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Kaupichthys japonicus : Occurrence Records Point data |  Species Summary 
n = 30   (GBIF = 30)      Sort by Country Locality Year Depth Source
Country Year Collector Identifier Catalog No. Depth (m) Locality Source
Indonesia1974 269586.5127969Tallabassi Bay, Just Off N.E. Tip of Big Damalawa Islet, Kabaena Island, Celebes (= Sulawesi) Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Indonesia1974 269585.5127968Namalatu, Latuhalat, Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia. About 150 Yds. Off Shore Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Indonesia1974 269578.5127961Indonesia, Saparua, SE Tip of Haria Bay. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Indonesia1974 269579.5127962North Shore of Great Banda Island Directly South of Naira Island, Banda Islands, Indonesia. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 325259.5220440Loyalty Islands; Ouvea Atoll; Motu Waaunyi Islet. Ocean Side of Fringing Reef, Vertical Wall On Reef. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 325258.5220439Loyalty Islands, Ouvea, Southern Section of the Lagoon; Small Patch Reef Surrounded By Rubble + Sand. Off Gee Islet On Lagoon Side. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 325257.5220438Loyalty Islands; Ouvea Atoll, Recif Draule, Poisoned a Large Depression On the Reef Crest, Lots of Coral and the Bottom Was Rubble. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 325254.5220435Loyalty Islands, Ouvea Atoll, Bagaat Islet, Vertical Oceanside Wall To 71 Ft. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 325256.5220437Loyalty Islands, Ouvea Atoll, Bagaat; Small Cave In the Fringing Reef On the Ocean Side At the SW Corner of the Reef. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 325261.5220442Loyalty Islands, Ouvea Atoll, Ile Haute. Deep Surge Channel On Ocean Side of Reef At West End of Islet. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
New Caledonia1991 325260.5220441Loyalty Islands, Ouvea Atoll, Banya-Sud Islet. Ocean Side of Fringing Reef. Small Patch of Coral At Base of Vertical Reef Wall. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Philippines1995 343992.5249461P.I., Iloilo Prov., Lawigan, Tiolas, San Joaquin, Rocky Point. Rocky Tidepool Out To Coral Reef Channels Around Rocky Point At Talisayan Point. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Philippines2000 365996.5277329Philippines, Maestre De Campo, Batuanan Point On Sand Flat With Patch Reefs On E. Side of Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 385620.5304771Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands, Just Inside West Point At the Western End of the Reef, Steep Sloping Channel On Lee Side of Reef Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 379994.5295348Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Duff Islands, Taumako Island, Off Southeast Side On Outer Coral Reef Just North of Tohua Island At Anchorage. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 379937.5295060Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Duff Islands, Taumako Island On Southeast End Just North of Tohua Island At Anchorage On Outside Coral Reef Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 380817.5296207Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Tomotu Island, Coral Surge Channel On Northwest Coast Just South of Neo Village Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 378008.5292543Solomon Islands, Stewart Islands, outer reef face at west side of reef off Matuiloto Island on a steep vertical reef face. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 389259.5312732Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands, Fenualoa Island, Coral Reef Face and Outer Slope Just West of Nota Point Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 389582.5312941Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands, Ngalo Island, South East Side of Forrest Passage On a Steep Vertical Rock Wall In a Crevice. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 365103.5276106Solomon Islands, Stewart Islands, Reef Face of Outer Reef Off West Side of Matuiloto Island In a Deep Channel In the Coral Reef. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 386016.5305364Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands, Reef Islands, Lomlom Island, Steep Vertical Wall At Nialo Point On East Side of Forrest Passage. Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Solomon Islands1998 364736.5275775Solomon Islands, Stewart Islands, Shallow Reef Face Off West Side of Matuiloto Island Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Taiwan1968 269575.5127958Rocky shore of Mao-pi T'ou on southwest coast of Taiwan Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Taiwan1968 269573.5127956Southwest end of Taiwan, Approximately 2 km southwest of Ta-fan-lieh; (See Chart 2212-1 at USNM Fish Division for locality) Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Taiwan1968 269584.5127967Southwest shore just off Ch'uan-fan-shih Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Taiwan1968 269571.5127954Bay between K'en-ting and Ta-yuan Shan Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Taiwan1968 269574.5127957Rocky point on northwest shore of first large cove on west side of island north of southern tip of island Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Taiwan1968 269580.5127963Southwest shore just off Ch'uan-fan-shih Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Taiwan1968 269587.5127970Rocky shore just south of Chin-chiao-wan, South end of Taiwan Portal: GBIF.
Source: USNM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
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cfm script by eagbayani, 17.08.99,  php script by rolavides, 2/11/2008,  last modified by cmilitante, 11:00 AM 19/08/2011
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