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Hypsopanchax platysternus: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   
n = 84   (FB = 83, GBIF = 1)      View map: C-squares Mapper
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Hypsopanchax platysternus2.1822.53P 88025.2364De Vos L., Bumba, afflt. fl. Zaire
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus1.7222.97P - 31600-31601Ghesquière J., Mondimbi, Lulonga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus1.7222.97P - 21809-21815Ghesquière J., Mondimbi, Lulonga
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-4.9723.27P - 6952Luja E., Kondue
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7524.47P -123997Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Lusambila
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7524.47P -123988-123992Hulot A., Yangambi, étang Lusambila
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7524.47P -123971-123987Hulot A., Yangambi, étang Lusambila
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7524.47P -123951-123970Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Lusambila
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7524.47P -123918-123950Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Lusambila
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7524.47P -123905-123917Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Lusambila
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7524.47P -123887-123904Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Lusambila
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7524.47P -123879-123886Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Lusambila
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7524.47P -123876-123878Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Lusambila
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7824.47P -137231-137240Gosse J.P., riv. Tofamba, route Bosulo
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7824.47P -124003Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Lobula
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7724.48P -124002Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Isalowe
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.7724.48P -123993-123996Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Isalowe
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.8824.48P -123998-124001Hulot A., Yangambi, riv. Lubilaye
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.8224.57P -137241-137290Gosse J.P., Yangambi, riv. Etea
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.4025.08P 79009.095379009.0956Lambert J., riv. Losio, terr. de Stanleyville
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.3825.17P 87010.0008Kimbembi A., riv. Mayi-Pembe, afflt. riv. Ngene-Ngene
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5025.20P 79009.092679009.0927Lambert J., Stanleyville
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5025.20P 79006.039379006.0407Huygen M., Stanleyville
Portal: FB. Source: P
Haplochilus platysternus0.5025.20P - 15666-15668Lang & Chapin, Stanleyville
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus19590.5025.205207AFRIKA, W-, KONGO, NO- (früher ZAIRE), KONGO, STANLEYVILLE (= KISANGANI*) ,
Portal: GBIF. Source: SMF
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5825.25P 87042.151487042.1518De Vos & Kimbembi Juakaly, riv. Ngene Ngene, entre la station piscicole et le pont, km 20 ancienne route Kisangani-Buta
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5825.25P 87042.145787042.1460De Vos & Kimbembi Juakaly, riv. Ngene Ngene, rive droite en aval de la station pisciculture, km 20 ancienne route Kisangani-Buta
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.0725.27P 87042.150887042.1511De Vos & Kimbembi Juakaly, petite ruisseau rive gauche fl. Zaire, ± km 55 route Kisangani-Ubundu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.0325.30P 87042.151287042.1513De Vos & Kimbembi Juakaly, riv. Kitschwa ya Tembo, afflt. fl. Zaire, rive gauche, km 60 route Kisangani-Ubundu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-0.1325.33P 87042.146187042.1464De Vos & Kimbembi Juakaly, riv. Tanganga, afflt. fl. Zaire, rive gauche, km 90 route Kisangani-Ubundu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-0.0325.35P 87042.149987042.1507De Vos & Kimbembi Juakaly, riv. Uluko, afflt. fl. Zaire, rive gauche, km 73 route Kisangani-Ubundu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.0225.35P 87042.146587042.1498De Vos & Kimbembi Juakaly, riv. Amabobi, afflt. fl. Zaire, rive gauche, km 69 route Kisangani-Ubundu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5225.50P 88025.032988025.0338De Vos L., riv. Mabuluba, rive droite, km 36, route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5225.50P 87042.151987042.1559De Vos L., riv. Mabuluba, rive droite, km 36 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5325.55P 87042.156087042.1597De Vos L., riv. Muswale, rive droite, km 38 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5325.57P 87042.160487042.1606De Vos & Kimbembi Juakaly, riv. Kamudidi, rive droite, km 44 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5525.58P 87042.159887042.1602De Vos L., riv. Inamba, rive droite, km 46 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.4725.60P 88025.035388025.0354De Vos L., ruisseau Amanje, km 50 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.4725.60P 88025.032588025.0328De Vos L., ruisseau Afunguwa, km 42 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.4725.60P 88025.032088025.0324De Vos L., ruisseau Menamba, km 42 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.4725.60P 88025.031788025.0319De Vos L., ruisseau Amanje, km 50 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.4725.60P 88025.030088025.0301De Vos L., ruisseau Amanje, km 50 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.4725.60P 88025.029888025.0299De Vos L., ruisseau Kamaongo, km 42 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5225.85P 88025.030288025.0306De Vos L., riv. Kajanja, km 78, route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.6225.85P 87042.1603De Vos L., riv. Selesele, rive droite, km 71 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-3.9526.00P 79009.093879009.0952Lambert J., riv. Maniawe, terr. de Kasongo
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-2.6526.03P 89043.1050De Vos L., ruisseau Lonioma, afflt. riv. Elila, km 300 route Lubutu-Kindu près Kailo
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.5826.22P - 19659-19664Christy C., Bafwaboli
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-2.7526.23P 89043.093889043.1049De Vos L., ruisseau Biasoga, afflt. riv. Elila, km 42 route Kindu-Kalima
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-4.0726.32P 79009.092879009.0933Lambert J., riv. Malembia, terr. de Kasongo
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-4.0526.32P 79009.093479009.0937Lambert J., riv. Mulue, terr. de Kasongo
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-3.9526.33P -119732-119733Lambert J., Lekesa-Mwendo, riv. Malembia, terr. de Kasongo
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-0.9526.35P 89043.0878De Vos L., riv. Mokwakaso, km 45 route Lubutu-Punia
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.4326.40P 89043.105189043.1069De Vos L., ruisseau Amanju, afflt. riv. Mpiala, km 135 route Lubutu-Punia
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-0.8526.40P 89043.0877De Vos L., ruisseau Mblumbula, afflt. riv. Mulita, km 23 de Lubutu, route Lubutu-Punia
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.4826.43P 89043.088589043.0909De Vos L., ruisseau Kotowe, sous-afflt. riv. Lowa, km 33 route Punia-Kindu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.4826.43P 89043.087989043.0884De Vos L., ruisseau Mabongo, sous-afflt. riv. Lowa, km 25 route Punia-Kindu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.4726.45P 89043.091089043.0937De Vos L., Mpoko I, km 15 route Punia-Kindu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-4.5226.58P -177034-177035Benoit P., Kasongo, fl. Lualaba
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-4.5226.58P -177023Benoit P., Kasongo, riv. Lomami
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-4.5226.58P -177014-177022Benoit P., Kasongo, riv. Lomami
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.4726.60P 88025.2366De Vos L., ruisseau Kinombwe, km 42 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus0.4726.60P 88025.033988025.0352De Vos L., ruisseau Kinombwe, km 42 route Kisangani-Bafwasende
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-0.7526.62P 89043.072089043.0728De Vos & Vandelanoote, ruisseau Amakendeka, km 248 route Kisangani-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.4326.72P - 47771-47773Milliau E., Kima
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-0.8726.82P 89043.072989043.0730De Vos L., riv. Magole, km 281 route Kisangani-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-0.8726.90P 89043.077089043.0771De Vos L., riv. Kahamba, km 288 route Kisangani-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-0.8826.92P 89043.077289043.0826De Vos L., Amanjo, km 289 route Kisangani-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-0.9326.97P 89043.082789043.0831De Vos L., ruisseau Batanga, km 297 route Kisangani-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.0227.13P 89043.073189043.0769De Vos & Vandelanoote, ruisseau Amamatembela, km 318 route Lubutu-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.0727.22P 89043.083289043.0836De Vos L., riv. Amamula, km 327 route Kisangani- Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.0527.23P 90047.087490047.0875De Vos L., ruisseau Kampi, affl. Oso, km 329 route Kisangani-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.0527.23P 89043.083789043.0872De Vos L., ruisseau Kampi, km 329 route Kisangani-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.0527.25P 89043.087389043.0876De Vos L., ruisseau Amatu, km 330 route Kisangani-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-1.0827.42P 89043.107089043.1071De Vos L., ruisseau Machumvi, afflt. riv. Oso, km 350 route Kisangani-Bukavu
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-3.2828.08P -130001-130016Leleup G., Kitutu, riv. Bilumanzi, terr. de Mwenga, Kivu alt:650m
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus-3.2828.08P -129931-129991Leleup G., Kitutu, riv. Bilumanzi, terr. de Mwenga, Kivu alt:650m
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus1.8429.00P A9029.0026A9029.0037Exp. Réserve Okapis 2009, riv. Uetufe à Nduye, affl. riv. Nduye, rive droite, affl. Epulu, bassin Ituri (RFO)
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus1.7429.04P A9029.0016A9029.0017Exp. Réserve Okapis 2009, riv. Akokora, chutes de Koukou, affl. Epulu, bassin Ituri (RFO)
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus1.1129.15P A9029.0055A9029.0059Exp. Réserve Okapis 2009, riv. Bango à Bango, amont du pont, le long de l'exploitation minière, bassin Ituri
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus1.0929.16P A9029.0018Exp. Réserve Okapis 2009, riv. Dinda, affl. Ituri, en amont du village Bango
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus1.3529.49P A9029.0019A9029.0025Exp. Réserve Okapis 2009, riv. Lolwa à Lolwa, en amont du pont, affl. Ituri
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus1.3729.49P A9029.0038A9029.0054Exp. Réserve Okapis 2009, riv. Binase, affl. Lolwa à Lolwa, affl. Ituri
Portal: FB. Source: P
Hypsopanchax platysternus1.5530.23P - 57827Putnam ., grottes des Bavaidu, env. de Bunia
Portal: FB. Source: P
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Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15