Main Ref. | Costa, W.J.E.M., P.H.N. Bragança and P.F. Amorim, 2013 (Ref. 94717) |
Name used | Anablepsoides henschelae |
Catalog No. | UFRJ 9608 |
Locality | Stream about 35 km W of Jundiá, road BR-431, Jauaperi river drainage, itself a part of the lower section of the Negro river drainage, Amazonas river basin, Município de Rorainópolis, Estado de Roraima |
Year | 2012 |
Coordinates |
013.75' S 60° 59.5' W In decimal: -0.23, -60.99 |
Geography area | America, South - Inland waters |
Country | Brazil |
Length | 2.25 cm SL |
Collector | P.H.N. Bragança, F.P. Ottoni & E. Henschel |
Museum | [UFRJ] |
Sex | male |
Date | 15/09/12 |
Salinity | freshwater |