Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Elasmobranchii
Order: Myliobatiformes
Family: Urotrygonidae American round stingrays

Genus: Urotrygon

(See list of species below)

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13 species
(see list below)
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Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Urotrygon aspidura (Jordan & Gilbert, 1882)

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Urotrygon aspidura
[Panamic stingray]
No picture found

Urotrygon caudispinosus

Photo by Béarez, P.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 41.9 cm TL
Urotrygon chilensis (Günther, 1872)

Photo by Photo by Béarez, P.
Urotrygon chilensis
[Blotched stingray]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 38.2 cm TL
Urotrygon cimar López S. & Bussing, 1998

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Urotrygon cimar

Photo by Nunes, J.L.S.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 11.8 cm WD
Urotrygon microphthalmum Delsman, 1941

Photo by Photo by Nunes, J.L.S.
Urotrygon microphthalmum
[Smalleyed round stingray]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 28.8 cm TL
Urotrygon munda Gill, 1863

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Urotrygon munda
[Munda round ray]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 32 cm TL
Urotrygon nana Miyake & McEachran, 1988

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Urotrygon nana
[Dwarf stingray]
No picture found

Urotrygon peruanus
[Peruvian stingray]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 24.1 cm TL
Urotrygon reticulata Miyake & McEachran, 1988

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Urotrygon reticulata
[Reticulate round ray]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 46.2 cm TL
Urotrygon rogersi (Jordan & Starks, 1895)

Photo by Photo by Allen, G.R.
Urotrygon rogersi
[Thorny stingray]
No picture found

Urotrygon serrula

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 26.7 cm TL
Urotrygon simulatrix Miyake & McEachran, 1988

Photo by Photo by Robertson, R.
Urotrygon simulatrix
[Fake round ray]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 36.2 cm TL
Urotrygon venezuelae Schultz, 1949

Photo by Photo by FAO
Urotrygon venezuelae
[Venezuela round stingray]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Urotrygon aspidura Panamic stingray Eastern Central Pacific 50 TL 1882
Urotrygon caudispinosus Southeast Pacific 1946
Urotrygon chilensis Blotched stingray Eastern Pacific 41.9 TL 1872
Urotrygon cimar Eastern Central Pacific 38.2 TL 1998
Urotrygon microphthalmum Smalleyed round stingray Western Atlantic 11.8 WD 1941
Urotrygon munda Munda round ray Eastern Central Pacific 28.8 TL 1863
Urotrygon nana Dwarf stingray Eastern Central Pacific 32 TL 1988
Urotrygon peruanus Peruvian stingray Southeast Pacific 1946
Urotrygon reticulata Reticulate round ray Eastern Central Pacific 24.1 TL 1988
Urotrygon rogersi Thorny stingray Eastern Central Pacific 46.2 TL 1895
Urotrygon serrula Stingray Eastern Pacific. Not in 1946
Urotrygon simulatrix Fake round ray Eastern Central Pacific 26.7 TL 1988
Urotrygon venezuelae Venezuela round stingray Western Central Atlantic 36.2 TL 1949

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013