Name used | Year | Latitude | Longitude | Catalog No. | Information | ||
Myrophis lepturus Kotthaus, 1968 | 12.42 | 43.87 | FB 2737151 | Gulf of Aden, 12°25'N, 53°54.5'E to 12°26'N, 43°52'E, 60 m. Portal: FB. Source: FB | |||
Myrophis lepturus | 20.32 | 86.75 | 4811 | Portal: OBIS. Source: NCL | |||
Myrophis lepturus | 20.32 | 86.75 | 4811 | Mahanadi Estuary Portal: GBIF. Source: NCL Data from GBIF data index - original values. |