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Salvelinus confluentus : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 409   (FB = 215, GBIF = 155, OBIS = 39)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
1968 F5211 Portal: GBIF.
Source: UA
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano year F3375 Portal: GBIF.
Source: UA
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano year F7365 Portal: GBIF.
Source: UA
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano year F2842Lower Kananaskis Lake Portal: GBIF.
Source: UA
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano year F7334.1 Portal: GBIF.
Source: UA
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano year CMNFI 1968-1570.1 Portal: GBIF.
Source: CMN
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Canadano yearHumphreys, R. UBC 620909Duncan River at Copper Creek mouth. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearEthier, D. UBC 6203495 ft. BRANCH OF ILLECILLEWAET RIVER, GREELY CREEK, above and below falls. Columbia watershed. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPletcher, T.; Ricker, K. UBC 620348TRIB OF MOUNTAIN CR AVALANCHE CR. Branch accessible from Bostock Pass, Glacier National Park. Columbia watershed. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPletcher, T.; Ricker, K. UBC 620342E SIDE OF UPPER ARROW LAKE MACKENZIE CREEK, Columbia system. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearRicker, K.; Pletcher, T. UBC 620347Flat Ck., 4.8 km above Illecillewaet R., betw. upper avalanche and bottom of lower avalanche slopes, but bel. canyon lying betw. the two. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPletcher, T.; Ricker, K. UBC 620346ILLiCILLEWAEt RIVER AT BOSTOCK CREEK EXIT, Columbia watershed. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPletcher, T.; Ricker, K. UBC 620345Woolsey (Silver) Cr., E fork trib. of Illicillewaet R. Fished 0.8 km of stream and c. 1.6 km bel. Clabon Cr. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPletcher, T.; Ricker, K. UBC 620338*St. Leon Cr. - flows into upper Arrow Lake, Columbia watershed. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPletcher, T. UBC 620337LA FORME CREEK, Columbia watershed. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPletcher, T. UBC 620323TRIB. OF EAGLE R. YARD CR. above 1st forks and waterfall, but bel. 2nd trib., by Sawmill rd. br. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPletcher, T. UBC 620322SOUTH PASS CREEK Shuswap watershed, trib. of Eagle R. system. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPletcher, T.; Ricker, K.; Lines, G. UBC 620319REVELSTOKE AREA WAP LAKE Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearSports Fisherman, per Fish and Game Branch. UBC 620303TRIBUTARY TO ALOUETTE LAKE GOLD CREEK Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearGeen, G.H.P. Ellickson UBC 620231BOTH ENDS OF SETON LAKE Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearGeen, G.H. UBC 620230ANDERSON LAKE OUTLET END, see note. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearTaylor, G.; Hesterin, M. UBC 610476UPPER DUNCAN RIVER Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearTaylor, G.; Hesterin, M. UBC 610471HOWSER CREEK ENTERING DUNCAN LAKE Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearTaylor, G.; Hesterin, M. UBC 610470NORTH CREEK ENTERING DUNCAN LAKE Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearTaylor, G.; Hesterin, M. UBC 610468*Aleza L., E of Prince George, Fraser River watershed. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearCartwright, J.W. UBC 610453NEAR CHILLIWACK FOLEY CREEK Vedder - Fraser watershed. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearHumphries, R.D. UBC 63137156 km N OF KASLO DUNCAN RIVER AT COPPER CREEK Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPatsch, L.; Caverhill, P. UBC 631387MISINCHINKA SWAMP 13 km down FROM AZOUZETTA LAKE Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPatsch, L.; Caverhill, P. UBC 631390PARSNIP RIVER 3.2 km UP FROM WESTON CREEK Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPatsch, L.; Caverhill, P. UBC 631393GERMANSON LAKE OUTLET Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPatsch, L.; Caverhill, P. UBC 631394SYLVESTER CREEK Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPatsch, L.; Caverhill, P. UBC 631403TOODOGGONE LAKE (MIDDLE) Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPatsch, L.; Caverhill, P. UBC 640112*Chesterfield Lake Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearNelson, J.S. UBC 640148TACHEEDA LAKE Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearHartman, G.; Rutherglen UBC 650326KOOTENAY LAKE W ARM NINE MILE NARROWS Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearMcCart, P.; Nelson, J.S. UBC 650334TACHEEDA LAKES Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearLindsey, C.C.; Hartman, G.F.; Moodie, E.E. UBC 650647N THOMPSON RIVER ABOUT 43 km N OF BLUE RIVER, at northern crossing of road to Tete-Jaune-Cache. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearLindsey, C.C.; Hartman, G.F.; Moodie, E.E. UBC 6506483.2 km N OF ALBREDA, CAMP CR., c. 39 km SSW of Tete-Jaune-Cache. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearMcPhail, J.D.; Murray; Rosenan UBC 770068GRAVEL PIT ON RED WILLOW RIVER AT MILE 30 Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearHaas, G.; St. John, M. UBC 870002KITSUMKALUM LAKE, AT WESACH CREEK MOUTH Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearHaas, G.; St. John, M.; Sampson, R. UBC 870003SHAMES RIVER, SLOUGH NEAR WHERE SHAMES RIVER enters Skeena R. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearHaas, G.; St. John, M. UBC 870004SUPRISE CREEK, WHERE HIGHWAY 37 CROSSES Cr., Cr. flows into Meziadin L. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearHaas, G.; St. John, M. UBC 870005MEZIADIN LAKE, AT MOUTH OF TINTINA CREEK Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearHaas, G.; St. John, M. UBC 870006SUPRISE CREEK, WHERE HIGHWAY 37 CROSSES CREEK, Cr. flows into Meziadin L. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearPeter, M. UBC 870008*Coldwater R., in beaver pond at DFO Habitat study site, near Merritt Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearHaas, G.; Suzuki, T. UBC 870010FOLEY LAKE, NEAR MAJOR INLET STREAM Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Source: UBC
Canadano yearG.H.; M.F.; R.M. UBC 880004WAP CREEK, BELOW FALLS AT BRIDGE, FLOWS SW IN Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearNorthcote, T.G. UBC 880006LASCA CREEK,(9 MI. CREEK) ABOVE FALLS FLOWS Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearLadell, J. UBC 10058Burton Creek, tributary to Upper Arrow Lake Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearMcPhail, J.D.; O'Brien, D.; McKay, R.McPhail, J.D. UBC 20026Tenise Cr. (trib. Of Howser Cr. - off Duncan Reservoir) 340-2184-298-634-000-000-000-000-000-000-000-000 Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearO'Brien, D.; McKay, R.McPhail, J.D. UBC 20027Meadow Cr. Just below settling basin in channel proper Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearO'Brien, D.; Kusaks; McKay, R.McPhail, J.D. UBC 20028Westfall River - off Duncan River Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearunknownE.B. Taylor UBC 60242Coquihalla River, Site 33 (2L1), BC Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearunknownunknown UBC 60253Dewdney Creek, reach 3, site 17 Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearO'Brien, McKay, Ladell UBC 60274Houston Cr., Duncan @ side channel site 1 Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearunknown UBC 60275Meadow Cr. Spawning channel Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearJ. LadellJ. Ladell UBC 60280St Leon Cr., BC Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearJ.D. McPhail, G. Haas, P. Troffe, P. MylechreestJ.D. McPhail, G. Haas, P. Trof UBC 60177Hotel Creek, just N of Dease Lake on Hwy 37 Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearunknownunknown UBC 60197Arrow Lakes, St. Leon, BC Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearLadell, TroffeLadell, Troffe UBC 60323St. Leon, below barrier, at mouth Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearE. Taylor UBC 100005Dasque Creek, Skeena River Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearJ. Ladell/E. TaylorE. Taylor UBC 140031Arrow Lakes (upper) tribs Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearD. McPhail/M FolkesE. Taylor UBC 110116Nahatlach Lake at trib ~ 30 km on road Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearE.B. TaylorE.B. Taylor UBC 110148South Pass Creek Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearJ.D. McPhail, G. HaasP.Triaffe, P. Mylechreest UBC 110189Tanzilla Creek off of Hwy 37, south of Deas Lake at the forestry campsite. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearP. MylechreestP. Mylechreest UBC 60163Tanzilla River, ~1km upstream from Hwy 37 bridge, Stikine Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearJ. Ladell UBC 110241Woden Creek, Alberta - bridge site. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearJ. Ladell UBC 110242St. Leon Creek - below barrier. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110243Poplar Creek, Alberta at second bridge. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110248Halfway River, Alberta. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110250Halfway River, Alberta. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110252Woden Creek, Alberta. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110253Halfway River, Alberta. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110254St. Leon, Alberta, bridge 1. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110255Halfway River, Alberta. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110256Burton Creek, Alberta. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110257St. Leon Creek, Alberta. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110258Woden Creek, Alberta. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110260St. Leon Creek, Alberta. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano year UBC 110261Halfway River, Alberta - Spur Road. Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearUnknown UBC 110269Halfway River (Peace River) Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearJ. LadellE. Taylor UBC 110270St. Leon Creek, Upper Arrow Lake Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano year UBC 110282Westfall, 500m from Silvertip Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearLabelle UBC 110285Poplar Creek Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearLadell UBC 110287Halfway River Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearO'Brien UBC 110288Glacier Creek Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearD. Nowosad UBC 110289Houston Creek Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano year UBC 110290Coldwater River, side channel A Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearD. Nowosad UBC 110291Woden Creek Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearO'Brien, McKay UBC 110273Westfall River, Duncan between McDonald and Silvertip creeks Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearO'BrienD. Nowosad UBC 110276Glacier Creek Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearD. Nowosad UBC 110278St. Leon Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearMylechreest UBC 110279Poplar Creek, second bridge crossing Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearD.S. Halmore UBC 110316Gates River Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano year UBC 110320Yuzkli Creek Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearLadell UBC 110325Halfway River Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano yearLadell UBC 110326St. Leon Creek, above barrier Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano year UBC 1103288 Mile Creek Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
Canadano year UBC 110334Woden Creek Portal: FB.
Source: UBC
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011
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