Fish Identification: Find Species

Class: Elasmobranchii
Order: Rajiformes
Family: Rajidae Skates

Genus: Dipturus

(See list of species below)

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42 species
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Photo by Graham, K.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 137.1 cm TL
Dipturus acrobelus Last, White & Pogonoski, 2008

Photo by Photo by Graham, K.
Dipturus acrobelus
[Deepwater skate]
No picture found

Max. Length 89.7 cm TL

Dipturus amphispinus
[Ridgeback skate]
No picture found

Max. Length 76.5 cm TL

Dipturus apricus
[Pale tropical skate]

Photo by Díaz de Astarloa, J.M.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 93.5 cm TL
Dipturus argentinensis Díaz de Astarloa, Mabragaña, Hanner & Figueroa, 2008

Photo by Photo by Díaz de Astarloa, J.M.
Dipturus argentinensis
[Argentine skate]

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

Northeastern Atlantic
Max. Length 285 cm TL
Dipturus batis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Dipturus batis
[Blue skate]

Photo by JAMARC

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 48 cm WD
Dipturus bullisi (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1962)

Photo by Photo by JAMARC
Dipturus bullisi
[Bullis skate]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 66 cm TL
Dipturus campbelli (Wallace, 1967)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Dipturus campbelli
[Blackspot skate]

Photo by Graham, K.

Indo-west Pacific
Max. Length 90.4 cm TL
Dipturus canutus Last, 2008

Photo by Photo by Graham, K.
Dipturus canutus
[Grey skate]

Photo by Yang, N.-S.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 68 cm TL
Dipturus chinensis (Basilewsky, 1855)

Photo by Photo by Yang, N.-S.
Dipturus chinensis
No picture found

Max. Length 61 cm TL

Dipturus crosnieri
[Madagascar skate]
No picture found

Max. Length 101.2 cm DL

Dipturus diehli
[Thorny tail skate]
No picture found

Max. Length 115 cm TL

Dipturus doutrei
[Violet skate]
No picture found

Max. Length 39 cm TL

Dipturus ecuadoriensis
[Ecuador skate]

Photo by INIDEP

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 120 cm TL
Dipturus flavirostris (Philippi, 1892)

Photo by Photo by INIDEP
Dipturus flavirostris

Photo by FAO

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 107 cm TL
Dipturus garricki (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1958)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Dipturus garricki
[San Blas skate]
No picture found

Max. Length 186 cm TL

Dipturus gigas
[Giant skate]

Photo by Graham, K.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 64.1 cm TL
Dipturus grahamorum Last, 2008

Photo by Photo by Graham, K.
Dipturus grahamorum
[Graham’s skate]

Photo by Graham, K.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 184 cm TL
Dipturus gudgeri (Whitley, 1940)

Photo by Photo by Graham, K.
Dipturus gudgeri
[Bight skate]

Photo by Duffy, C.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 240 cm TL
Dipturus innominatus (Garrick & Paul, 1974)

Photo by Photo by Duffy, C.
Dipturus innominatus
[New Zealand smooth skate]

Photo by Holt, D.

Northeast Atlantic
Max. Length 285 cm TL
Dipturus intermedius (Parnell, 1837)

Photo by Photo by Holt, D.
Dipturus intermedius

Photo by Mullasseri, S.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 54 cm TL
Dipturus johannisdavisi (Alcock, 1899)

Photo by Photo by Mullasseri, S.
Dipturus johannisdavisi
[Travancore skate]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 75.7 cm TL
Dipturus kwangtungensis (Chu, 1960)

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Dipturus kwangtungensis
[Kwangtung skate]

Photo by Flescher, D.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 163 cm TL
Dipturus laevis (Mitchill, 1818)

Photo by Photo by Flescher, D.
Dipturus laevis
[Barndoor skate]
No picture found

Max. Length 114 cm TL

Dipturus lamillai
[Warrah skate]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 82 cm TL
Dipturus lanceorostratus (Wallace, 1967)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Dipturus lanceorostratus
[Rattail skate]

Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 67 cm TL
Dipturus leptocauda (Krefft & Stehmann, 1975)

Photo by Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Dipturus leptocauda
[Thintail skate]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 120 cm TL
Dipturus macrocauda (Ishiyama, 1955)

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Dipturus macrocauda
[Bigtail skate]

Photo by Graham, K.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 77.7 cm TL
Dipturus melanospilus Last, White & Pogonoski, 2008

Photo by Photo by Graham, K.
Dipturus melanospilus
[Blacktip skate]

Photo by Gomes, U.L./Paragó, C.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 167 cm TL
Dipturus mennii Gomes & Paragó, 2001

Photo by Photo by Gomes, U.L./Paragó, C.
Dipturus mennii
[South Brazilian skate]

Photo by Mouritsen, R.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 200 cm TL
Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881)

Photo by Photo by Mouritsen, R.
Dipturus nidarosiensis
[Norwegian skate]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 69 cm TL
Dipturus olseni (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1951)

Photo by Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Dipturus olseni
[Spreadfin skate]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 144 cm TL
Dipturus oregoni (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1958)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Dipturus oregoni
[Hooktail skate]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 150 cm TL
Dipturus oxyrinchus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Dipturus oxyrinchus
[Longnosed skate]

Photo by Le Noury, P.

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 130 cm TL
Dipturus pullopunctatus (Smith, 1964)

Photo by Photo by Le Noury, P.
Dipturus pullopunctatus
[Slime skate]
No picture found

Max. Length 76.1 cm TL

Dipturus queenslandicus
[Queensland deepwater skate]

Photo by FAO

Southeast Atlantic and We
Max. Length 192 cm TL
Dipturus springeri (Wallace, 1967)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Dipturus springeri
[Roughbelly skate]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 101 cm TL
Dipturus stenorhynchus (Wallace, 1967)

Photo by Photo by FAO
Dipturus stenorhynchus
[Prow-nose skate]

Photo by JAMARC

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 84 cm TL
Dipturus teevani (Bigelow & Schroeder, 1951)

Photo by Photo by JAMARC
Dipturus teevani
[Prickly brown ray]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Western Pacific
Max. Length 113 cm TL
Dipturus tengu (Jordan & Fowler, 1903)

Photo by Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Dipturus tengu
[Acutenose skate]

Photo by Lloris, D.

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 264 cm TL
Dipturus trachyderma (Krefft & Stehmann, 1975)

Photo by Photo by Lloris, D.
Dipturus trachyderma

Photo by Séret, B./Last, P.R.

Western Pacific to Southw
Max. Length 128 cm TL
Dipturus wengi Séret & Last, 2008

Photo by Photo by Séret, B./Last, P.R.
Dipturus wengi
[Weng’s skate]
No picture found

Max. Length 78.4 cm TL

Dipturus wuhanlingi
[China skate]

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Dipturus acrobelus Deepwater skate Indo-West Pacific 137.1 TL 2008
Dipturus amphispinus Ridgeback skate Western Central Pacific 89.7 TL 2013
Dipturus apricus Pale tropical skate Western Central Pacific 76.5 TL 2008
Dipturus argentinensis Argentine skate Southwest Atlantic 93.5 TL 2008
Dipturus batis Blue skate Northeastern Atlantic 285 TL 1758
Dipturus bullisi Bullis skate Western Central Atlantic 48 WD 1962
Dipturus campbelli Blackspot skate Western Indian Ocean 66 TL 1967
Dipturus canutus Grey skate Indo-west Pacific 90.4 TL 2008
Dipturus chinensis Northwest Pacific 68 TL 1855
Dipturus crosnieri Madagascar skate Western Indian Ocean 61 TL 1989
Dipturus diehli Thorny tail skate Southwest Atlantic 101.2 DL 2001
Dipturus doutrei Violet skate Eastern Central Atlantic 115 TL 1960
Dipturus ecuadoriensis Ecuador skate Southeast Pacific 39 TL 1941
Dipturus flavirostris Southeast Pacific 120 TL 1892
Dipturus garricki San Blas skate Western Central Atlantic 107 TL 1958
Dipturus gigas Giant skate Northwest Pacific 186 TL 1958
Dipturus grahamorum Graham’s skate Southwest Pacific 64.1 TL 2008
Dipturus gudgeri Bight skate Indo-West Pacific 184 TL 1940
Dipturus innominatus New Zealand smooth skate Southwest Pacific 240 TL 1974
Dipturus intermedius Northeast Atlantic 285 TL 1837
Dipturus johannisdavisi Travancore skate Western Indian Ocean 54 TL 1899
Dipturus kwangtungensis Kwangtung skate Northwest Pacific 75.7 TL 1960
Dipturus laevis Barndoor skate Western Atlantic 163 TL 1818
Dipturus lamillai Warrah skate Southwestern Atlantic 114 TL 2019
Dipturus lanceorostratus Rattail skate Western Indian Ocean 82 TL 1967
Dipturus leptocauda Thintail skate Southwest Atlantic 67 TL 1975
Dipturus macrocauda Bigtail skate Northwest Pacific 120 TL 1955
Dipturus melanospilus Blacktip skate Western Pacific 77.7 TL 2008
Dipturus mennii South Brazilian skate Southwest Atlantic 167 TL 2001
Dipturus nidarosiensis Norwegian skate Eastern Atlantic 200 TL 1881
Dipturus olseni Spreadfin skate Western Central Atlantic 69 TL 1951
Dipturus oregoni Hooktail skate Western Central Atlantic 144 TL 1958
Dipturus oxyrinchus Longnosed skate Eastern Atlantic 150 TL 1758
Dipturus pullopunctatus Slime skate Southeast Atlantic 130 TL 1964
Dipturus queenslandicus Queensland deepwater skate Western Pacific 76.1 TL 2008
Dipturus springeri Roughbelly skate Southeast Atlantic and We 192 TL 1967
Dipturus stenorhynchus Prow-nose skate Western Indian Ocean 101 TL 1967
Dipturus teevani Prickly brown ray Western Atlantic 84 TL 1951
Dipturus tengu Acutenose skate Western Pacific 113 TL 1903
Dipturus trachyderma Ray Southeast Pacific 264 TL 1975
Dipturus wengi Weng’s skate Western Pacific to Southw 128 TL 2008
Dipturus wuhanlingi China skate Northwest Pacific 78.4 TL 2008

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013