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Family: Apteronotidae Ghost knifefishes

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Photo by Luckenbill, K.

South America
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Adontosternarchus balaenops (Cope, 1878)

Photo by Photo by Luckenbill, K.
Adontosternarchus balaenops

Photo by Luckenbill, K.

South America
Max. Length 18.6 cm TL
Adontosternarchus clarkae Mago-Leccia, Lundberg & Baskin, 1985

Photo by Photo by Luckenbill, K.
Adontosternarchus clarkae

Photo by Luckenbill, K.

South America
Max. Length 18.6 cm TL
Adontosternarchus devenanzii Mago-Leccia, Lundberg & Baskin, 1985

Photo by Photo by Luckenbill, K.
Adontosternarchus devenanzii
No picture found

Max. Length 18.5 cm TL

Adontosternarchus duartei

Photo by Sabaj-Perez, M.

South America
Max. Length 21.8 cm TL
Adontosternarchus nebulosus Lundberg & Cox Fernandes, 2007

Photo by Photo by Sabaj-Perez, M.
Adontosternarchus nebulosus

Photo by Luckenbill, K.

South America
Max. Length 32.2 cm TL
Adontosternarchus sachsi (Peters, 1877)

Photo by Photo by Luckenbill, K.
Adontosternarchus sachsi
No picture found

Max. Length 32.1 cm TL

Apteronotus acidops

Photo by McKenzie, M.

South America
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Apteronotus albifrons (Linnaeus, 1766)

Photo by Photo by McKenzie, M.
Apteronotus albifrons
[Black ghost]
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Max. Length 27.1 cm TL

Apteronotus anu
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Max. Length 30.8 cm TL

Apteronotus apurensis
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Max. Length 15.5 cm TL

Apteronotus baniwa

Photo by Childs, K.

South America
Max. Length 38 cm SL
Apteronotus bonapartii (Castelnau, 1855)

Photo by Photo by Childs, K.
Apteronotus bonapartii
No picture found

Max. Length 29 cm TL

Apteronotus brasiliensis
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Apteronotus camposdapazi
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Max. Length 28.7 cm TL

Apteronotus caudimaculosus

Photo by Galvis, G./Mojica, J.I./Camargo, M.

South America
Max. Length 18.9 cm TL
Apteronotus cuchillejo (Schultz, 1949)

Photo by Photo by Galvis, G./Mojica, J.I./Camargo, M.
Apteronotus cuchillejo

Photo by Galvis, G./Mojica, J.I./Camargo, M.

South America
Max. Length 39 cm TL
Apteronotus cuchillo Schultz, 1949

Photo by Photo by Galvis, G./Mojica, J.I./Camargo, M.
Apteronotus cuchillo
No picture found

Max. Length 25.3 cm TL

Apteronotus curvioperculata

Photo by Equipe de Ictiologia do Nupélia

South America
Max. Length 32.8 cm TL
Apteronotus ellisi (Alonso de Arámburu, 1957)

Photo by Photo by Equipe de Ictiologia do Nupélia
Apteronotus ellisi
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Max. Length 32 cm SL

Apteronotus eschmeyeri
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Max. Length 27.4 cm TL

Apteronotus ferrarisi
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Max. Length 19.0 cm TL

Apteronotus galvisi
No picture found

Max. Length 25.3 cm TL

Apteronotus jurubidae

Photo by Landines, M.

South America
Max. Length 26.9 cm TL
Apteronotus leptorhynchus (Ellis, 1912)

Photo by Photo by Landines, M.
Apteronotus leptorhynchus

Photo by Cox Fernandes, C.

South America
Max. Length 33.3 cm TL
Apteronotus lindalvae de Santana & Cox Fernandes, 2012

Photo by Photo by Cox Fernandes, C.
Apteronotus lindalvae
No picture found

Max. Length 18 cm TL

Apteronotus macrolepis
No picture found

Max. Length 26 cm TL

Apteronotus macrostomus

Photo by Ospina Pabon, J.G./Agudelo, H.

South America
Max. Length 129 cm TL
Apteronotus magdalenensis (Miles, 1945)

Photo by Photo by Ospina Pabon, J.G./Agudelo, H.
Apteronotus magdalenensis
No picture found

Apteronotus magoi
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Max. Length 27.3 cm SL

Apteronotus mariae
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Max. Length 22.1 cm TL

Apteronotus milesi
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Max. Length 20.6 cm TL

Apteronotus pemon
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Max. Length 27.2 cm TL

Apteronotus rostratus
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Max. Length 27 cm TL

Apteronotus spurrellii
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Max. Length 33.9 cm TL

Compsaraia compsa
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Max. Length 23.5 cm TL

Compsaraia iara

Photo by JJPhoto

South America
Max. Length 22.6 cm SL
Compsaraia samueli Albert & Crampton, 2009

Photo by Photo by JJPhoto
Compsaraia samueli
[Pelican Knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 23.8 cm TL

Megadontognathus cuyuniensis
No picture found

Max. Length 16 cm TL

Megadontognathus kaitukaensis
No picture found

Max. Length 44 cm TL

Orthosternarchus tamandua
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Max. Length 38.1 cm TL

Parapteronotus hasemani
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Max. Length 15.2 cm SL

Pariosternarchus amazonensis
No picture found

Max. Length 30.8 cm TL

Platyurosternarchus crypticus

Photo by Gama, C.S.

South America
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Platyurosternarchus macrostoma (Günther, 1870)

Photo by Photo by Gama, C.S.
Platyurosternarchus macrostoma
No picture found

Max. Length 18.4 cm TL

Porotergus duende
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Max. Length 24 cm TL

Porotergus gimbeli
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Max. Length 85 cm TL

Porotergus gymnotus
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Max. Length 18.5 cm TL

Sternarchella calhamazon
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Max. Length 22.6 cm TL

Sternarchella duccis
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Max. Length 22 cm TL

Sternarchella orinoco
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Max. Length 30 cm TL

Sternarchella orthos
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Max. Length 20.8 cm TL

Sternarchella patriciae
No picture found

Max. Length 19.9 cm TL

Sternarchella raptor
No picture found

Max. Length 40.4 cm TL

Sternarchella rex

Photo by Mensch, R.

South America
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Sternarchella schotti (Steindachner, 1868)

Photo by Photo by Mensch, R.
Sternarchella schotti
No picture found

Max. Length 40 cm TL

Sternarchella sima
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Max. Length 21.4 cm TL

Sternarchogiton labiatus
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Max. Length 25 cm TL

Sternarchogiton nattereri
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Max. Length 30 cm TL

Sternarchogiton porcinum
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Max. Length 21.7 cm SL

Sternarchogiton preto
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Max. Length 17.8 cm TL

Sternarchogiton zuanoni
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Max. Length 45.5 cm TL

Sternarchorhamphus muelleri
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Max. Length 60 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus axelrodi
[Axelrod’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 26.1 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus britskii
[Britski’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 22.6 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus caboclo
[Cabocolo tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 16.4 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus chaoi
[Chao’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
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Max. Length 33.1 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus cramptoni
[Crampton’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 18.1 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus curumim
[Curumim tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 40.6 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus curvirostris
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Max. Length 20.1 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus freemani
[Freeman’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 20 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus galibi
[Galibi tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 15.2 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus gnomus
[Gnomus tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 30.6 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus goeldii
[Goeldi’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 24.9 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus hagedornae
[Hagedorn’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 24.6 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus higuchii
[Higuchi’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 22.2 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus inpai
[Inpa tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 20 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus jaimei
[Jamei’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 19.7 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus kokraimoro
[Kokraimoro tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 19.2 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus mareikeae
[Mareike’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 27.8 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus marreroi
[Marrero’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 19.2 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus mendesi
[Mendes’ tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 24.9 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus mesensis
[Mesensis tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 25.8 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus montanus
[Montanus tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 54 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus mormyrus
[Mormyrus tube-snouted ghost knifefish]

Photo by Yuri Hooker/WWF-OPP

South America
Max. Length 47 cm TL
Sternarchorhynchus oxyrhynchus (Müller & Troschel, 1849)

Photo by Photo by Yuri Hooker/WWF-OPP
Sternarchorhynchus oxyrhynchus
[Oxyrhynchus tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 38.2 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus retzeri
[Retzer’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 41.7 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus roseni
[Rosen’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 11.6 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus schwassmanni
No picture found

Max. Length 16.9 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus severii
[Severi’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 37.4 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus starksi
[Stark’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 22.9 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus stewarti
[Stewart’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 31 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus taphorni
[Taphorn’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 13.6 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus villasboasi
[Villasboas’ tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 28 cm TL

Sternarchorhynchus yepezi
[Yepez’ tube-snouted ghost knifefish]
No picture found

Max. Length 19.6 cm TL

Tembeassu marauna

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Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm) Year
Adontosternarchus balaenops South America 25 TL 1878
Adontosternarchus clarkae South America 18.6 TL 1985
Adontosternarchus devenanzii South America 18.6 TL 1985
Adontosternarchus duartei South America 18.5 TL 2012
Adontosternarchus nebulosus South America 21.8 TL 2007
Adontosternarchus sachsi South America 32.2 TL 1877
Apteronotus acidops South America 32.1 TL 2011
Apteronotus albifrons Black ghost South America 50 TL 1766
Apteronotus anu South America 27.1 TL 2013
Apteronotus apurensis South America 30.8 TL 1968
Apteronotus baniwa South America 15.5 TL 2013
Apteronotus bonapartii South America 38 SL 1855
Apteronotus brasiliensis South America 29 TL 1852
Apteronotus camposdapazi South America 2006
Apteronotus caudimaculosus South America 28.7 TL 2003
Apteronotus cuchillejo South America 18.9 TL 1949
Apteronotus cuchillo South America 39 TL 1949
Apteronotus curvioperculata South America 25.3 TL 1968
Apteronotus ellisi South America 32.8 TL 1957
Apteronotus eschmeyeri South America 32 SL 2004
Apteronotus ferrarisi South America 27.4 TL 2013
Apteronotus galvisi South America 19.0 TL 2007
Apteronotus jurubidae South America 25.3 TL 1944
Apteronotus leptorhynchus South America 26.9 TL 1912
Apteronotus lindalvae South America 33.3 TL 2012
Apteronotus macrolepis South America 18 TL 1881
Apteronotus macrostomus South America 26 TL 1943
Apteronotus magdalenensis South America 129 TL 1945
Apteronotus magoi South America 2006
Apteronotus mariae South America 27.3 SL 1914
Apteronotus milesi South America 22.1 TL 2005
Apteronotus pemon South America 20.6 TL 2013
Apteronotus rostratus South America 27.2 TL 1913
Apteronotus spurrellii South America 27 TL 1914
Compsaraia compsa South America 33.9 TL 1994
Compsaraia iara South America 23.5 TL 2017
Compsaraia samueli Pelican Knifefish South America 22.6 SL 2009
Megadontognathus cuyuniensis South America 23.8 TL 1994
Megadontognathus kaitukaensis South America 16 TL 1999
Orthosternarchus tamandua South America 44 TL 1898
Parapteronotus hasemani South America 38.1 TL 1913
Pariosternarchus amazonensis South America 15.2 SL 2006
Platyurosternarchus crypticus South America 30.8 TL 2009
Platyurosternarchus macrostoma South America 40 TL 1870
Porotergus duende Known from the main chann 18.4 TL 2010
Porotergus gimbeli South America 24 TL 1912
Porotergus gymnotus South America 85 TL 1912
Sternarchella calhamazon South America 18.5 TL 2013
Sternarchella duccis South America 22.6 TL 1996
Sternarchella orinoco South America 22 TL 1994
Sternarchella orthos South America 30 TL 1994
Sternarchella patriciae South America 20.8 TL 2017
Sternarchella raptor South America 19.9 TL 1996
Sternarchella rex South America. 40.4 TL 2017
Sternarchella schotti South America 40 TL 1868
Sternarchella sima South America 40 TL 1913
Sternarchogiton labiatus South America 21.4 TL 2007
Sternarchogiton nattereri South America 25 TL 1868
Sternarchogiton porcinum South America 30 TL 1942
Sternarchogiton preto South America 21.7 SL 2007
Sternarchogiton zuanoni The single known sample o 17.8 TL 2010
Sternarchorhamphus muelleri South America 45.5 TL 1881
Sternarchorhynchus axelrodi Axelrod’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 60 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus britskii Britski’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 26.1 TL 2000
Sternarchorhynchus caboclo Cabocolo tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 22.6 TL 2006
Sternarchorhynchus chaoi Chao’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 16.4 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus cramptoni Crampton’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 33.1 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus curumim Curumim tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 18.1 TL 2006
Sternarchorhynchus curvirostris South America 40.6 TL 1887
Sternarchorhynchus freemani Freeman’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 20.1 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus galibi Galibi tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 20 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus gnomus Gnomus tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 15.2 TL 2006
Sternarchorhynchus goeldii Goeldi’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 30.6 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus hagedornae Hagedorn’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 24.9 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus higuchii Higuchi’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 24.6 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus inpai Inpa tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 22.2 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus jaimei Jamei’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 20 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus kokraimoro Kokraimoro tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 19.7 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus mareikeae Mareike’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 19.2 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus marreroi Marrero’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 27.8 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus mendesi Mendes’ tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 19.2 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus mesensis Mesensis tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 24.9 TL 2000
Sternarchorhynchus montanus Montanus tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 25.8 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus mormyrus Mormyrus tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 54 TL 1868
Sternarchorhynchus oxyrhynchus Oxyrhynchus tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 47 TL 1849
Sternarchorhynchus retzeri Retzer’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 38.2 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus roseni Rosen’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 41.7 TL 1994
Sternarchorhynchus schwassmanni South America 11.6 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus severii Severi’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 16.9 TL 2006
Sternarchorhynchus starksi Stark’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 37.4 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus stewarti Stewart’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 22.9 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus taphorni Taphorn’s tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 31 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus villasboasi Villasboas’ tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 13.6 TL 2010
Sternarchorhynchus yepezi Yepez’ tube-snouted ghost knifefish South America 28 TL 2010
Tembeassu marauna South America 19.6 TL 1998

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013