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Polypterus endlicherii : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary | FishBase |  Close
n = 25   (FB = 25)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Source: AMNH
Beninno yearDe Kimpe P.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73001.0006Porto Novo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Burkina Fasono yearRoman B.Roman B. P -143521-143523riv. Massili, afflt. Volta Blanche Portal: FB.
Source: P
Burkina Fasono yearRoman B.Roman B. P -143520riv. Massili, afflt. Volta Blanche 20 km N.E. de Ouagadougou Portal: FB.
Source: P
Burkina Fasono yearRoman B.Roman B. P -143519riv. Massili, afflt. Volta Blanche 20 km N.E. de Ouagadougou Portal: FB.
Source: P
Burkina Fasono yearRoman B.Poll M. P -140925env. de Bobo-Dioulasso Portal: FB.
Source: P
Burkina Fasono yearRoman B.Roman P -140923-140924riv. Kou, afflt. de la Volta Noire Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearStauch A. P -140111Bénoué Portal: FB.
Source: P
Chadno yearBrandily M.Y.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 73026.0006Tofoul, région au sud de Hollom Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearCornet d'Elzius C.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P -182255Gangala na Bodio, riv. Dungu Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearPoll M.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P -179888-179889Gangala na Bodio, riv. Dungu Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearTeugels G.Teugels G. P 87018.0001riv. Le Léraba, afflt. du Comoé à Le Leraba (pont frontière avec Burkina Faso) Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearTeugels G.Teugels G. P 86013.0001Tiassale, riv. Bandama Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearTeugels G.Teugels G. P 85055.0001riv. Le Léraba à Le Léraba, pont frontière Côte d'Ivoire-Burkina Faso Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearTeugels G.Teugels G. P 85029.0002Babokon, riv. Boubo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearTeugels G.Teugels G. P 85029.0001Babokon, riv. Boubo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearTeugels & RischTeugels & Risch P 80019.0001Soubré, riv. Sassandra près du pont Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 79036.0001Layo, lagune Ebrié Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearKrzelj S.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 74014.0003lac Kossou Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearLowe R.H. P -140109riv. Bandama Portal: FB.
Source: P
Ghanano yearGoudswaard P.C.Goudswaard P.C. P 93127.0002Kokope, White Volta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Ghanano yearGoudswaard P.C.Goudswaard P.C. P 93127.0001Dindu, Daka riv., tributary of Lake Volta Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Teugels G. P 91100.0004Nun river at Kaiama Portal: FB.
Source: P
Sudanno yearPeters J.Van Neer W. P 88023.0165Khartoum market Portal: FB.
Source: P
Tanzania (Unitedno yearDe Vos L.De Vos L. P 93152.0323riv. Malagarazi, delta middle arm Portal: FB.
Source: P
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011