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Aplocheilus kirchmayeri: List of Point Data Occurrences data  |   Species Summary   |  FishBase    
n = 4   (FB = 2, GBIF = 2)      View map: C-squares Mapper | Google Map
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Name used Year Latitude Longitude Catalog No. Information
Aplocheilus kirchmayeri199215.5873.7327271Nameless Canal emptying in the sea at Baga: Anjuna, c 2 km upstream sea, small pools near canal; aquarium
Portal: GBIF. Source: NRM
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Aplocheilus kirchmayeri Berkenkamp & Etzel, 198615.3073.95FB 2743689Goa, between Margao (Madgaon) and Colva-Strand, sw. India, 15°18'N, 73°57'E.
Portal: FB. Source: FB
Aplocheilus kirchmayeri14.7874.49ZMH 6277Kali-River, Distrikt Kadra, Indien
Portal: GBIF. Source: ZMH
Data from GBIF data index - original values.
Aplocheilus kirchmayeri195614.7874.49ZMH 6277von Maydell leg. 28.I.1956, Kali-River, Distrikt Kadra, Indien
Portal: FB. Source: ZMH
Last modified by Casey, 09.06.15