No. | Year | Latitude | Longitude | Catalog No. | Information |
1. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650821 | "Myripristis tiki. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650821, CHILE EASTER ID (ISLA DE PASCUA) HANGA PICO , " |
2. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650820 | "Myripristis tiki. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650820, CHILE EASTER ID (ISLA DE PASCUA) HANGA PICO, see BC65-453., " |
3. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650425 | "Fistularia petimba. Efford, I.E.; Mathias J.A. (from D. Huke), UBC 650425, Chile, Isla de Pascua (Easter Is.), " |
4. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650421 | " . Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650421, Chile, Isla de Pascua (Easter Is.), Hanga Pico, " |
5. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650419 | " . Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650419, Chile, Isla de Pascua (Easter Is.), hanga Roa, " |
6. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650418 | "Lactoria paschae. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650418, Chile, Isla de Pascua (Ester Island), N of Hanga Roa, " |
7. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650409 | "Thunnus albacares. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650409, CHILE EASTER ID HANGA PICO , " |
8. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650407 | "Conger cinereus. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650407, CHILE EASTER ID HANGA ROA (200 METRES N) , " |
9. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650455 | " . Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650455, CHILE EASTER ID HANGA ROA , " |
10. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650451 | " . Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650451, CHILE EASTER ID OFF HANGA ROA , " |
11. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650449 | "Trachypoma macracanthus. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650449, CHILE EASTER ID VINAPU , " |
12. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650449 | "Girella nebulosa. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650449, CHILE EASTER ID VINAPU , " |
13. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650448 | "Trachypoma macracanthus. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650448, CHILE EASTER ID OVAHI , " |
14. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650443 | "Carcharhinus falciformis. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650443, Chile, Isla de Pascua (Easter Is.), Motu Nui, " |
15. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650430 | "Aulostomus chinensis. Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650430, CHILE EASTER ID RANO RARAKU AREA , " |
16. | -27.14 | -109.44 | UBC 650428 | " . Efford, I.E.; Mathias, J.A., UBC 650428, CHILE EASTER ID HANGA PICO , " |
17. | -35.72 | -71.07 | MNHNCL ICT 7538a | "Diplomystes incognitus. , MNHNCL ICT 7538a, Melado River, Andean region of Linares, Maule Basin, Región del Maule, Compatible with distributional range" |
18. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
19. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Iquique, Iquique, " |
20. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
21. | -22.08 | -70.20 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Tocopilla, " |
22. | -22.08 | -70.20 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Tocopilla, " |
23. | -22.08 | -70.20 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Tocopilla, " |
24. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
25. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
26. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
27. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
28. | -27.03 | -70.57 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Algarrobo, " |
29. | -27.03 | -70.57 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Algarrobo, " |
30. | -27.03 | -70.57 | IGFA | "Xiphias gladius. , IGFA, Algarrobo, " |
31. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Kajikia audax. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
32. | -22.08 | -70.20 | IGFA | "Kajikia audax. , IGFA, Tocopilla, " |
33. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Kajikia audax. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
34. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Kajikia audax. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
35. | -22.08 | -70.20 | IGFA | "Kajikia audax. , IGFA, Tocopilla, " |
36. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Kajikia audax. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
37. | -22.08 | -70.20 | IGFA | "Kajikia audax. , IGFA, Tocopilla, " |
38. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Kajikia audax. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
39. | -20.25 | -70.25 | IGFA | "Kajikia audax. , IGFA, Iquique, " |
40. | -35.67 | -71.48 | IGFA | "Paralichthys dentatus. , IGFA, Maitencillo, " |
41. | -28.92 | -67.52 | FB 2745580 | "Trichomycterus pseudosilvinichthys. , FB 2745580, Rio Amarillo at Famatina, 28°55'S, 67°31'W, e. slope of Sierra de Famantina, Dept. Chilecito, Prov. de La Rioja, Argentina., " |
42. | -27.07 | -71.71 | FB 2745112 | "Psednos dentatus. , FB 2745112, Off Chile, 27°04.25'S, 71°42.3'W, at about 800 m over 7060 m., " |
43. | -55.55 | -65.91 | FB 2744583 | "Careproctus magellanicus. , FB 2744583, Drake Passage, 55°32.8'S, 65°54.3'W, Patagonia, 2394 m., " |
44. | -55.55 | -65.91 | FB 2744582 | "Careproctus patagonicus. , FB 2744582, Drake Passage, 55°32.8'S, 65°54.3'W, Patagonia, 2394 m., " |
45. | -17.68 | -78.88 | FB 2744333 | "Careproctus atakamensis. , FB 2744333, Atakama [Atacama] Trough, 17°41'S, 78°53'W, off Chile, e. Pacific, 3080-2710 m., " |
46. | -19.14 | -70.33 | FB 2744325 | "Dibranchus spinosus. , FB 2744325, Off Arica, Chile, 19°08'09"S, 70°20'02"W, 200 fm., " |
47. | -55.53 | -65.98 | FB 2744319 | "Dieidolycus gosztonyii. , FB 2744319, Off Isla Nueva, Chile, 55°31.6'S, 65°56.8'W to 55°30.7'S, 65°58.8'W, 2165-2008 m., " |
48. | -38.88 | -73.30 | FB 2744166 | "Paralichthys delfini. , FB 2744166, Lago Budi, a coastal lagoon, 38°53'S, 73°18'W, Chile., " |
49. | -25.97 | -100.60 | FB 2744143 | "Antigonia aurorosea. , FB 2744143, Sala-y-Gomez submarine ridge, 25°58'N, 100°36'W, 280-310 m., " |
50. | -21.42 | -81.62 | FB 2744030 | "Epigonus elegans. , FB 2744030, Nazca Ridge, 21°25'S, 81°37'W, e. Pacific, 25 m., " |
51. | -21.53 | -81.65 | FB 2743888 | "Scolecenchelys profundorum. , FB 2743888, Nazca Ridge, e. Pacific, 21°32'S, 81°39'W, 310 m., " |
52. | -22.13 | -81.32 | FB 2743805 | "Coelorinchus nazcaensis. , FB 2743805, Nazca Ridge, 22°08'S, 81°19'W, se. Pacific, 235-250 m., " |
53. | -41.48 | -74.15 | FB 2743788 | "Myxine pequenoi. , FB 2743788, Chile, 41°29'S, 74°09'W, 215 m., " |
54. | -53.65 | -70.23 | FB 2743785 | "Myxine debueni. , FB 2743785, Strait of Magellan, 53°39'S, 70°14'W, 300 m., " |
55. | -41.97 | -73.55 | FB 2743687 | "Calliclinus nudiventris. , FB 2743687, Linao, Isla de Chiloe, 41°58'S, 73°33'W, Chile., " |
56. | -22.12 | -81.30 | FB 2743616 | "Maurolicus rudjakovi. , FB 2743616, Pacific Ocean, Nazca Ridge, 22°07'S, 81°18'W, 240-0 m., " |
57. | -25.32 | -85.13 | FB 2743476 | "Plectrogenium barsukovi. , FB 2743476, Nasca Ridge, 25°19'S, 85°08'W, 290-310 m., " |
58. | -23.66 | -72.72 | FB 2743437 | "Lamprogrammus shcherbachevi. , FB 2743437, Off Antofagasta, Chile, 23°39.5'S, 72°43'W, 0-1000 m., " |
59. | -25.15 | -90.30 | FB 2743370 | "Centrodraco nakaboi. , FB 2743370, Nazca Ridge, se. Pacific, 25°09'09"S, 90°18'07"W, 545-600 m., " |
60. | -25.04 | -97.49 | FB 2743312 | "Physiculus sazonovi. , FB 2743312, W. portion of the Sala y Gomez Ridge, 25°02.6'S, 97°29.2'W, 260-272 m., " |
61. | -25.12 | -99.78 | FB 2743311 | "Physiculus parini. , FB 2743311, W. portion of the Sala y Gomez Ridge, 25°07.2'S, 99°46.7'W, se. Pacific, 330-356 m., " |
62. | -25.02 | -97.47 | FB 2743290 | "Gnathophis andriashevi. , FB 2743290, Se. Pacific off Chile, 25°01'S, 97°28'W, 330-326 m., " |
63. | -31.23 | -71.77 | FB 2743274 | "Paraliparis molinai. , FB 2743274, Off Chile, 31°14'S, 71°46'W, se. Pacific Ocean, 800 m., " |
64. | -19.70 | -70.37 | FB 2743273 | "Eknomoliparis chirichignoae. , FB 2743273, Off Chile, 19°42'S, 70°22'W [or 75°22'W], se. Pacific, 824 m., " |
65. | -31.48 | -71.73 | FB 2743272 | "Paraliparis merodontus. , FB 2743272, Off central Chile, 31°29'S, 71°44'W, se. Pacific Ocean, 700 m., " |
66. | -22.70 | -70.58 | FB 2743162 | "Ophthalmolycus chilensis. , FB 2743162, Off Tocopilla, Chile, 22°42'S, 70°35'W, 1000 m., " |
67. | -22.08 | -81.23 | FB 2742986 | "Plagiogeneion geminatum. , FB 2742986, Nazca Ridge, se. Pacific, 22°05'S, 81°14'W, 200 m., " |
68. | -25.70 | -85.40 | FB 2742965 | "Anatolanthias apiomycter. , FB 2742965, Se. Pacific, Nazca Ridge, 25°41.7'S, 85°23.7'W, 160-168 m., " |
69. | -20.83 | -70.45 | FB 2742779 | "Pachycara pammelas. , FB 2742779, Off Punta Lobos, Chile, 20°50'S, 70°27'W, 610 m., " |
70. | -25.72 | -85.48 | FB 2742761 | "Hime microps. , FB 2742761, Nazca Ridge, e. Pacific, 25°43'S, 85°29'W, 160-165 m., " |
71. | -20.75 | -80.87 | FB 2742712 | "Talismania bussingi. , FB 2742712, E. Pacific, Nazca Ridge, 20°45'S, 80°52'W, 340-780 m., " |
72. | -22.10 | -81.25 | FB 2742659 | "Facciolella castlei. , FB 2742659, Nazca Ridge, 22°06'S, 81°15'W, 230 m., " |
73. | -25.57 | -85.35 | FB 2742658 | "Nettastoma falcinaris. , FB 2742658, Nazca Ridge, 25°34'S, 85°21'W, 1070-1100 m., " |
74. | -25.45 | -85.45 | FB 2742657 | "Tetronarce semipelagica. , FB 2742657, Junction of Naska and Sala y Gomez ridges, se. Pacific, 25°27'[or 25°42']S, 85°27'W, 175-210 m., " |
75. | -25.65 | -85.38 | FB 2742656 | "Tetronarce microdiscus. , FB 2742656, Junction of Naska and Sala y Gomez ridges, se. Pacific, 25°39'S, 85°23'W, 180-280 m., " |
76. | -24.68 | -85.48 | FB 2742645 | "Rexea brevilineata. , FB 2742645, Nazca Ridge, 24°41'S, 85°29'W, e. Pacific, 320 m., " |
77. | -53.78 | -70.88 | FB 2742606 | "Paraliparis eltanini. , FB 2742606, Strait of Magellan, 53°46.5'S, 70°53'W, 485 m., " |
78. | -42.40 | -74.75 | FB 2742603 | "Paraliparis debueni. , FB 2742603, Coast of Chile, near Chiloe Is., 42°24'S, 74°45'W, 440-470 m., " |
79. | -53.55 | -70.77 | FB 2742600 | "Praematoliparis anarthractae. , FB 2742600, Strait of Magellan, Eltanin sta. 964, 53°28.5'S, 70°46'W [or 53°33'S, 70°45'W], ca. 55 m., " |
80. | -34.85 | -72.60 | FB 2742582 | "Guttigadus kongi. , FB 2742582, Off Chile, 34°51'S, 72°36'W, 690 m., " |
81. | -38.13 | -75.88 | FB 2742409 | "Coelorinchus chilensis. , FB 2742409, Off Lota, Chile, 38°08'S, 75°53'W, Albatross sta. 2791, 677 fm., " |
82. | -51.46 | -74.05 | FB 2742116 | "Paraliparis membranaceus. , FB 2742116, Off Cabo St. Vincent, Sarmiento Channel, Queen Adelaide Archipelago, Chile; Challenger sta. 310, 51°27'30"S, 74°03'W, 400 fm., " |
83. | -49.15 | -74.45 | FB 2741907 | "Liparis antarcticus. , FB 2741907, Eden Harbor, Ultima, s. Chile, 49°09'S, 74°27'W., " |
84. | -38.13 | -75.88 | FB 2740941 | "Idiacanthus atlanticus. , FB 2740941, Off Lota, Chile, 38°08'S, 75°53'W, Albatross sta. 2791, 677 fm., " |
85. | -37.00 | -73.00 | FB 2740582 | "Odontesthes brevianalis. , FB 2740582, Estero Lenga, Concepcion, VIII Region, Chile, 37°S, 73°W., " |
86. | -45.02 | -76.55 | FB 2740535 | "Normichthys yahganorum. , FB 2740535, Ca. 60 mi. west and just south of Isla Gamblin, off s. Chile, 45°01'S, 76°33'W, 0-1100 m., " |
87. | -33.30 | -72.45 | FB 2740534 | "Talismania aphos. , FB 2740534, Off Valparaiso, Chile, 33°18'S, 72°27'W, 1000 fm., " |
88. | -44.95 | -75.27 | FB 2740453 | "Neoachiropsetta milfordi. , FB 2740453, Off s. Chile, 44°57'S, 75°16'W, 600 m., " |
89. | -46.79 | -75.25 | FB 2740374 | "Hippoglossina mystacium. , FB 2740374, Taitao Peninsula, Chile, 46°47'30"S, 75°15'W, Albatross sta. 2787, 61 fm., " |
90. | -34.75 | -72.12 | FB 2740340 | "Micropogonias furnieri. , FB 2740340, Vichoquen & Torca lagoons, near Llico, Curico Prov., Chile (34°45'S, 72°07'W)., " |
91. | -27.13 | -109.42 | FB 2740324 | "Itycirrhitus wilhelmi. , FB 2740324, Isla de Pascua, Chile, off Easter I., se. Pacific, 27°08'S, 109°25'W., " |
92. | -26.29 | -80.09 | FB 2740288 | "Paratrimma urospila. , FB 2740288, Nw. side of San Felix I., off Chile, 26°17'30"S, 80°05'40"W, 0-10 m., " |
93. | -38.37 | -73.68 | FB 2740149 | "Prolatilus jugularis. , FB 2740149, Mocha I., Discovery sta. WS742, 38°22'S, 73°41'W, off Chile., " |
94. | -50.93 | -74.25 | FB 2740074 | "Ophthalmolycus macrops. , FB 2740074, Challenger sta. 309, 40-140 fm. [= Magellan Straits, near Puerto Bueno, Chile, 50°56'S, 74°15'-14'W]., " |
95. | -55.40 | -68.28 | FB 2740048 | "Dissostichus eleginoides. , FB 2740048, Puerto Toro; Lago Toaia, 55°24'S, 68°17'W, Tierra del Fuego, sw. Atlantic; evidently one stray from off Greenland., " |
96. | -24.90 | -71.43 | FB 2739850 | "Scartichthys viridis. , FB 2739850, Iquique, Chile, 24°54'S, 71°26'W, surface at night., " |
97. | -33.62 | -78.84 | FB 2739800 | "Parapercis dockinsi. , FB 2739800, 1 km northwest of San Carlos Point, Juan Fernandez Is., off Chile, 33°37'18"S, 78°50'20"W, 25-30 m., " |
98. | -25.80 | -86.22 | FB 2739799 | "Osopsaron karlik. , FB 2739799, Nazca Ridge, e. South Pacific, 25°48'S, 86°13'W, 300 m., " |
99. | -53.15 | -70.92 | FB 2739771 | "Patagonotothen squamiceps. , FB 2739771, Punta Arenas, 53°09'S, 70°55'W, Chile, Magellan Straits, 1-2 fm., " |
100. | -40.25 | -78.28 | FB 2739755 | "Melanostigma bathium. , FB 2739755, Off s. Chile, 40°15'S, 78°17'W., " |
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