Main Ref. | Römer, U., I.J. Hahn and P.M. Vergara, 2010 (Ref. 85095) |
Name used | Dicrossus foirni |
Catalog No. | MZUSP 106589 |
Locality | Few hundreds meters above mouth of the Igarapé Prósperitáte (station F9/91R), a small rigth-hand tributary of the Rio Preto near Lago Urubu about 12.5 km NNW from the junction with the Rio Negro, federal state of Amazonas |
Station | F9/91R |
Year | 1992 |
Coordinates |
09.78' S 64° 7.18' W In decimal: -0.16, -64.12 |
Geography area | America, South - Inland waters |
Country | Brazil |
Length | 4.28 cm SL |
Collector | A. Schneider |
Museum | [MZUSP] |
Sex | female |
Date | 15/10/92 |
Salinity | freshwater |
Sea Drainage | Rio Negro |