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Hemicaranx amblyrhynchus

Hemicaranx amblyrhynchus (Heamb_o0.gif)
by COSS-Brasil

Collaborator's web page

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Size (cm):
Locality: Brazil 
Sex/Stage: otolith 
Reference: Rossi-Wongtschowski, C.L.D.B., C.C. Siliprandi, M.R. Brenha-Nunes, S.A. Gonsales, C. Santificetur and A.M. Vaz-dos-Santos, 2014
Atlas of marine bony fish otoliths (sagittae) of Southeastern-Southern Brazil. Part I: Gadiformes (Macrouridae, Moridae, Bregmacerotidae, Phycidae and Merlucciidae). Part I: Perciformes (Carangidae, Sciaenidae, Scombridae and Serranidae).
Remark: Otoliths from fish with total length of 31.4cm; Sagitta, left; Medial face (A1), Lateral face (A2), and Ventral profile (A3); Photos: Cesar Santificetur. 

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