Main Ref. | Römer, U., J. Beninde and I. Hahn, 2011 (Ref. 88922) |
Name used | Apistogramma playayacu |
Catalog No. | FMNH 101589 |
Locality | Quebrada Playayacu, Quebrada entering Limoncocha, 2 km NE of village along lake shore, field station DJS81-39 / 05, rio Napo system |
Year | 1981 |
Coordinates |
022' S 76° 36' W In decimal: -0.37, -76.60 |
Geography area | America, South - Inland waters |
Country | Ecuador |
Length | 4.58 cm SL |
Collector | M. Ibarra, R. Barriga & Uquillas |
Museum | [FMNH] |
Sex | male |
Salinity | freshwater |
Sea Drainage | Rio Napo system |