Fish Identification: Find Species

Family: Acestrorhynchidae Smallscale pike characins

(See list of species below)

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26 species
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Max. Length 30 cm SL

Acestrorhynchus abbreviatus

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

South America
Max. Length 23.3 cm SL
Acestrorhynchus altus Menezes, 1969

Photo by Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Acestrorhynchus altus

Photo by Severi, W.

South America
Max. Length 18.5 cm SL
Acestrorhynchus britskii Menezes, 1969

Photo by Photo by Severi, W.
Acestrorhynchus britskii

Photo by Holm, E.

South America
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Acestrorhynchus falcatus (Bloch, 1794)

Photo by Photo by Holm, E.
Acestrorhynchus falcatus

Photo by IBAMA

South America
Max. Length 45 cm SL
Acestrorhynchus falcirostris (Cuvier, 1819)

Photo by Photo by IBAMA
Acestrorhynchus falcirostris
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Max. Length 10.8 cm SL

Acestrorhynchus grandoculis
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Max. Length 40.8 cm SL

Acestrorhynchus heterolepis
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Max. Length 10.1 cm SL

Acestrorhynchus isalineae

Photo by Sazima, I.

South America
Max. Length 31.8 cm SL
Acestrorhynchus lacustris (Lütken, 1875)

Photo by Photo by Sazima, I.
Acestrorhynchus lacustris
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Max. Length 7.9 cm SL

Acestrorhynchus maculipinna

Photo by Holm, E.

South America
Max. Length 37 cm TL
Acestrorhynchus microlepis (Jardine, 1841)

Photo by Photo by Holm, E.
Acestrorhynchus microlepis
[Pike characin]

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

South America
Max. Length 6.3 cm SL
Acestrorhynchus minimus Menezes, 1969

Photo by Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Acestrorhynchus minimus

Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv

South America
Max. Length 6.9 cm SL
Acestrorhynchus nasutus Eigenmann, 1912

Photo by Photo by Hippocampus-Bildarchiv
Acestrorhynchus nasutus

Photo by Sazima, I.

South America
Max. Length 35.2 cm TL
Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro Menezes, 1992

Photo by Photo by Sazima, I.
Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro

Photo by Alvarez, F. / CIUA

South America
Max. Length 14.3 cm SL
Gilbertolus alatus (Steindachner, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Alvarez, F. / CIUA
Gilbertolus alatus
No picture found

Max. Length 11.9 cm SL

Gilbertolus atratoensis

Photo by Galvis, G./Mojica, J.I./Camargo, M.

South America
Max. Length 13.0 cm SL
Gilbertolus maracaiboensis Schultz, 1943

Photo by Photo by Galvis, G./Mojica, J.I./Camargo, M.
Gilbertolus maracaiboensis

Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann

South America
Max. Length 5 cm SL
Gnathocharax steindachneri Fowler, 1913

Photo by Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann
Gnathocharax steindachneri

Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann

South America
Max. Length 3.4 cm SL
Heterocharax leptogrammus Toledo-Piza, 2000

Photo by Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann
Heterocharax leptogrammus

Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann

South America
Max. Length 4.8 cm SL
Heterocharax macrolepis Eigenmann, 1912

Photo by Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann
Heterocharax macrolepis

Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann

South America
Max. Length 4.1 cm SL
Heterocharax virgulatus Toledo-Piza, 2000

Photo by Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann
Heterocharax virgulatus

Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann

South America
Max. Length 3 cm SL
Hoplocharax goethei Géry, 1966

Photo by Photo by Hoffmann, P. and M. Hoffmann
Hoplocharax goethei
No picture found

Max. Length 8 cm TL

Lonchogenys ilisha
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Max. Length 14.2 cm SL

Roestes itupiranga
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Max. Length 21.6 cm SL

Roestes molossus
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Max. Length 18.7 cm SL

Roestes ogilviei

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Acestrorhynchus abbreviatus South America 30 SL 1878
Acestrorhynchus altus South America 23.3 SL 1969
Acestrorhynchus britskii South America 18.5 SL 1969
Acestrorhynchus falcatus South America 30 TL 1794
Acestrorhynchus falcirostris South America 45 SL 1819
Acestrorhynchus grandoculis South America 10.8 SL 1983
Acestrorhynchus heterolepis South America 40.8 SL 1878
Acestrorhynchus isalineae South America 10.1 SL 1983
Acestrorhynchus lacustris South America 31.8 SL 1875
Acestrorhynchus maculipinna South America 7.9 SL 1983
Acestrorhynchus microlepis Pike characin South America 37 TL 1841
Acestrorhynchus minimus South America 6.3 SL 1969
Acestrorhynchus nasutus South America 6.9 SL 1912
Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro South America 35.2 TL 1992
Gilbertolus alatus South America 14.3 SL 1878
Gilbertolus atratoensis South America 11.9 SL 1943
Gilbertolus maracaiboensis South America 13.0 SL 1943
Gnathocharax steindachneri South America 5 SL 1913
Heterocharax leptogrammus South America 3.4 SL 2000
Heterocharax macrolepis South America 4.8 SL 1912
Heterocharax virgulatus South America 4.1 SL 2000
Hoplocharax goethei South America 3 SL 1966
Lonchogenys ilisha South America 8 TL 1927
Roestes itupiranga South America 14.2 SL 1998
Roestes molossus South America 21.6 SL 1858
Roestes ogilviei South America 18.7 SL 1914

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013