Pictures available for Plotosus lineatus
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(Click on picture to enlarge and see data)

tn_Pllin_u1.jpgPllin_u1.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Norfolk Island, by Randall, J.E. (Pllin_u1.jpg)
tn_Pllin_u2.jpgPllin_u2.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Australia, by Randall, J.E. (Pllin_u2.jpg)
tn_Pllin_u3.jpgPllin_u3.jpgPhoto by Wilkie, M.
Philippines, by Wilkie, M. (Pllin_u3.jpg)
tn_Pllin_u4.jpgPllin_u4.jpgPhoto by Baur, J.-C.
Philippines, by Baur, J.-C. (Pllin_u4.jpg)
tn_Pllin_uc.jpgPllin_uc.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Seychelles, by Randall, J.E. (Pllin_uc.jpg)
tn_Pllin_uf.jpgPllin_uf.jpgPhoto by Patzner, R.
Papua New Guinea, by Patzner, R. (Pllin_uf.jpg)
tn_Pllin_u0.jpgPllin_u0.jpgPhoto by Shao, K.T.
Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), by Shao, K.T. (Pllin_u0.jpg)
tn_Pllin_u8.jpgPllin_u8.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Indonesia, by Randall, J.E. (Pllin_u8.jpg)
tn_Pllin_u9.jpgPllin_u9.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Kenya, by Randall, J.E. (Pllin_u9.jpg)
tn_Pllin_ua.jpgPllin_ua.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Kenya, by Randall, J.E. (Pllin_ua.jpg)
tn_Pllin_ub.jpgPllin_ub.jpgPhoto by Randall, J.E.
Bahrain, by Randall, J.E. (Pllin_ub.jpg)
tn_Pllin_uk.jpgPllin_uk.jpgPhoto by Lai, N.-W.
Hong Kong, by Lai, N.-W. (Pllin_uk.jpg)
tn_Pllin_u1.gifPllin_u1.gifPhoto by FAO
Tanzania, by FAO (Pllin_u1.gif)

Photos uploaded by FishBase users
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For comments, corrections please contact Aque Atanacio
(Fish identification given by uploader of photo)

Photo by Mohammad Eusuf Hasan
Bangladesh, Beach-Seine Catch, Inani Coast, Cox's Bazar, 2005, by Mohammad Eusuf Hasan

Photo by Mohammad Eusuf Hasan
Bangladesh, Teknaf Fish Market, Cox's Bazar, 03 Nov 2013, by Mohammad Eusuf Hasan

Photo by Dr. Joerg Vierke
Germany, Lombock, Indonesien, by Dr. Joerg Vierke
Photo by R.Saravanan
India, Mangalore, 24 January 2012, 20cm, by R.Saravanan

Photo by Jishnudev Ma
India, Azheekod 05,08,24, by Jishnudev Ma

Photo by Jim Greenfield
Indonesia, N. Bali, by Jim Greenfield

Photo by Jianguo Du
Indonesia, Likupang, May 2014, by Jianguo Du
Photo by Scott Johnson
Indonesia, Kwanji, Bali; 1 November 2019, by Scott Johnson
Photo by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Indonesia, Lembeh, 2019, by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Photo by Mohammad Hosseinpour
Iran, Persian Gulf - Hengam Island - 20.09.2012 - depth 12 m - 26 41'53''N 55 51'14''E, by Mohammad Hosseinpour

Photo by Ramin Ketabi
Iran, Kish Island, Persian Gulf, Iran, 2010, 40 cm, by Ramin Ketabi
Photo by Ramin Ketabi
Iran, Persian Gulf, Kish Island, 2010, 10m, by Ramin Ketabi
Photo by Ramin Ketabi
Iran, Persian Gulf, Kish Island, 2010, 10m, by Ramin Ketabi
Photo by Ramin Ketabi
Iran, Persian Gulf, Kish Island, 2010, 10m, by Ramin Ketabi

Photo by Reno Tonna
Mauritius, by Reno Tonna
Photo by Jean-Claude Jamoulle
Mauritius, Grand Baie, La Pointe aux Canonniers, 8 Nov 2014, ~8 cm, by Jean-Claude Jamoulle

Photo by Victor D. Cabrera
Northern Marianas Islands, Smiling Cove Marina, June 30, 2013, 12inches long, by Victor D. Cabrera
Photo by Hamid Badar Osmany
Pakistan, Karachi hourbour,13-2-2010,21cm, by Hamid Badar Osmany
Photo by Hamid Badar Osmany
Pakistan, Karachi, 29-10-13, 19 cm, by Hamid Badar Osmany
Photo by Hamid Badar Osmany
Pakistan, Karachi, 29-10-13, 19 cm, by Hamid Badar Osmany
Photo by Hamid Badar Osmany
Pakistan, Karachi,22-2-10, by Hamid Badar Osmany
Photo by Peter Dixie
Philippines, Balicasag Island, 20170618, by Peter Dixie
Photo by Jose Antonio Cabo Bujan
Timor-Leste, -8.557126, 125.501012, June 3, 2023, 8 cm, by Jose Antonio Cabo Bujan
Photo by Philippe Bourjon
Reunion Island [La] (La Réunion), Reunion, 03 12 2010, juveniles (3 cm), by Philippe Bourjon
Photo by Sahat Ratmuangkhwang
Thailand, Kampuan market, Suksamran, Ranong , southern Thailand 2010,230mmSL, by Sahat Ratmuangkhwang
Photo by Sahat Ratmuangkhwang (Andaman Coastal Research Station for Development, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University)
Thailand, Kuraburi Fishing Pier, Kurabur of Phang Nga, Andaman coast of Thailand, Collected in Feb-June 2016, 134 m SL, by Sahat Ratmuangkhwang (Andaman Coastal Research Station for Development, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University)
Photo by Sahat Ratmuangkhwang
Thailand, Kuraburi Local Fishing Pier (Ban Ta Su Rao), Kuraburi District, Phang Nga province, 26 Jun 2018 , 2250 mm SL, by Sahat Ratmuangkhwang
Photo by Trevor Meyer
Egypt, Poseidon, Hurghada, 26 September 2016, by Trevor Meyer
Photo by Mike Guiry
Lord Howe Island, Lagoon 21 November 2010, by Mike Guiry

Pictures from the GICIM Database of the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Note: 'a red line' marks the picture of a type.
For comments, corrections please contact Patrice Pruvost

A-8929, Inde (Hautecoeur M.)

A-8929, Inde (Hautecoeur M.)

A-8929, Inde (Hautecoeur M.)

A-8929, Inde (Hautecoeur M.)

A-8930, Maurice(I.) (syntype of Plotosus lineatus) (Hautecoeur M.)

A-8930, Maurice(I.) (syntype of Plotosus lineatus) (Hautecoeur M.)

A-8930, Maurice(I.) (syntype of Plotosus lineatus) (Hautecoeur M.)

A-8930, Maurice(I.) (syntype of Plotosus lineatus) (Hautecoeur M.)

A-8931, Sri Lanka (syntype of Plotosus lineatus)

A-8931, Sri Lanka (syntype of Plotosus lineatus)

Photos uploaded by FishWatchers

Photo by Cuallado, Isidro
Moalboal, Cebu island, by Cuallado, Isidro
Photo by Loh, Tim
Pasir Ris Park, off breakwater, by Loh, Tim

Note: the photos shown on this page are low resolution scans in high compression JPEG format. The copyright remains with the photographers/institutes. If you want to use any of the photos/drawings, please contact the contributor for permission. However, we would appreciate a proper indication of the source. For other drawings where the originating publication is given, you have to ask the publisher and the author for permission to use those drawings. Click on the image to see individual license applicable to each picture.
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