Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Teleostei
Order: Cichliformes
Family: Cichlidae Cichlids
Subfamily: Pseudocrenilabrinae
Genus: Haplochromis

(See list of species below)

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250 species
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Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 12.8 cm SL
Haplochromis acidens Greenwood, 1967

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Haplochromis acidens
No picture found

Max. Length 11.4 cm SL

Haplochromis adolphifrederici

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 12 cm SL
Haplochromis aelocephalus Greenwood, 1959

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Haplochromis aelocephalus

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 7.5 cm SL
Haplochromis aeneocolor Greenwood, 1973

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis aeneocolor
No picture found

Max. Length 7.7 cm SL

Haplochromis akika
No picture found

Max. Length 10 cm TL

Haplochromis albertianus

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 20.2 cm SL
Haplochromis altigenis Regan, 1922

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Haplochromis altigenis

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 7.2 cm SL
Haplochromis ampullarostratus Schraml, 2004

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis ampullarostratus
No picture found

Max. Length 9 cm SL

Haplochromis angustifrons
No picture found

Max. Length 6.7 cm SL

Haplochromis annectidens

Photo by Moser, F. / eawag

Max. Length 7.0 cm SL
Haplochromis antleter Mietes & Witte, 2010

Photo by Photo by Moser, F. / eawag
Haplochromis antleter
No picture found

Max. Length 13.2 cm SL

Haplochromis apogonoides
No picture found

Max. Length 12.3 cm SL

Haplochromis aquila
No picture found

Max. Length 14.2 cm SL

Haplochromis arcanus

Photo by Christie, B.L.

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL
Haplochromis argens de Zeeuw, Westbroek & Witte, 2013

Photo by Photo by Christie, B.L.
Haplochromis argens
No picture found

Max. Length 20.2 cm SL

Haplochromis argenteus
No picture found

Max. Length 14.7 cm SL

Haplochromis artaxerxes
No picture found

Max. Length 10.1 cm SL

Haplochromis astatodon
No picture found

Max. Length 11.7 cm SL

Haplochromis aureus
No picture found

Max. Length 5.2 cm TL

Haplochromis avium
No picture found

Max. Length 9.6 cm SL

Haplochromis azureus

Photo by Anseeuw, D.

Max. Length 10.6 cm SL
Haplochromis barbarae Greenwood, 1967

Photo by Photo by Anseeuw, D.
Haplochromis barbarae
No picture found

Max. Length 12.5 cm SL

Haplochromis bareli
No picture found

Max. Length 19.5 cm SL

Haplochromis bartoni
No picture found

Max. Length 15.4 cm SL

Haplochromis bayoni
No picture found

Max. Length 11.8 cm SL

Haplochromis beadlei
No picture found

Max. Length 15 cm SL

Haplochromis bicolor
No picture found

Max. Length 19.4 cm SL

Haplochromis boops

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 10.4 cm SL
Haplochromis brownae Greenwood, 1962

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Haplochromis brownae
No picture found

Max. Length 6.5 cm SL

Haplochromis bullatus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.2 cm SL

Haplochromis bwathondii
No picture found

Max. Length 9.8 cm SL

Haplochromis cassius
No picture found

Max. Length 19.5 cm SL

Haplochromis cavifrons

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 14.8 cm SL
Haplochromis chilotes (Boulenger, 1911)

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis chilotes
No picture found

Max. Length 12 cm SL

Haplochromis chlorochrous

Photo by Bauman, K.

Max. Length 11 cm SL
Haplochromis chromogynos Greenwood, 1959

Photo by Photo by Bauman, K.
Haplochromis chromogynos
No picture found

Max. Length 9.1 cm SL

Haplochromis chrysogynaion

Photo by Moser, F. / eawag

Max. Length 8.8 cm SL
Haplochromis cinctus Greenwood & Gee, 1969

Photo by Photo by Moser, F. / eawag
Haplochromis cinctus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.1 cm SL

Haplochromis cinereus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.1 cm SL

Haplochromis cnester

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 10.4 cm SL
Haplochromis commutabilis Schraml, 2004

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis commutabilis
[Kachira Blue]
No picture found

Max. Length 8.3 cm SL

Haplochromis concilians
No picture found

Max. Length 7.5 cm SL

Haplochromis coprologus

Photo by Boulenger, G.A.

Max. Length 15 cm TL
Haplochromis crassilabris Boulenger, 1906

Photo by Photo by Boulenger, G.A.
Haplochromis crassilabris
No picture found

Max. Length 10.4 cm SL

Haplochromis crebridens
No picture found

Max. Length 10.1 cm SL

Haplochromis crocopeplus
No picture found

Max. Length 13.5 cm SL

Haplochromis cronus
No picture found

Max. Length 13 cm SL

Haplochromis cryptodon
No picture found

Max. Length 9.4 cm SL

Haplochromis cryptogramma
No picture found

Max. Length 11.2 cm SL

Haplochromis curvidens
No picture found

Max. Length 10.7 cm SL

Haplochromis cyaneus
No picture found

Max. Length 22.9 cm SL

Haplochromis decticostoma

Photo by Ekenberg, A.

Max. Length 15.4 cm SL
Haplochromis degeni (Boulenger, 1906)

Photo by Photo by Ekenberg, A.
Haplochromis degeni
No picture found

Max. Length 15.9 cm SL

Haplochromis dentex
No picture found

Max. Length 18.6 cm SL

Haplochromis dichrourus
No picture found

Max. Length 11 cm SL

Haplochromis diplotaenia
No picture found

Max. Length 11.9 cm SL

Haplochromis dolichorhynchus
No picture found

Max. Length 12 cm TL

Haplochromis dolorosus
No picture found

Max. Length 7.9 cm SL

Haplochromis eduardianus

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 14.5 cm TL
Haplochromis eduardii Regan, 1921

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis eduardii
No picture found

Max. Length 7.3 cm

Haplochromis elegans
No picture found

Max. Length 11.7 cm SL

Haplochromis empodisma

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 8.6 cm TL
Haplochromis engystoma Trewavas, 1933

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis engystoma
No picture found

Max. Length 8.3 cm SL

Haplochromis erutus
No picture found

Max. Length 7.7 cm SL

Haplochromis erythrocephalus

Photo by Grimm, M.

Max. Length 10.3 cm SL
Haplochromis erythromaculatus De Vos, Snoeks & Thys van den Audenaerde, 1991

Photo by Photo by Grimm, M.
Haplochromis erythromaculatus
No picture found

Max. Length 17 cm SL

Haplochromis estor
No picture found

Max. Length 10.5 cm TL

Haplochromis eutaenia

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 8.5 cm SL
Haplochromis exspectatus Schraml, 2004

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis exspectatus
No picture found

Max. Length 13.7 cm SL

Haplochromis falcatus

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 10.5 cm SL
Haplochromis fischeri Seegers, 2008

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Haplochromis fischeri
No picture found

Max. Length 15.6 cm SL

Haplochromis flavipinnis
No picture found

Max. Length 11.9 cm SL

Haplochromis flavus

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 12 cm TL
Haplochromis fuelleborni (Hilgendorf & Pappenheim, 1903)

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Haplochromis fuelleborni
[Fuelleborn's mouthbrooder]
No picture found

Max. Length 9.5 cm TL

Haplochromis fuscus
No picture found

Max. Length 11 cm SL

Haplochromis fusiformis
No picture found

Max. Length 14.2 cm SL

Haplochromis gigas
No picture found

Max. Length 10.3 cm TL

Haplochromis gigliolii
No picture found

Max. Length 15 cm SL

Haplochromis gilberti
No picture found

Max. Length 15.8 cm SL

Haplochromis glaucus
No picture found

Max. Length 6.9 cm SL

Haplochromis goldschmidti
No picture found

Max. Length 22.4 cm SL

Haplochromis gowersii
No picture found

Max. Length 10.3 cm SL

Haplochromis gracilifur
No picture found

Max. Length 10.4 cm SL

Haplochromis gracilior
No picture found

Max. Length 12.2 cm SL

Haplochromis granti
No picture found

Max. Length 11.8 cm SL

Haplochromis graueri
No picture found

Max. Length 13.5 cm SL

Haplochromis greenwoodi
No picture found

Max. Length 17.7 cm SL

Haplochromis guiarti
No picture found

Max. Length 8.1 cm SL

Haplochromis harpakteridion
No picture found

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL

Haplochromis heusinkveldi
No picture found

Max. Length 11.2 cm SL

Haplochromis hiatus
No picture found

Max. Length 16.3 cm SL

Haplochromis howesi
No picture found

Max. Length 9 cm SL

Haplochromis humilior
No picture found

Max. Length 11.5 cm TL

Haplochromis humilis
No picture found

Max. Length 10.8 cm SL

Haplochromis igneopinnis
No picture found

Max. Length 9.4 cm SL

Haplochromis insidiae
No picture found

Max. Length 11.6 cm SL

Haplochromis iris

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 13.6 cm SL
Haplochromis ishmaeli Boulenger, 1906

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis ishmaeli
No picture found

Max. Length 9.4 cm SL

Haplochromis kamiranzovu

Photo by Seegers, L.

Max. Length 10.0 cm TL
Haplochromis katavi Seegers, 1996

Photo by Photo by Seegers, L.
Haplochromis katavi
[Katavi mouthbrooder]
No picture found

Max. Length 6.9 cm SL

Haplochromis katonga
No picture found

Max. Length 8.0 cm SL

Haplochromis katunzii
No picture found

Max. Length 17.1 cm SL

Haplochromis kimondo
No picture found

Max. Length 10.3 cm SL

Haplochromis kujunjui

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 10.9 cm SL
Haplochromis labiatus Trewavas, 1933

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis labiatus
No picture found

Max. Length 6.2 cm SL

Haplochromis labriformis
No picture found

Max. Length 9.7 cm SL

Haplochromis lacrimosus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.5 cm SL

Haplochromis laparogramma

Photo by Hagblom, F.

Max. Length 11 cm TL
Haplochromis latifasciatus Regan, 1929

Photo by Photo by Hagblom, F.
Haplochromis latifasciatus
No picture found

Max. Length 15.8 cm SL

Haplochromis latifrons

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

Max. Length 8.4 cm SL
Haplochromis limax Trewavas, 1933

Photo by Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Haplochromis limax
No picture found

Max. Length 9 cm SL

Haplochromis lividus
No picture found

Max. Length 5.2 cm TL

Haplochromis loati
No picture found

Max. Length 12.4 cm SL

Haplochromis lobatus
No picture found

Max. Length 14.5 cm SL

Haplochromis longirostris
No picture found

Max. Length 9.6 cm TL

Haplochromis luluae
No picture found

Max. Length 13.3 cm SL

Haplochromis luteus

Photo by Smith, M.

Max. Length 7.7 cm SL
Haplochromis macconneli Greenwood, 1974

Photo by Photo by Smith, M.
Haplochromis macconneli
No picture found

Max. Length 10.6 cm SL

Haplochromis macrocephalus
No picture found

Max. Length 17.4 cm SL

Haplochromis macrognathus
No picture found

Max. Length 9.1 cm SL

Haplochromis macrops
No picture found

Max. Length 7.7 cm SL

Haplochromis macropsoides
No picture found

Max. Length 16.6 cm SL

Haplochromis maculipinna
No picture found

Max. Length 8.5 cm TL

Haplochromis mahagiensis
No picture found

Max. Length 9.8 cm SL

Haplochromis maisomei
No picture found

Max. Length 12 cm TL

Haplochromis malacophagus
No picture found

Max. Length 17.4 cm SL

Haplochromis mandibularis
No picture found

Max. Length 10.4 cm SL

Haplochromis martini

Photo by KMFRI

Max. Length 16 cm SL
Haplochromis maxillaris Trewavas, 1928

Photo by Photo by KMFRI
Haplochromis maxillaris
No picture found

Max. Length 13.1 cm SL

Haplochromis mbipi
No picture found

Max. Length 8.1 cm SL

Haplochromis megalops

Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda

Max. Length 12.7 cm SL
Haplochromis melanopterus Trewavas, 1928

Photo by Photo by Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy/B. Alenda
Haplochromis melanopterus
No picture found

Max. Length 10 cm TL

Haplochromis melanopus
No picture found

Max. Length 10.7 cm SL

Haplochromis melichrous
No picture found

Max. Length 11.5 cm TL

Haplochromis mentatus
No picture found

Max. Length 17.8 cm SL

Haplochromis mento
No picture found

Max. Length 14.5 cm SL

Haplochromis michaeli
No picture found

Max. Length 8.3 cm SL

Haplochromis microchrysomelas
No picture found

Max. Length 14.8 cm SL

Haplochromis microdon
No picture found

Max. Length 10.9 cm SL

Haplochromis molossus
No picture found

Max. Length 12 cm TL

Haplochromis multiocellatus
No picture found

Max. Length 13.7 cm SL

Haplochromis mylergates
No picture found

Max. Length 11.5 cm SL

Haplochromis mylodon
No picture found

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL

Haplochromis nanoserranus
No picture found

Max. Length 11.5 cm TL

Haplochromis nigrescens

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 9.4 cm SL
Haplochromis nigricans (Boulenger, 1906)

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Haplochromis nigricans

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 6.8 cm SL
Haplochromis nigripinnis Regan, 1921

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis nigripinnis
No picture found

Max. Length 7.5 cm SL

Haplochromis nigroides
No picture found

Max. Length 10.2 cm SL

Haplochromis niloticus

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

Max. Length 9.3 cm SL
Haplochromis nubilus (Boulenger, 1906)

Photo by Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Haplochromis nubilus
[Blue Victoria mouthbrooder]

Photo by Chiliński, J.K.

Max. Length 11.3 cm SL
Haplochromis nuchisquamulatus (Hilgendorf, 1888)

Photo by Photo by Chiliński, J.K.
Haplochromis nuchisquamulatus
No picture found

Max. Length 17.1 cm SL

Haplochromis nyanzae

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 7.7 cm SL
Haplochromis nyererei Witte-Maas & Witte, 1985

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis nyererei
No picture found

Max. Length 17 cm SL

Haplochromis obesus

Photo by Wickham, M.

Max. Length 8.9 cm SL
Haplochromis obliquidens (Hilgendorf, 1888)

Photo by Photo by Wickham, M.
Haplochromis obliquidens
No picture found

Max. Length 11.4 cm SL

Haplochromis obtusidens
No picture found

Max. Length 12.3 cm SL

Haplochromis occultidens
No picture found

Max. Length 6.7 cm TL

Haplochromis oligacanthus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.3 cm SL

Haplochromis oligolepis
No picture found

Max. Length 8.9 cm SL

Haplochromis olivaceus

Photo by Seehausen, O.

Max. Length 11.9 cm SL
Haplochromis omnicaeruleus (Seehausen & Bouton, 1998)

Photo by Photo by Seehausen, O.
Haplochromis omnicaeruleus
No picture found

Max. Length 7.3 cm SL

Haplochromis oregosoma

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 9.1 cm SL
Haplochromis orthostoma Regan, 1922

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Haplochromis orthostoma
No picture found

Max. Length 23.2 cm SL

Haplochromis pachycephalus
No picture found

Max. Length 7.4 cm SL

Haplochromis pallidus

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 14 cm SL
Haplochromis paludinosus (Greenwood, 1980)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Haplochromis paludinosus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.6 cm SL

Haplochromis pancitrinus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.8 cm SL

Haplochromis pappenheimi
No picture found

Max. Length 7.5 cm SL

Haplochromis paradoxus

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 15.6 cm SL
Haplochromis paraguiarti Greenwood, 1967

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis paraguiarti
No picture found

Max. Length 9.8 cm SL

Haplochromis paraplagiostoma
No picture found

Max. Length 9.6 cm SL

Haplochromis pardus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.7 cm SL

Haplochromis paropius
No picture found

Max. Length 11.7 cm SL

Haplochromis parorthostoma
No picture found

Max. Length 16.3 cm SL

Haplochromis parvidens
No picture found

Max. Length 10.6 cm SL

Haplochromis paucidens
No picture found

Max. Length 10.2 cm SL

Haplochromis pelagicus
No picture found

Max. Length 10.4 cm SL

Haplochromis pellegrini
No picture found

Max. Length 9.3 cm SL

Haplochromis percoides
No picture found

Max. Length 6 cm SL

Haplochromis perrieri

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 10.2 cm SL
Haplochromis pharyngalis Poll & Damas, 1939

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis pharyngalis
No picture found

Max. Length 12.6 cm SL

Haplochromis pharyngomylus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.6 cm SL

Haplochromis phytophagus

Photo by Ekenberg, A.

Max. Length 9 cm SL
Haplochromis piceatus Greenwood & Gee, 1969

Photo by Photo by Ekenberg, A.
Haplochromis piceatus
No picture found

Max. Length 5.5 cm TL

Haplochromis pitmani
No picture found

Max. Length 12.8 cm TL

Haplochromis placodus
No picture found

Max. Length 8.5 cm SL

Haplochromis plagiodon
No picture found

Max. Length 14.7 cm SL

Haplochromis plagiostoma
No picture found

Max. Length 8.2 cm SL

Haplochromis planus
No picture found

Max. Length 9.6 cm SL

Haplochromis plutonius

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 9.1 cm TL
Haplochromis polli Thys van den Audenaerde, 1964

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Haplochromis polli
No picture found

Max. Length 13 cm SL

Haplochromis prodromus
No picture found

Max. Length 14.1 cm SL

Haplochromis prognathus
No picture found

Max. Length 15 cm SL

Haplochromis pseudopellegrini
No picture found

Max. Length 10.6 cm SL

Haplochromis ptistes
No picture found

Max. Length 12.4 cm SL

Haplochromis pundamilia

Photo by R A Hill ARPS

Max. Length 7.3 cm SL
Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus Witte & Witte-Maas, 1987

Photo by Photo by R A Hill ARPS
Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus
No picture found

Max. Length 19.7 cm SL

Haplochromis pyrrhopteryx
No picture found

Max. Length 16.5 cm SL

Haplochromis quasimodo
No picture found

Max. Length 11.3 cm SL

Haplochromis relictidens
No picture found

Max. Length 14.4 cm SL

Haplochromis retrodens
No picture found

Max. Length 15.5 cm SL

Haplochromis rex
No picture found

Max. Length 10.4 cm SL

Haplochromis riponianus
No picture found

Max. Length 11.4 cm SL

Haplochromis rubescens

Photo by Ekenberg, A.

Max. Length 10.4 cm SL
Haplochromis rubripinnis (Seehausen, Lippitsch & Bouton, 1998)

Photo by Photo by Ekenberg, A.
Haplochromis rubripinnis

Photo by KMFRI

Max. Length 5.8 cm SL
Haplochromis rudolfianus Trewavas, 1933

Photo by Photo by KMFRI
Haplochromis rudolfianus

Photo by Ekenberg, A.

Max. Length 10.0 cm SL
Haplochromis rufocaudalis (Seehausen & Bouton, 1998)

Photo by Photo by Ekenberg, A.
Haplochromis rufocaudalis
No picture found

Max. Length 8.6 cm SL

Haplochromis rufus
No picture found

Max. Length 10.5 cm SL

Haplochromis sauvagei
No picture found

Max. Length 12.3 cm SL

Haplochromis saxicola
No picture found

Max. Length 8.5 cm SL

Haplochromis scheffersi
No picture found

Max. Length 12.5 cm SL

Haplochromis schubotzi
No picture found

Max. Length 7.9 cm SL

Haplochromis schubotziellus
No picture found

Max. Length 20.5 cm SL

Haplochromis serranus
No picture found

Max. Length 8 cm SL

Haplochromis serridens
No picture found

Max. Length 10.9 cm SL

Haplochromis simba
No picture found

Max. Length 8.7 cm SL

Haplochromis simotes
No picture found

Max. Length 11.4 cm SL

Haplochromis simpsoni
No picture found

Max. Length 22 cm TL

Haplochromis smithii
No picture found

Max. Length 9.3 cm SL

Haplochromis snoeksi
No picture found

Max. Length 22 cm SL

Haplochromis spekii
No picture found

Max. Length 8.2 cm SL

Haplochromis sphex

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 20.2 cm SL
Haplochromis squamipinnis Regan, 1921

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis squamipinnis
No picture found

Max. Length 19.8 cm SL

Haplochromis squamulatus
No picture found

Max. Length 10.9 cm SL

Haplochromis sulphureus
No picture found

Max. Length 7.7 cm SL

Haplochromis tanaos
No picture found

Max. Length 14 cm SL

Haplochromis taurinus
No picture found

Max. Length 10.1 cm SL

Haplochromis teegelaari
No picture found

Max. Length 9.6 cm SL

Haplochromis teunisrasi
No picture found

Max. Length 9.5 cm SL

Haplochromis theliodon

Photo by Ekenberg, A.

Max. Length 8.2 cm SL
Haplochromis thereuterion van Oijen & Witte, 1996

Photo by Photo by Ekenberg, A.
Haplochromis thereuterion
No picture found

Max. Length 20 cm SL

Haplochromis thuragnathus
No picture found

Max. Length 11.9 cm SL

Haplochromis tridens

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 8.6 cm SL
Haplochromis turkanae Greenwood, 1974

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis turkanae
[Turkana haplo]
No picture found

Max. Length 10.5 cm SL

Haplochromis tyrianthinus
No picture found

Max. Length 22.6 cm SL

Haplochromis ushindi
No picture found

Max. Length 8.4 cm SL

Haplochromis vanheusdeni
No picture found

Max. Length 8.9 cm SL

Haplochromis vanoijeni
No picture found

Max. Length 10.8 cm SL

Haplochromis velifer
No picture found

Max. Length 17.8 cm SL

Haplochromis venator

Photo by Schraml, E.

Max. Length 11 cm TL
Haplochromis vicarius Trewavas, 1933

Photo by Photo by Schraml, E.
Haplochromis vicarius
No picture found

Max. Length 7.6 cm SL

Haplochromis victoriae
No picture found

Max. Length 16.6 cm SL

Haplochromis victorianus
No picture found

Max. Length 19.1 cm SL

Haplochromis vittatus
No picture found

Max. Length 15.9 cm SL

Haplochromis vonlinnei
No picture found

Max. Length 10.5 cm SL

Haplochromis welcommei
No picture found

Max. Length 14.1 cm SL

Haplochromis worthingtoni

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 10.7 cm SL
Haplochromis xanthopteryx (Seehausen & Bouton, 1998)

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Haplochromis xanthopteryx

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Max. Length 11.3 cm SL
Haplochromis xenognathus Greenwood, 1957

Photo by Photo by Dubosc, J.
Haplochromis xenognathus
No picture found

Max. Length 20.3 cm SL

Haplochromis xenostoma

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Haplochromis acidens Africa 12.8 SL 1967
Haplochromis adolphifrederici Africa 11.4 SL 1914
Haplochromis aelocephalus Africa 12 SL 1959
Haplochromis aeneocolor Africa 7.5 SL 1973
Haplochromis akika Africa 7.7 SL 2003
Haplochromis albertianus Africa 10 TL 1929
Haplochromis altigenis Africa 20.2 SL 1922
Haplochromis ampullarostratus Africa 7.2 SL 2004
Haplochromis angustifrons Africa 9 SL 1914
Haplochromis annectidens Africa 6.7 SL 1933
Haplochromis antleter Africa 7.0 SL 2010
Haplochromis apogonoides Africa 13.2 SL 1967
Haplochromis aquila Africa 12.3 SL 2022
Haplochromis arcanus Africa 14.2 SL 1969
Haplochromis argens Africa 7.6 SL 2013
Haplochromis argenteus Africa 20.2 SL 1922
Haplochromis artaxerxes Africa 14.7 SL 1962
Haplochromis astatodon Africa 10.1 SL 1921
Haplochromis aureus Africa 11.7 SL 2023
Haplochromis avium Africa 5.2 TL 1929
Haplochromis azureus Africa 9.6 SL 1998
Haplochromis barbarae Africa 10.6 SL 1967
Haplochromis bareli Africa 12.5 SL 1991
Haplochromis bartoni Africa 19.5 SL 1962
Haplochromis bayoni Africa 15.4 SL 1909
Haplochromis beadlei Africa 11.8 SL 1933
Haplochromis bicolor Africa 15 SL 1906
Haplochromis boops Africa 19.4 SL 1967
Haplochromis brownae Africa 10.4 SL 1962
Haplochromis bullatus Africa 6.5 SL 1938
Haplochromis bwathondii Africa 8.2 SL 2010
Haplochromis cassius Africa 9.8 SL 1978
Haplochromis cavifrons Africa 19.5 SL 1888
Haplochromis chilotes Africa 14.8 SL 1911
Haplochromis chlorochrous Africa 12 SL 1969
Haplochromis chromogynos Africa 11 SL 1959
Haplochromis chrysogynaion Africa 9.1 SL 1991
Haplochromis cinctus Africa 8.8 SL 1969
Haplochromis cinereus Africa 8.1 SL 1906
Haplochromis cnester Africa 8.1 SL 1981
Haplochromis commutabilis Kachira Blue Africa 10.4 SL 2004
Haplochromis concilians Africa 8.3 SL 2020
Haplochromis coprologus Africa 7.5 SL 2010
Haplochromis crassilabris Africa 15 TL 1906
Haplochromis crebridens Africa 10.4 SL 1990
Haplochromis crocopeplus Africa 10.1 SL 1978
Haplochromis cronus Africa 13.5 SL 1959
Haplochromis cryptodon Africa 13 SL 1959
Haplochromis cryptogramma Africa 9.4 SL 1969
Haplochromis curvidens Africa 11.2 SL 2022
Haplochromis cyaneus Africa 10.7 SL 1998
Haplochromis decticostoma Africa 22.9 SL 1969
Haplochromis degeni Africa 15.4 SL 1906
Haplochromis dentex Africa 15.9 SL 1922
Haplochromis dichrourus Africa 18.6 SL 1922
Haplochromis diplotaenia Africa 11 SL 1928
Haplochromis dolichorhynchus Africa 11.9 SL 1969
Haplochromis dolorosus Africa 12 TL 1933
Haplochromis eduardianus Africa 7.9 SL 1914
Haplochromis eduardii Africa 14.5 TL 1921
Haplochromis elegans Africa 7.3 1933
Haplochromis empodisma Africa 11.7 SL 1960
Haplochromis engystoma Africa 8.6 TL 1933
Haplochromis erutus Africa 8.3 SL 2020
Haplochromis erythrocephalus Africa 7.7 SL 1969
Haplochromis erythromaculatus Africa 10.3 SL 1991
Haplochromis estor Africa 17 SL 1929
Haplochromis eutaenia Africa 10.5 TL 1928
Haplochromis exspectatus Africa 8.5 SL 2004
Haplochromis falcatus Africa 13.7 SL 2022
Haplochromis fischeri Africa 10.5 SL 2008
Haplochromis flavipinnis Africa 15.6 SL 1906
Haplochromis flavus Africa 11.9 SL 1998
Haplochromis fuelleborni Fuelleborn's mouthbrooder Africa 12 TL 1903
Haplochromis fuscus Africa 9.5 TL 1925
Haplochromis fusiformis Africa 11 SL 1969
Haplochromis gigas Africa 14.2 SL 1998
Haplochromis gigliolii Africa 10.3 TL 1896
Haplochromis gilberti Africa 15 SL 1969
Haplochromis glaucus Africa 15.8 SL 2022
Haplochromis goldschmidti Africa 6.9 SL 2013
Haplochromis gowersii Africa 22.4 SL 1928
Haplochromis gracilifur Africa 10.3 SL 2019
Haplochromis gracilior Africa 10.4 SL 1914
Haplochromis granti Africa 12.2 SL 1906
Haplochromis graueri Africa 11.8 SL 1914
Haplochromis greenwoodi Africa 13.5 SL 1998
Haplochromis guiarti Africa 17.7 SL 1904
Haplochromis harpakteridion Africa 8.1 SL 1991
Haplochromis heusinkveldi Africa 7.6 SL 1987
Haplochromis hiatus Africa 11.2 SL 1981
Haplochromis howesi Africa 16.3 SL 1992
Haplochromis humilior Africa 9 SL 1911
Haplochromis humilis Africa 11.5 TL 1866
Haplochromis igneopinnis Africa 10.8 SL 1998
Haplochromis insidiae Africa 9.4 SL 1994
Haplochromis iris Africa 11.6 SL 1981
Haplochromis ishmaeli Africa 13.6 SL 1906
Haplochromis kamiranzovu Africa 9.4 SL 1984
Haplochromis katavi Katavi mouthbrooder Africa 10.0 TL 1996
Haplochromis katonga Africa 6.9 SL 2010
Haplochromis katunzii Africa 8.0 SL 2010
Haplochromis kimondo Africa 17.1 SL 2022
Haplochromis kujunjui Africa 10.3 SL 1991
Haplochromis labiatus Africa 10.9 SL 1933
Haplochromis labriformis Africa 6.2 SL 1938
Haplochromis lacrimosus Africa 9.7 SL 1906
Haplochromis laparogramma Africa 8.5 SL 1969
Haplochromis latifasciatus Africa 11 TL 1929
Haplochromis latifrons Africa 15.8 SL 2022
Haplochromis limax Africa 8.4 SL 1933
Haplochromis lividus Africa 9 SL 1956
Haplochromis loati Africa 5.2 TL 1971
Haplochromis lobatus Africa 12.4 SL 2020
Haplochromis longirostris Africa 14.5 SL 1888
Haplochromis luluae Africa 9.6 TL 1930
Haplochromis luteus Africa 13.3 SL 1998
Haplochromis macconneli Africa 7.7 SL 1974
Haplochromis macrocephalus Africa 10.6 SL 1998
Haplochromis macrognathus Africa 17.4 SL 1922
Haplochromis macrops Africa 9.1 SL 1911
Haplochromis macropsoides Africa 7.7 SL 1973
Haplochromis maculipinna Africa 16.6 SL 1913
Haplochromis mahagiensis Africa 8.5 TL 1937
Haplochromis maisomei Africa 9.8 SL 1991
Haplochromis malacophagus Africa 12 TL 1939
Haplochromis mandibularis Africa 17.4 SL 1962
Haplochromis martini Africa 10.4 SL 1906
Haplochromis maxillaris Africa 16 SL 1928
Haplochromis mbipi Africa 13.1 SL 1998
Haplochromis megalops Africa 8.1 SL 1969
Haplochromis melanopterus Africa 12.7 SL 1928
Haplochromis melanopus Africa 10 TL 1922
Haplochromis melichrous Africa 10.7 SL 1969
Haplochromis mentatus Africa 11.5 TL 1925
Haplochromis mento Africa 17.8 SL 1922
Haplochromis michaeli Africa 14.5 SL 1928
Haplochromis microchrysomelas Africa 8.3 SL 1994
Haplochromis microdon Africa 14.8 SL 1906
Haplochromis molossus Africa 10.9 SL 2019
Haplochromis multiocellatus Africa 12 TL 1913
Haplochromis mylergates Africa 13.7 SL 1978
Haplochromis mylodon Africa 11.5 SL 1973
Haplochromis nanoserranus Africa 7.6 SL 1978
Haplochromis nigrescens Africa 11.5 TL 1909
Haplochromis nigricans Africa 9.4 SL 1906
Haplochromis nigripinnis Africa 6.8 SL 1921
Haplochromis nigroides Africa 7.5 SL 1928
Haplochromis niloticus Africa 10.2 SL 1960
Haplochromis nubilus Blue Victoria mouthbrooder Africa 9.3 SL 1906
Haplochromis nuchisquamulatus Africa 11.3 SL 1888
Haplochromis nyanzae Africa 17.1 SL 1962
Haplochromis nyererei Africa 7.7 SL 1985
Haplochromis obesus Africa 17 SL 1906
Haplochromis obliquidens Africa 8.9 SL 1888
Haplochromis obtusidens Africa 11.4 SL 1928
Haplochromis occultidens Africa 12.3 SL 1988
Haplochromis oligacanthus Africa 6.7 TL 1922
Haplochromis oligolepis Africa 8.3 SL 2003
Haplochromis olivaceus Africa 8.9 SL 1990
Haplochromis omnicaeruleus Africa 11.9 SL 1998
Haplochromis oregosoma Africa 7.3 SL 1973
Haplochromis orthostoma Africa 9.1 SL 1922
Haplochromis pachycephalus Africa 23.2 SL 1967
Haplochromis pallidus Africa 7.4 SL 1911
Haplochromis paludinosus Africa 14 SL 1980
Haplochromis pancitrinus Africa 8.6 SL 2010
Haplochromis pappenheimi Africa 8.8 SL 1914
Haplochromis paradoxus Africa 7.5 SL 2003
Haplochromis paraguiarti Africa 15.6 SL 1967
Haplochromis paraplagiostoma Africa 9.8 SL 1969
Haplochromis pardus Africa 9.6 SL 2022
Haplochromis paropius Africa 8.7 SL 1969
Haplochromis parorthostoma Africa 11.7 SL 1967
Haplochromis parvidens Africa 16.3 SL 1911
Haplochromis paucidens Africa 10.6 SL 1921
Haplochromis pelagicus Africa 10.2 SL 2023
Haplochromis pellegrini Africa 10.4 SL 1922
Haplochromis percoides Africa 9.3 SL 1906
Haplochromis perrieri Africa 6 SL 1909
Haplochromis pharyngalis Africa 10.2 SL 1939
Haplochromis pharyngomylus Africa 12.6 SL 1929
Haplochromis phytophagus Africa 8.6 SL 1966
Haplochromis piceatus Africa 9 SL 1969
Haplochromis pitmani Africa 5.5 TL 1936
Haplochromis placodus Africa 12.8 TL 1939
Haplochromis plagiodon Africa 8.5 SL 1928
Haplochromis plagiostoma Africa 14.7 SL 1922
Haplochromis planus Africa 8.2 SL 2020
Haplochromis plutonius Africa 9.6 SL 1978
Haplochromis polli Africa 9.1 TL 1964
Haplochromis prodromus Africa 13 SL 1935
Haplochromis prognathus Africa 14.1 SL 1904
Haplochromis pseudopellegrini Africa 15 SL 1967
Haplochromis ptistes Africa 10.6 SL 1978
Haplochromis pundamilia Africa 12.4 SL 1998
Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus Africa 7.3 SL 1987
Haplochromis pyrrhopteryx Africa 19.7 SL 1991
Haplochromis quasimodo Africa 16.5 SL 2022
Haplochromis relictidens Africa 11.3 SL 2019
Haplochromis retrodens Africa 14.4 SL 1888
Haplochromis rex Africa 15.5 SL 2022
Haplochromis riponianus Africa 10.4 SL 1911
Haplochromis rubescens Africa 11.4 SL 1994
Haplochromis rubripinnis Africa 10.4 SL 1998
Haplochromis rudolfianus Africa 5.8 SL 1933
Haplochromis rufocaudalis Africa 10.0 SL 1998
Haplochromis rufus Africa 8.6 SL 1998
Haplochromis sauvagei Africa 10.5 SL 1896
Haplochromis saxicola Africa 12.3 SL 1960
Haplochromis scheffersi Africa 8.5 SL 1987
Haplochromis schubotzi Africa 12.5 SL 1914
Haplochromis schubotziellus Africa 7.9 SL 1973
Haplochromis serranus Africa 20.5 SL 1896
Haplochromis serridens Africa 8 SL 1925
Haplochromis simba Africa 10.9 SL 2022
Haplochromis simotes Africa 8.7 SL 1911
Haplochromis simpsoni Africa 11.4 SL 1965
Haplochromis smithii Africa 22 TL 1861
Haplochromis snoeksi Africa 9.3 SL 2010
Haplochromis spekii Africa 22 SL 1906
Haplochromis sphex Africa 8.2 SL 2010
Haplochromis squamipinnis Africa 20.2 SL 1921
Haplochromis squamulatus Africa 19.8 SL 1922
Haplochromis sulphureus Africa 10.9 SL 1978
Haplochromis tanaos Africa 7.7 SL 1996
Haplochromis taurinus Africa 14 SL 1933
Haplochromis teegelaari Africa 10.1 SL 1978
Haplochromis teunisrasi Africa 9.6 SL 1981
Haplochromis theliodon Africa 9.5 SL 1960
Haplochromis thereuterion Africa 8.2 SL 1996
Haplochromis thuragnathus Africa 20 SL 1967
Haplochromis tridens Africa 11.9 SL 1928
Haplochromis turkanae Turkana haplo Africa 8.6 SL 1974
Haplochromis tyrianthinus Africa 10.5 SL 1969
Haplochromis ushindi Africa 22.6 SL 2004
Haplochromis vanheusdeni Africa 8.4 SL 2014
Haplochromis vanoijeni Africa 8.9 SL 2010
Haplochromis velifer Africa 10.8 SL 1933
Haplochromis venator Africa 17.8 SL 1965
Haplochromis vicarius Africa 11 TL 1933
Haplochromis victoriae Africa 7.6 SL 1956
Haplochromis victorianus Africa 16.6 SL 1904
Haplochromis vittatus Africa 19.1 SL 1901
Haplochromis vonlinnei Africa 15.9 SL 2008
Haplochromis welcommei Africa 10.5 SL 1966
Haplochromis worthingtoni Africa 14.1 SL 1929
Haplochromis xanthopteryx Africa 10.7 SL 1998
Haplochromis xenognathus Africa 11.3 SL 1957
Haplochromis xenostoma Africa 20.3 SL 1922

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013