrae (34-35 vs. 37-48), with exception of A. mangois and A. serratum). It can be differentiated from A. mangois by the absence (vs. presence) of strongly-developed projections on the proximal lepidotrichia of the median caudal-fin rays and by having a longer, wider, and deeper head (length: 22.-24.3% SL vs. 18.8-21.3, width: 20.0-21.9% SL vs. 17.1-18.3, depth: 13.9-18.0% SL vs. 11.6-13.2); and from A. serratum by having a posteriorly smooth (vs. with 4-5 serrations) pectoral spine, and unequal jaw length (lower jaw longer and weakly-projecting anteriorly vs. equal upper and lower jaws). It is also distinguished from A. murraystuarti, A. torrentis, A. apangi, A. laticeps, and A. cerinum by its deeply forked caudal fin (vs. emarginate or truncate) (Ref. 118109).
Description: dorsal fin with a spinelet, a spine, and 6 branched rays; anal fin with iii,10 rays; pectoral fin with a smooth spine and 6 branched rays; pelvic fin with i-ii,4-5 rays (Ref. 118109). |