Main Ref. | Armbruster, J.W., D.C. Werneke and M. Tan, 2015 (Ref. 99824) |
Name used | Peckoltia ephippiata |
Catalog No. | MCP 35627 |
Locality | Rio Leitão on highway BR-364, about 5 km N of Presidente Médici, rio Madeira dr., Presidente Médici, Rôndonia |
Year | 2004 |
Coordinates |
11° 7.96799' S 61° 54.048' W In decimal: -11.13, -61.90 |
Geography area | America, South - Inland waters |
Country | Brazil |
Length | 10.17 cm SL |
Collector | R.E. Reis, P.C. Lehmann, F.C. Lima, and E.H.L. Pereira |
Museum | [MCP] |
Date | 15/07/04 |
Salinity | freshwater |