Name used | Year | Latitude | Longitude | Catalog No. | Information | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -4.30 | 29.05 | P -113708-113709 | Poll M., Musabah, stat. 290, plage au sud Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.82 | 29.13 | P -113706-113707 | Poll M., Kamango, stat. 284, plage au nord Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.43 | 29.13 | P -115273 | Marlier G., Kalundu, lac Tanganyka (Uvira) Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1950 | -3.43 | 29.13 | MRAC 115273 | Kalundu (Uvira), Lac Tanganyika Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.40 | 29.13 | P -115262 | Marlier G., Uvira, lac Tanganyka Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.35 | 29.15 | P -129881 | Leleup N., riv. Kavimvira, lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -5.93 | 29.20 | P -113710-113715 | Poll M., Albertville, stat. 314, pier Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -5.93 | 29.20 | P - 22346 | Lejeune M., Albertville Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Lamprologus tetracanthus | -5.93 | 29.20 | P - 244 | Hecq J., Albertville, lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.65 | 29.33 | P 73068.0025 | Brichard P., 1 km S de Rutungu jusqu'à Magera, zone entre le lieu-dit "La Chute" Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -6.50 | 29.37 | P -113588 | Poll M., baie de Tembwe, stat. 34, dans l'étang Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -6.50 | 29.37 | P -113587 | Poll M., baie de Tembwe, stat. 16, plage sud du village Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.57 | 29.38 | P -178972 | Schreyen A., 25 km de Busumbura, vers Rumonge, lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -5.65 | 29.42 | P -113599-113604 | Poll M., île Kavala, stat. 93, baie de Bracone Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.97 | 29.42 | P -113597 | Poll M., dans la baie de Rumonge, stat. 83 Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.97 | 29.42 | P -113596 | Poll M., Rumonge, stat. 82, plage au nord du poste Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.97 | 29.42 | P - 63715-63716 | Van Hemelrijck ., Rumonge, lac Tanganyka Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.97 | 29.42 | P - 43118 | Lestrade A., Rumonge, lac Tanganyka Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -3.97 | 29.42 | P - 42999-43000 | Lestrade A., Rumonge, lac Tanganyka Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -6.50 | 29.50 | P -113589-113591 | Poll M., baie de Tembwe, stat. 39, plage et sur le cap Tembwe Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -4.33 | 29.58 | P - 54741-54745 | Lestrade A., Nyanza, lac Tanganyka Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -4.33 | 29.58 | P - 53143 | Lestrade A., Nyanza, lac Tanganyka Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -4.87 | 29.63 | P -113699-113705 | Poll M., Kigoma, stat. 261, bassin du slip Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -4.87 | 29.63 | P -113687-113693 | Poll M., baie de Kigoma, stat. 237, plage du village au nord Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -4.87 | 29.63 | P -113684-113686 | Poll M., Kigoma, stat. 236, bassin du slip Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -4.87 | 29.63 | P -113598 | Poll M., Kigoma, stat. 86, dans le bassin du slip Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -4.87 | 29.63 | P -113592-113595 | Poll M., Kigoma, stat. 56, baie et bassin du slip Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Lamprologus marginatus | -7.02 | 29.75 | P - 11714 | Stappers L., lac Tanganyka, lagune de l'embouchure de la Lobozi Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -6.97 | 29.75 | P -113661-113663 | Poll M., M'Toto, stat. 176, rochers au nord Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -6.98 | 29.80 | P -113683 | Poll M., baie de Moba, stat. 227, le long de la côte au nord du village, à 500m de la rive Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -6.50 | 29.92 | P -113609 | Poll M., baie d'Edith, stat. 120, plage et cap Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -6.45 | 30.15 | P 92081.0908 | Exp. Tanganyika 1992, Kalia, bay at mouth of Lugonesi riv., lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1992 | -6.45 | 30.15 | MRAC 92081.0908 | Kalia, bay at mouth of Lugonesi riv., lake Tanganyika Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.52 | 30.48 | P 95096.0572 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Nsumbu village, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1992 | -7.12 | 30.50 | MRAC 92081.0619 - 92081.0621 | Mpimbwe Hills, northern part of Sha- shete Bay, lake Tanganyika Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.12 | 30.50 | P 92081.061992081.0621 | Exp. Tanganyika 1992, Mpimbwe Hills, northern part of Shashete Bay, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.13 | 30.52 | P -113606-113608 | Poll M., baie d'Utinta, stat. 127 Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.13 | 30.53 | P -113694-113698 | Poll M., baie d'Utinta, stat. 226, à 500m de la rive Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.44 | 30.55 | P 95096.122095096.1231 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Nvuna island, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.10 | 30.55 | P 92081.0649 | Exp. Tanganyika 1992, just south of Kasinde, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1992 | -7.10 | 30.55 | MRAC 92081.0649 | just south of Kasinde, lake Tanganyika Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.08 | 30.57 | P -113673-113676 | Poll M., baie de M'Vua, stat. 191, près de l'embouchure de la riv. M'Vua Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.08 | 30.57 | P -113664-113672 | Poll M., baie de M'Vua, stat. 189, rive nord Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.08 | 30.57 | P -113641-113655 | Poll M., baie de M'Vua, stat. 166, plage du fond Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Lamprologus marginatus | -8.08 | 30.57 | P - 11698 | Stappers L., lac Tanganyka, baie de Vua Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.08 | 30.57 | P -113610-113637 | Poll M., baie d'Utinta, stat. 128, plage et embouchure de la riv. Kafumbwe Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1992 | -7.48 | 30.57 | MRAC 92081.0313 | Ulwile Island, southern shore, south of Nkamba Hill, lake Tanganyika Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1992 | -7.48 | 30.57 | MRAC 92081.0311 | Ulwile Island, southern shore, south of Nkamba Hill, lake Tanganyika Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1992 | -7.45 | 30.57 | MRAC 92081.1572 - 92081.1574 | Ulwile Island, northern shore, lake Tanganyika Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1992 | -7.45 | 30.57 | MRAC 92081.1570 - 92081.1571 | Ulwile Island, northern shore, lake Tanganyika Portal: GBIF. Source: MRAC Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.41 | 30.57 | P 92081.157292081.1574 | Exp. Tanganyika 1992, Ulwile Island, northern shore, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.41 | 30.57 | P 92081.157092081.1571 | Exp. Tanganyika 1992, Ulwile Island, northern shore, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.48 | 30.57 | P 92081.0313 | Exp. Tanganyika 1992, Ulwile Island, southern shore, south of Nkamba Hill, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.48 | 30.57 | P 92081.0311 | Exp. Tanganyika 1992, Ulwile Island, southern shore, south of Nkamba Hill, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.52 | 30.58 | P 95096.140195096.1404 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Nkamba bay, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.52 | 30.58 | P 76004.0175 | Brichard P., cap Nundo, sud du lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.52 | 30.58 | P 76004.016176004.0162 | Brichard P., cap Nundo, sud du lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.22 | 30.58 | P -113657-113660 | Poll M., baie de Moliro, stat. 169 Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.22 | 30.58 | P -113656 | Poll M., Moliro, stat. 168, sur la plage au sud Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.42 | 30.60 | P -113640 | Poll M., baie de Kirando, stat. 164 Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.42 | 30.60 | P -113638-113639 | Poll M., Kirando, stat. 163, sur la plage et dans les environs de la riv. Kafunja Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.50 | 30.67 | P 76004.046676004.0467 | Brichard P., Kama bay, sud du lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.50 | 30.67 | P 76004.046076004.0461 | Brichard P., Kama bay, sud du lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.50 | 30.67 | P 76004.0454 | Brichard P., Kama bay, sud du lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.84 | 30.79 | P 95096.123295096.1235 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Msamba bay, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -7.84 | 30.79 | P 95096.056795096.0568 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Msamba bay, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.57 | 30.80 | P 77035.0098 | Brichard P., Chaitika, côte sud du lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.01 | 30.89 | P 95096.289495096.2895 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Wampembwe, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.68 | 30.90 | P 95096.254695096.2559 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Nakaku village, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.68 | 30.90 | P 95096.121095096.1219 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Nakaku village, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.68 | 30.90 | P 95096.056995096.0571 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Nakaku village, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 2004 | -8.81 | 31.03 | 76217 | Katoto Portal: GBIF. Source: SAIAB Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.79 | 31.07 | P A1094.0655 | Snoeks, Hanssens, Verheyen & al, Kasakalawe 1, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.79 | 31.07 | P A1094.0654 | Snoeks, Hanssens, Verheyen & al, Kasakalawe, further & deep(1), lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 2004 | -8.75 | 31.08 | 76142 | Mbita Island (north west end) Portal: GBIF. Source: SAIAB Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 2004 | -8.75 | 31.09 | 76303 | Mbita Island (north side) Portal: GBIF. Source: SAIAB Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 2004 | -8.75 | 31.10 | 79937 | Mbita Island (north bay) Portal: GBIF. Source: SAIAB Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1992 | -8.75 | 31.10 | 42403 | Mbita Island Portal: GBIF. Source: SAIAB Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.75 | 31.10 | RUSI 42403 | Mbita Island Portal: GBIF. Source: RUSI Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.77 | 31.12 | P -190462-190463 | Matthes H., Liemba jetty (Mpulungu), lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.77 | 31.12 | P -189679 | Matthes H., Mpulungu, jetty, lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.77 | 31.12 | P -189675-189676 | Matthes H., Mpulungu, jetty, lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.77 | 31.12 | P -189664 | Matthes H., Mpulungu, jetty, lac Tanganika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.77 | 31.12 | P -113677-113682 | Poll M., Mpulungu, stat. 202, à l'ancre près du pier Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 1994 | -8.77 | 31.12 | 46832 | Musende Rocks Portal: GBIF. Source: SAIAB Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.77 | 31.12 | RUSI 46832 | Musende Rocks Portal: GBIF. Source: RUSI Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.70 | 31.12 | P 95096.107995096.1080 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Crocodile Island, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.70 | 31.12 | P 95096.057395096.0581 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Crocodile Island, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | 2004 | -8.71 | 31.12 | 76278 | South east bay of Mutondwe Island Portal: GBIF. Source: SAIAB Data from GBIF data index - original values. | ||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.73 | 31.13 | P 95096.120395096.1209 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Wonzye Point, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.58 | 31.17 | P 95096.280095096.2804 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Kapele, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P | |||
Neolamprologus tetracanthus | -8.61 | 31.20 | P 95096.253395096.2545 | Exp. Tanganyika 95, Kalambo Point, lake Tanganyika Portal: FB. Source: P |