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Aplocheilichthys spilauchen : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 109   (FB = 100, GBIF = 9)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
1912 MRAC 1684 - 1685Buco-Zan Portal: GBIF.
Source: MRAC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
1912 MRAC 1683Buco-Zan Portal: GBIF.
Source: MRAC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
1966 SAMC-MBF-015458Luanda Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAMC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Source: AMNH
1976Etzel leg. XII.1974, Berkenkamp ded. 22.VI.1976Berkenkamp det. ZMH 5779Bach 3 km östl. von Bassam, südl. Elfenbeinküste Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
1989van den Elzen leg. II.1989, ded. IV.1989G. Teugels det. IV.1989 ZMH 7955Lagunenrand beim Club Mediterranée, Assinie, Elfenbeinküste Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Source: AMNH
Source: AMNH
Source: AMNH
Angolano yearAnsorge W.J.van der Zee J. P - 1684-1685Buco-Zan Portal: FB.
Source: P
Angolano yearAnsorge W.J.van der Zee J. P - 1683Buco-Zan Portal: FB.
Source: P
Angolano yearAnsorge W.J.Boulenger G.A. P - 1679-1682Chiloango-ville Portal: FB.
Source: P
Benin2003 75242Mangrove swamps near Oudiah Portal: GBIF.
Source: SAIAB
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Cameroonno yearvan der Zee J. P A1021.0001A1021.0004riv. Lukundjé, 1er affl. de la Kribi, près du pont au confluent Lukundjé-Kribi Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.218573039.2186estuaria, lower Ombé, riv. Bibundi Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.218416 km N of Kribi towards Edea, swamp Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.van der Zee J. P 73002.241573002.2419Bois des Singes, crique Docteur, Douala Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.van der Zee J. P 73002.241173002.2414Yapoma, riv. Dibamba Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.van der Zee J. P 73002.232973002.2363Bois des Singes, crique Docteur, Douala Portal: FB.
Source: P
Cameroonno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.van der Zee J. P 73002.232073002.2328Deido, riv. Wouri, 4 km en amont du pont à Douala Portal: FB.
Source: P
Camerounno year 2001-0169 Portal: GBIF.
Source: MNHN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Congo (Democratino yearCornet d'Elzius C.Woeltjes T. P -182366-182430Gangala na Bodio, riv. Dungu Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Democratino yearDelhez P.Boulenger G.A. P - 988Boma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Source: AMNH
Congo (Republic no yearMamonekene, Vreven & Ibala ZambaWoeltjes T. P A5036.0053riv. Itsivou vers Pémo, bassin Nyanga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearMamonekene, Vreven & Ibala ZambaWoeltjes T. P A5036.0052riv. Loutsila à Bihongo, bassin Nyanga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearMamonekene, Vreven & Ibala ZambaWoeltjes T. P A5036.0051riv. Doutsila à Bihongo, bassin Nyanga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearMamonekene V.van der Zee J. P 96058.000396058.0004lagune de Conkouati, au débarcadère de Ntandou-Ngoma Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearMamonekene V.van der Zee J. P 96058.000196058.0002lagune de Conkouati, au couloir d'accès à la mer Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearRoberts T.van der Zee J. P 91079.0025Kouilou-Niari riv. at pont du Niari near Kibangou Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearTeugels, De Vos & SnoeksWildekamp R. P 90057.021090057.0212riv. Mouyondzi, afflt. Loundji, à Bena I, route Bena-Kakamoeka, 5 km après la Loundji Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearTeugels, De Vos & SnoeksWildekamp R. P 90057.0206riv. Mouyondzi, afflt. Loundji, à Bena I, route Bena-Kakamoeka, 5 km après la Loundji Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearTeugels, De Vos & SnoeksWoeltjes T. P 90057.012790057.0131riv. Mami, afflt. gauche Kouilou, à Kakamoeka Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearTeugels, De Vos & SnoeksWildekamp R. P 90057.0126embouchure du Kouilou, en amont du pont Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearTeugels, De Vos & SnoeksWildekamp R. P 90057.0125riv. Louvoumou, près de Bena I, route Kayes-Bena I, 3km avant la Loundji Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearLambert J.Lambert J. P 77025.0380Djeno-Loeme Portal: FB.
Source: P
Congo (Republic no yearLambert J.Lambert J. P -164578Djeno-Loémé, Pointe Noire Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearRyckewaert T.Ryckewaert & Woeltjes P A0044.0246riv. Mé, nouveau pont près de Lobo-Akoudzin Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearTraore K.Romand R. P 86018.227886018.2280Aoutoué, riv. La Mé Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearTraore K.Romand R. P 86018.227686018.2277Yakassé Mé, riv. La Mé Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearTeugels G.Romand R. P 86013.0774Yaka, riv. Tabou Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearDe Bruyn-Couvreur H.Teugels G. P 81019.012381019.0126weg San Pedro-Tabou, 10 km van San Pedro, riviertje mondt uit in lagune bij Pointe Kourou Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearDe Bruyn-Couvreur H.Teugels G. P 81019.012081019.0122Grand Bassam, kanaal van Assigni Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearDecelle J.Radda A. P 73052.000573052.0028lagune Aguien, N de Bingerville Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearDecelle J.Radda A. P 73052.000373052.0004village Eloka, lagune d'Ebrié Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearVan Mol J.J.Woeltjes T. P 73008.013973008.0140lagune Ebrié Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearVan Mol J.J.Woeltjes T. P 73008.013573008.0138lagune Ebrié Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.Radda A. P 73005.372973005.3741Adiopodoumé Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.Radda A. P 73005.372573005.3728Adiopodoumé, lagune Ebrié Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearSheljuzhko L.Poll M. P -173512-173531lac Bakré, près d'Abidjan Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearSheljuzhko L.Poll M. P -173497-173511Abidjan, Cocody, lagune Ebrié Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearSheljuzhko L.Poll M. P -173494-173496Abidjan, Cocody, lagune Ebrié Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearRancurel P.Lambert J. P -119957-119961env. d'Abidjan Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearRancurel P.Lambert J. P -119952-119956env. d'Abidjan, grand Lakon Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearRancurel P.Lambert J. P -119947-119951lac Bakié Portal: FB.
Source: P
Côte d'Ivoireno yearRancurel P.Lambert J. P -119942-119946env. d'Abidjan Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearBlanco, Malumbres & Garcia LovaWildekamp R. P A2060.0003A2060.0004creek emptying in rio Ue, rio Utonde system Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.218273039.218343 km from Santa Isabel towards San Carlos Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.218073039.2181rio Luepesse, mouth Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.216873039.2179rio Mirupururu, mouth Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearScheel J.J.Scheel J.J. P 73039.216573039.2167hurtig boek lige N for Conception Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.Wildekamp R. P 73002.258873002.2589km 15 route Bata-Rio Benito Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearRoman B.Roman B. P -173243-173251ruisseau entre Senye et rio Benito Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P -143378-143387rio Ruma, près du pont route vers Conception Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P -143261-143263rio Ruma, près du pont route vers Conception Portal: FB.
Source: P
Equatorial Guineno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P -143237-143258swampy area near Concepcion, à 200m de la mer Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearMamonekene V.van der Zee J. P A1088.2270riv. Doumvou à Doumvou Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearMamonekene V.Wildekamp R. P A1088.2261A1088.2269riv. Moufoubou, aff. du Rembo-Nkomi, au pont sur route Mandji-Yéno Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearMbega, Mvé, Guizoumbi & Mbavan der Zee J. P A0048.0878A0048.0886lac Onangue, bassin Ogooué Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearMbega, Mvé, Guizoumbi & Mbavan der Zee J. P A0048.0875A0048.0877village Ntchambe, riv.Ogooué Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearLamboj, Altmann, Hasselmann & alvan der Zee J. P A0033.0025A0033.0042riv. Nyanga, strasse in Tchibanga über fluss Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearLamboj, Altmann, Hasselmann & alvan der Zee J. P A0033.0023A0033.0024riv. Doussiegoussou, Nyanga-system, strasse von Tchibanga nach Mayumbe, 20km nach Tchibanga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearKamdem Toham A.van der Zee J. P 99055.0214riv. située à 75km de Nyali, direction Nzinga, Sud de N'Dendé Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearKamdem Toham A.van der Zee J. P 99055.021099055.0213riv. Doufoufou, à 2km de la rivière Douigni vers Tchibanga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearKamdem Toham A.van der Zee J. P 99055.013199055.0135riv. située à 75km de Nyoli, direction Nzinga, Sud de N'Dendé Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearLamboj, Weissenbacher & al.van der Zee J. P 96048.0156small riv. 3km N. of Lambarene Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearLevy M.van der Zee J. P 93134.015393134.0163Mandorove, bassin Ogooué Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearLevy M.van der Zee J. P 93134.000793134.0152± 15km de Mpere vill., riv. Ogooué, en amont de Port-Gentil, près de Ndougou Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearLevy M.van der Zee J. P 93134.000193134.0006à 7,5km de Mandorove en venant de Port-Gentil, bassin Ogooué Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.van der Zee J. P 93081.000393081.0010Lambaréné Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearRoberts T.Woeltjes T. P 80051.0816lac Ezanga Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearRoberts T.Woeltjes T. P 80051.069180051.0706northern end of lac Ezanga, about 35 km S of Lambarene Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearThys van den Audenaerde D.Woeltjes T. P 73002.248473002.2492Nangue Ntongolo Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabonno yearLambert J.Lambert J. P -164579-164588lac Onangué Portal: FB.
Source: P
Gabon1961 MRAC 93081.0003 - 93081.0010Lambar?n? Portal: GBIF.
Source: MRAC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Gabon1999 79945Dousséoussou (sp?) Creek at old Marble Quarry (for Bongo's Palace) Portal: GBIF.
Source: CU
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Gabon2000 MRAC A0048.0878 - A0048.0886lac Onangue, bassin Ogoou? Portal: GBIF.
Source: MRAC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Gabon2000 MRAC A0048.0875 - A0048.0877village Ntchambe, riv.Ogoou? Portal: GBIF.
Source: MRAC
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Ghanano yearMarlier G.Gosse J.P. P -153588-153591riv. Jimi, route Kumasi-Cap Coast Portal: FB.
Source: P
Guineano yearLambert J.Lambert J. P -119705-119715Ballay, bassin du Senegal Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearUyi & OtufuPowell C.B. P 92063.0321Kaiama, Nun river Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Wildekamp R. P 91010.051991010.0522Akpor, New Calabar river Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearPowell C.B.Wildekamp R. P 91010.049291010.0518Akpor, New Calabar river Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearKlausewitz W.Lambert J. P 77044.016177044.0165Nigeria Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeriano yearClausen H.S.Scheel J.J. P 73039.218773039.2188Lagos, lagune Portal: FB.
Source: P
Nigeria1908Manger leg. 28.VII.1908 ZMH 4173Wari, Nigerdelta, Nigeria Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Nigeria1909Manger leg. 18.XI.1909 ZMH 4337Gana-Gana, Nigerdelta, Nigeria Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Nigeria1925Richter ded. 23.III.1925 ZMH 13187Wari, Nigerdelta, Nigeria Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Nigeria1950Mertens leg. IX.1950 ZMH 4320Lagos-Lagune, Nigeria Portal: FB.
Source: ZMH
Senegalno yearDe Kimpe P.Thys van den Audenaerde D. P 79042.000279042.0007Kamobeul, riv. Kamobeul Portal: FB.
Source: P
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