Name used | Year | Latitude | Longitude | Catalog No. | Information | ||
Prajadhipokia rex Fowler, 1934 | 13.73 | 100.50 | FB 2737086 | Bangkok, Thailand. Portal: FB. Source: FB | |||
Mystus bocourti | 12.50 | 104.00 | I.43486-019 | Northern Lake Tonle Sap, near Siem Reap Portal: GBIF. Source: AM Data from GBIF data index - original values. | |||
Mystus bocourti | 12.00 | 105.40 | I.43488-003 | Sml ponds and rivers, between Kang Meas and Kompong Siem Portal: GBIF. Source: AM Data from GBIF data index - original values. |